
  • 网络Line of credit;credit limit;Credit Line
  1. 我们已经习惯了,动辄上亿的,授信额度,在财政部,但是不是所有人都能拿到的。

    We get all used to the billion dollar line of credit at the treasury , but not all will somehow get it .

  2. 这些问题主要集中在银行对供应链金融中存在的风险认识不足,操作环节风险管理不够谨慎和授信额度管理存在漏洞等方面。

    These problems mainly origin from insufficient risk awareness of Supply Chain Finance , flaws in operational risk management and management of line of credit and so on .

  3. EVA和经济资本及银行授信额度

    EVA Economy Capital & Bank Credit-granting Quota

  4. 拉赫曼表示:我已经在树上呆够了。他的初创企业FairFinance刚开始提供贷款的时候,用的是拉赫曼个人信用卡上5000英镑的授信额度。

    I have done enough stuff chaining myself to trees , says Mr Rahman , whose fledgling enterprise , Fair Finance , started offering loans using the 5,000 limit on his personal credit card .

  5. 基于银行授信额度的Max-NPV项目调度问题研究

    Study on Bank Credit Limit Based Max-NPV Project Scheduling Problems

  6. 而Libor众所周知是从企业授信额度到汽车贷款的数万亿美元贷款的基准利率。

    And LIBOR , as the world now knows , is the basis for trillions of dollars in loans including everything from corporate lines of credit to auto loans .

  7. 经济资本引入银行授信额度领域,使银行对客户风险的把握更加精确,同时,将EVA作为银行业绩衡量指标会使银行资本和资产运用更充分,从而真正实现银行价值最大化。

    Economy capital makes banks more accurately master the client risk by introducing bank credit-granting quota , meanwhile , referring to EVA as a standard for bank performance will make bank capital and assets to be exploited more completely , hence truly realizing maximization of bank value .

  8. 我们一定会考虑提高你们的授信额度。

    And then we could always consider increasing the line .

  9. 对资信良好的企业适当发放信用贷款,增加授信额度。

    Providing loans or credit to creditworthy enterprises and increasing the credit lines .

  10. 我们有着健康的资产负债表和根本用不完的银行的贷款授信额度。

    We have a healthy balance sheet and more credit than we can use .

  11. 授信额度是指银行在一定时期内给予申请企业一定金额的信贷承诺。

    Credit line is the money which bank promises to offer in a period of time .

  12. 但这个事实并没有提高他的公司在肯银行里的授信额度。

    But this fact does not seem to have helped him to increase the level of business with Ken 's bank .

  13. 分析了国际贸易融资的主要方法,提出了以授信额度的方式进行国际贸易融资的风险管理。

    This essay introduces , in a systematic way , different means of financing in international trade and the appropriate measures of risk management .

  14. 这样,银行风险管理改进带来的利益会大于授信额度增加带来的好处,从而减少银行体系的风险。

    Thus , the benefits of advances in risk management in banking may be the greater credit availability to reduce risk in banking system .

  15. 在银行撤销公司任何授信额度时,迅即通知投资人,以及公司为恢复足够的银行授信所做的最大努力;

    Prompt notification of any withdrawal of bank facilities of the company , and the company 's best efforts to restore adequate banking facilities ;

  16. 本文从共生理论这一新的视角审视授信额度的核定模型,从理论上解决了影响因素的多重共线性问题。

    This paper uses symbiosis theory as a new perspective to examine the ratifying model for credit extension and solve in theory such multiple co-linear relationships .

  17. 中国外交部发言人洪磊拒绝说明北京会不会延长将于下月到期的40亿美元委内瑞拉授信额度。

    Hong Lei , Chinese foreign ministry spokesman , declined to specify whether Beijing would renew a $ 4bn Venezuelan credit line that comes due next month .

  18. 第二,银行借款的授信额度不同,国企一般比较容易获得银行贷款,而民营企业的贷款获则更难。

    The second line of credit , bank borrowings , the state-owned enterprises generally easier access to bank loans , and loans to private enterprises is more difficult .

  19. 目前对于土地储备贷款,银监会要求商业银行根据政府信用和财政状况,区别对待、重新核定授信额度;

    In terms of land reserve loans , the CBRC requires commercial banks to treat them differently according to the government credits and financial conditions , granting different credit accordingly .

  20. 不过,安德森承认,所有这些都有赖于银行互相保持授信额度,因为保持一个稳定的银行间市场符合它们的利益。

    Still , Mr Anderson concedes all this is dependent on banks maintaining lines to each other , since it is in their interest to maintain a stable interbank market .

  21. 现有研究授信额度问题的文献,或是从理论研究角度分析授信额度在银企关系中的角色与作用,或是从实证分析角度对授信额度的各种影响因素进行实证分析。

    Documents available on lines of credit either theoretically discuss the role and function of lines of credit in bank-enterprise relationship or empirically analyze all factors influencing lines of credit .

  22. 并基于中国的现实状况,利用现代资产组合理论建立了基于信贷规模总量控制、行业授信额度限制、区域授信额度限制下的组合风险优化模型,并采用假想案例进行说明。

    Considering realistic status , portfolio risk model is constructed with constraints of credit scale , industry credit scale and regional credit scale by the guide of modern capital portfolio theory .

  23. 不得以赠送礼品、换取积分、提高授信额度等为条件强制或诱导客户注销他行信用卡。

    They shall not , by giving gifts , granting points , increasing line of credit or offering other favorable conditions , force or seduce customers to cancel their credit cards issued by other banks .

  24. 这一现象产生的主要原因之一,就在于在传统融资模式下其授信额度不高很难获得大量的融资供其发展。

    One of the main causes of this phenomenon is that the line of credit is not high under the traditional financing model , and is difficult to obtain a lot of financing for its development .

  25. 并购贷款只能用于并购交易,该部分所需资金总量可作为计算授信额度的标准,目标企业在贷款期内实现的折现自由现金流量价值代表它的真实偿债能力。

    The total fund required can be seen as a standard for line of credit . In the loan period , the discounted value of the target company ' free cash flow indicates its real solvency .

  26. 出口商可以就单笔出口业务申请出口保险项下的押汇或人民币贷款,也可以先申请授信额度,再在额度内办理押汇或人民币贷款。

    Exporter may apply for an export to single export business under the Insurance Negotiating or RMB loans , you can also apply for credit line , and then within the limits for Documentary or RMB loans .

  27. 在此基础之上,规模因素将被提取出来,得到在只考虑违约成本的情况下,规模因素对授信额度的影响。

    Based on that then , the scale factor is extracted out of the default cost , and regardless of factors other than default cost , the effect of scale factor on line of credit is presented .

  28. 然后,本文抓住对供应链金融企业授信额度与传统企业授信的不同,建立相应的基于风险控制的授信额度模型,以此加强对供应链金融风险的控制。

    Then , this article focuses on the difference between Supply Chain Finance credit line and traditional credit line . And a model of credit line is set up to strengthen the risk control of Supply Chain Finance .

  29. 同时,笔者对该罪名的犯罪对象贷款进行了详细的介绍,并从认定罪名的角度对贷款的授信额度、委托贷款等疑难问题进行了阐述。

    Thereafter , from the angle of identifying the crime , the writer makes a detailed introduction of the target of the act , and sets forth such difficult and complicated issues as line of credit and entrusted loan .

  30. 2004年巴塞尔委员会提出了新的资本协议框架,提出了计算信用风险监管资本要求的内部评级法,从风险角度对授信额度的测算提出了新的要求。

    The framework of new Capital Accord released by Basel Committee in 2004 provided a new method to calculate the required regulatory capital based on the internal risk based method . It can be an important guideline for the calculation of credit line .