
chōu diào
  • transfer;draft
抽调 [chōu diào]
  • [transfer] 抽出调遣

  • 机关抽调了一批干部加强农业战线

抽调[chōu diào]
  1. 主教练将特别要求抽调这位运动员到他的队里做替补。

    The manager will make a special plea to draft the player into his squad as a replacement .

  2. 登陆部队是从亚历山大将军的兵力中抽调出来的,这就削弱了他的军事力量。

    The troops for the landing were taken from Alexander 's force and that put a brake on his operations .

  3. 部分讲师被临时抽调以救急。

    A few lecturers have been improvising to catch up .

  4. 利用自编研究生主观职业障碍问卷与职业探索行为问卷随机抽调了468名研究生进行调查。研究结论:(1)不同性别的研究生在主观职业障碍和职业探索行为上存在显著差异(P0.05)。

    And the author has investigated 468 graduate students for the survey by the questionnaire . Results : ( 1 ) There are significant differences in subjective occupation obstacles and exploratory behavior in occupation between different genders ( P0.05 ) .

  5. 它已经为Chady先生抽调了三组由麻省理工学院学生组成的团队,帮助他设计进军美国的策略。

    It had already supplied three teams of students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to help Mr Chady craft a strategy for America .

  6. 现正额外抽调警察去控制人群。

    Extra police are being drafted in to control the crowds .

  7. 他当即抽调一千名人员投入筑路。

    He had immediately diverted a thousand men to building a road .

  8. 大俱乐部把所有最佳选手都抽调走了。

    The big clubs siphon off all the best players .

  9. 并要他们抽调一万人加入王室军队.

    and command them to supply 10000 men to the Royal Army .

  10. 增援部队可以从欧洲抽调到其他地区去。

    Reinforcements can be diverted from Europe to other areas .

  11. 我们需要抽调更多的人手

    We need to pull in assets from the field .

  12. 眼下还无法断定有哪些部队可以抽调。

    It was impossible to decide now which troops could be used .

  13. 请他计划一下这一批卡车从哪里抽调。

    Tell him to work out where we can draw the trucks from .

  14. 更多的护士被抽调到前线去了。

    More nurses were drafted to the front .

  15. 他希望能抽调20000名游击队员协助推翻这个政府。

    He hoped to draft in a force of20000 guerrillas to help overthrow the government .

  16. 威尔逊将军渴望能够迅速采取行动,但是他的部队已被抽调一空。

    General Wilson was eager for swift action , but his command had been stripped .

  17. 他叫直属连里当家的上士给他抽调了一队人。

    He told the first sergeant of headquarters company to give him a detail of men .

  18. 要被抽调去华盛顿了。

    Had been transferred to washington .

  19. 出现紧急情况时,将会抽调任务不太紧急的人员前去支援。

    In an emergency , staff will be deverted from less urgent tasks to help out .

  20. 我想荪甫厂里也许可以抽调几个人出来。

    I was wondering if you could spare a few men from your own factory , sun-fu ?

  21. 我认为,我们应该可以从他们里抽调更多的驻扎在南朝鲜,留一手。

    I think we should park some more of those troops in South Korea just in case .

  22. 统一-网页标题会从扁平式的空间中抽调出来,没有必要附带任何解释。

    Unified-Page names will be drawn from a flat space so that noadditional context is required to interpret them .

  23. 我不知道届时球队中会有多少小将被抽调,但我是需要他们的。

    I don 't know how many of our players Pierluigi Casiraghi will choose , but I need them .

  24. 很可能在月底从我本土防御力量中抽调大批部队。

    It may well be possible at the end of this month to detach the larger consignment from our home defense .

  25. 那里的重力抽调更多的东西一起在地方一级、深能源拖船他们除了规模宏大的。

    Where gravity pulls things together at the more local level , dark energy tugs them apart on the grander scale .

  26. 他说,随着人员的抽调,公司只是浅尝辄止的一些项目团队也自然会缩小规模。

    Teams on projects the company is merely'fiddling with , 'he says , will get'naturally smaller as people get plucked off . '

  27. 两年期满的时候,一名地方党政官员把他从地里抽调出来负责革命标语的绘制。

    By the end of his two-year stint , a local party official had pulled him from the fields to paint revolutionary slogans . '

  28. 今天,工作人员接受了从全球暴发预警和应对网络抽调的社会动员和医学人类学专家的专门培训。

    Today , workers received specialized training from experts in social mobilization and medical anthropology drawn from the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network .

  29. 为支持这些努力,世界卫生组织已从全球疫情警讯和应对网络的研究所中抽调了更多专家参加感染的控制工作。

    To support these efforts , WHO has deployed additional experts in infection control drawn from institutions in the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network .

  30. 项目组成员包括从各地市抽调的相关专业的业务骨干以及系统设计公司的有关专业人员。

    The member of the project team come from all over the city related to the professional backbone of the business and system design related professionals .