
  • 网络projection plane;Plane of projection
  1. 经实例验证,所述3种方法可用于局部的GPS工程控制网的高程投影面选择。

    Through the verification of the practice , above mentioned three methods are useful for the choice of projection plane of local GPS engineering control net .

  2. 此结论为选择最佳水印投影面和设定检测阈值提供了参考依据,同时也为水印算法设计时如何折中透明性和鲁棒性提供了参考依据。

    This conclusion gives the reference for choosing best projection plane and threshold .

  3. 顾及投影面高程变化时GPS网与矿区控制网的坐标转换模型

    The Coordinate Transformation Model of GPS and Mining Area Control Networks When Take thing Height Varying of Projection Surface into Account

  4. 基于PC平台的CAVE系统的结构分析和各投影面投影变换阵的计算。

    The compose of CAVE based on PC and the calculation of projection matrix of each projection channel .

  5. 本文通过拉萨&贡嘎、GPS控制网的研究,根据地理位置不同,选择合适的中央子午线和基准投影面,是抵御长度变形的有效手段;

    According to the research on the GPS control nets in LASA , the conclusion is that it is an effective way to control the length deformation through choosing a proper central meridian and basic project plane according to the different location is generated .

  6. 在三维空间情况下,通过一种启发式方法的引入提取当前集合中的有效点,并利用这些有效点计算对应投影面上的Hypervolume指标值。

    In three-dimensional case , a heuristic method is incorporated to extract efficient points from the whole set , which are used to calculate the hypervolume value on the plane of projection .

  7. 悬挂耕地机组在水平投影面内若干平衡问题的讨论

    Discussion on the equilibrium problems of tractor-mounted plow in horizontal plane

  8. 高原地区不同坐标系及投影面引起的面积误差

    Area error caused by different data and projection surface in tableland

  9. 多投影面显示系统亮度均衡的实现

    Realization of Intensity Balancing for Multi - projector Display System

  10. 该视觉定位系统利用了线阵相机的快速性与高分辨率的特点,非平行空间投影面相交定位的基本原理,实现了这种结构下快速、高精度空间定位。

    High speed and high precision are the features of this position measurement system .

  11. 二维数据场的多投影面可视化方法

    Visualization for 2D data field in multi-project mode

  12. 直线与投影面倾角和的最大最小值求法探讨

    Method of Seeking the Maximum and Minimum Inclination Sum of a Straight Line to Projection Surface

  13. 提出了投影面体系分类法、投射方向分类法和物体分类法的视图三要素分类法;

    A three-element classification of views is proposed for classification of plants system , projected direction and object .

  14. 以统一的二维投影面作为交互平台确定分割平面。

    We regarded the 2D projection plane as an interactive plane to ascertain the area of the cut bone .

  15. 旋转视点正交投影面体视投影的垂直象差、转折点象差计算公式。

    Formula for computing vertical and turning point aberration of the revolution sight point orthogonal system of projection stereoprojection .

  16. 提出并论证了各种位置直线与平面相交,直线在相邻两投影面上可见性的投影规律。

    The projection sequence of plane graphs apex and relationship of the sequence and plane faces were discussed in this paper .

  17. 曲面法线平行于投影面时曲面曲线与投影曲率半径间的关系

    The Relation between the Curvatures of a Surface Curve and Its Image when the Surface Normal is Parallel to the Projection Plane

  18. 利用断层走向投影面上的落差等值线图,既可判断断层组合的正确性,又可以判断断层的成因。

    The utilization of fault throw contours on strike projection plane favours analysing both the reasonableness of fault point correlation and the fault genesis .

  19. 我们都知道对于相应的产品投影面,如果没有足够的锁模力的话,可能会有飞边产生。

    We all know that if you don 't have enough clamp force for the projected area of the parts , flash will result .

  20. 实物坐标系经过一系列变换通过三维显示的二维投影面与显示坐标系统一。

    World coordinate that had undergone some transform such as translation , and rotation was unified with display coordinate through2D projection plane of3D display coordinate .

  21. 转换时,通过对纹理投影面后的几何插值,生成退化几何,实现几何-纹理间的光滑过渡。

    Through the geometric interpolation behind the texture plane , degenerated geometry is produced , thus realizing smooth transition from geometric representation to texture mapping .

  22. 过空间一点S作与两投影面成定角(α、β)的平面数分析

    An analysis of the number of the planes constructed through a point s in space inclining at angles α and β to two protective planes

  23. 对银河系中心部分,投影面密度值比Toomre公式给出的密度值约高9%。

    For central part of the Galaxy , the projected surface density has increased about 9 % more than that given by Too-mre 's model .

  24. 方法三:基于平差软件的自定义坐标系统,采用任意中央子午线下测区平均高程面为投影面。

    Method three is , based on self-defining coordinate system of adjustment software , to take survey field average height as projection plane of option central meridian .

  25. 投影面可为基本投影面也可为新设的垂直面或一般位置平面。

    The projection plane may be the basic projection plane , newly-established vertical plane or common place plane , and the direction of the projection may slope .

  26. 本文主要介绍在Ⅱ、Ⅳ平分角面上及投影面垂直面上的斜投影变换,探讨了这种变换的应用。

    This paper mainly discusses the oblique projective transformation on the isometric plane of Planes ⅱ、ⅳ and on the plane vertical to the projective plane and its application .

  27. 本文介绍了仅用一个一般位置平面作为新投影面,再通过重合法求解最短距离的新方法。

    This paper introduces using only one general position plane as a new projection plane , and use the new method of coincidence to determine the shortest distance .

  28. 该方法采用角等分原则将二维纹理网格化后在三维坐标系中进行贴图从而实现几何校正,可以适用于投影面为柱面、球面、极坐标参数曲面以及投影机非正投影等情况。

    By mapping an average angle-divided grid to the three-dimensional display surface , the algorithm can realize geometrical calibration for large-scale display systems with curved screens and oblique projectors .

  29. 该曲线在平行其公共对称平面的投影面上的投影(下称正面投影)一般是双曲线,且多用找点法求出。

    Generally , the projection of the curve which projects on the plane parallel to its common symmetry plane is hyperbola , and it 's plotted by finding nodes .

  30. 阐述了向视图的投影面展开方法,投射方向及其表示方式等向视图的相关问题与向视图的正确画法;

    It also expounds the direction view corresponding problems and right drawing method such as the expansion method of projective plane of the direction view , projection orientation and expressions .