
  1. 到现在为止,学习技术标准仅仅规定了学习对象的信息交换标准。

    As for now , we have a few specifications of learning object only for its information communication .

  2. 再次,结合教师对培训内容的需求反馈意见和教育部有关中小学教师教育技术能力标准规定,对培训内容体系进行探索。

    Again , explored the content for the training system with the demand of training teachers ' feedback and educational technology competency standards for teachers that ministry provided .

  3. 本文论述起重机主梁的上拱度及预拱曲线的基本原理,介绍了国内外起重机技术标准中规定的上拱度值。

    This paper discusses the question of crane main girder camber and the pre-cambering curve , introducing camber values stipulated in related crane standards in China and abroad .

  4. 公共场所室内装修、装饰根据国家工程建筑消防技术标准的规定,应当使用不燃、难燃材料的,必须选用依照产品质量法的规定确定的检验机构检验合格的材料。

    The indoor fittings and decoration of public places using inflammable and flame retardant materials in accordance with requirements of the state technical standards on fire control for engineering construction , shall choose materials passing qualification check by inspection institution designated in accordance with regulations of the product quality law .

  5. 随着该产业的蓬勃发展,甚至连无人机制造商都在就技术的标准和规定进行询问。

    As the nascent sector grows , however , even drone manufacturers are asking for directions in terms of tech standards and regulation .

  6. 《编制建筑施工脚手架安全技术标准的统一规定》(修订稿)在脚手架的设计计算方面取得了重要成果。

    The Unified Code of Building Construction Scaffold and Its Security Technology Standard ( Revised Draft ) has been achieved of great results in the design and calculation of scaffold .

  7. 最后,将能确保汽车在山区高速公路上安全行驶的圆曲线最小半径和现行《公路工程技术标准》所规定的圆曲线最小半径进行了比较和分析。

    Finally , this paper compares and analyses the minimum radius of circular curve that can guarantee the automobile goes safely on mountain expressway and that has been prescribed in current technical standard of the highway engineering .

  8. 有关技术标准相互矛盾的规定,导致工程实践难以适从和混乱。

    Some relative technical standards are contradictory from each other .

  9. 技术标准化通过质量规定、多样化减少、兼容协调、网络效应等作用影响着这些要素,进而影响到了产业的国际竞争力。

    The technology standardization affects these factors by quality regulation , compatibility , variety reduction and network effects .