
jì shù bì lěi
  • technical barriers
  1. 建立TBT的预警机制、反技术壁垒体系;

    Setting early - warning mechanism and counter Technical barriers system ;

  2. 提出最小质量标准(MQS)作为贸易技术壁垒(TBT)来考虑,因为贸易技术壁垒的实质就是设定一个高于进口产品质量的标准,以阻碍进入。

    The paper proposed that the minimum quality standards ( MQS ) can be treated as technical barriers to trade ( TBT ) because TBT is to set a standard higher than the quality of imports essentially in order to block the entry .

  3. 以WTO为中心的国际社会对非公正技术壁垒作出了规制,但仍然存在许多缺陷。

    International society with WTO as the center has regulated non-just technical barrier , still with some defects .

  4. 加入WTO对中国汽车工业的影响标准化与贸易技术壁垒&入世后车辆产品标准化面临的新课题

    Standardization and Trade , Technology Barriers & The New Subjects of Standardization of Car Products after Entry into the World Trade Organization

  5. 研究表明,WTO规则下,我国农产品出口在面临国外技术壁垒措施的同时,也对农业结构的战略性调整也带来了难得的机遇。

    The research shows that at the time that the Chinese agricultural products is facing foreign technical barrier measures , it also has the rare chances for the strategic adjustment of the agriculture structure .

  6. 1993年,关贸总协定达成贸易技术壁垒协定(TBT)-WTO,其宗旨是限制贸易技术壁垒,要求尽可能采用统一的国际标准。

    In 1993 , the GATT came to an agreement to TBT , and required all the countries to try their best to adopt uniform international standards .

  7. 加入WTO后,面对强大的技术壁垒,中国企业必须重视技术标准战略,着手专利在标准战略中的应用,注意三个原则的适用,包括不排斥原则、专利披露原则和有偿原则;

    After WTO entry , Chinese enterprises have encountered the strong technology-barrier , working out proper patent strategy , practicing to use the patent in standard strategy , pay attention to three principles , including no repel , disclosing the patent and no free ;

  8. 在一个固定URL中的CVS文本ZIP文件并不是用于划分界限,而是尽可能地移除阻止参与到项目中的技术壁垒。

    A ZIP file of CSV text sitting at a fixed URL won 't win any awards for being cutting edge , but it removes nearly any possible technology barriers for participating in the program .

  9. 随着GATT和WTO的建立和发展,在多边贸易谈判的推动下,关税壁垒逐渐降低,其贸易保护的作用逐渐被以技术壁垒为主的非关税壁垒所取代。

    Along with development and the establishment of GATT and WTO in multilateral trading negotiation promote , tariff barriers reduces gradually , the protective role of its trade had been replaced gradually with the non-tariff barrier mainly with technical barriers .

  10. 回顾并分析了夏普与东元之间发生专利纠纷的背景、过程及解决的策略,结合LCD产业的专利分布及技术壁垒,提出我国LCD产业的专利策略。

    Based on the patent statistic and technology barrier of TFT-LCD industry , the article presents the patent strategies for TFT-LCD industry in China due to retelling and analyzing the background , experience and strategy of patent dispute between Sharp and Teco .

  11. 中重型柴油机应用非常广泛,长期以来国内柴油机设计工作主要依托国际知名的AVL,FEV等公司来进行,无形当中给国内的柴油机行业造成了技术壁垒。

    Mid-heavy-duty diesel engine is widely used , but the diesel engines ' design work has been always depending on internationally renowned companies such as AVL , FEV etc. , which intangibly creat a technical barrier to domestic diesel industry .

  12. 分析了国外对我国农产品出口实施技术壁垒的特点,阐述了如何突破国外技术壁垒,促进农产品出口。这一技术可以增加3dB带宽。

    This text analyzed the abroad characteristics towards our country agricultural produce export put technique bulwarks , and how to break the abroad technique bulwarks , and increase our country of agricultural product export .

  13. 关于在我国建立技术壁垒预警机制的研究

    Research on Establishing the Early Warning Mechanism of TBT in China

  14. 农产品出口如何面对国外技术壁垒

    How will the agricultural product export face the broad technique bulwarks

  15. 国际贸易技术壁垒体系引介

    The Introduction of the System for Barriers of International Business Technique

  16. 基于贸易技术壁垒的我国农产品出口对策

    Strategy of exporting agricultural products based on technical barriers to trade

  17. 技术壁垒与技术创新激励&贸易壁垒制度安排的国别差异

    Technical Barriers and Technical Innovation : International Differences of Institutional Arrangements

  18. 其中技术壁垒成为我国贸易过程中最大的障碍之一。

    Technical barrier becomes one of the biggest obstacles in trading .

  19. 技术壁垒下我国农产品的出口战略选择

    On the Strategic Selection of our Agricultural Products Exports under Technological Barrier

  20. 发达国家贸易技术壁垒体系浅析

    An Analysis for the System of Trade Technology Barrier in Developed Countries

  21. 如何突破食品安全技术壁垒

    How to break through the " technical barrier " of food safety

  22. 技术壁垒:中国入世面临的新挑战

    Technological Barrier : New Challenge Facing China After Entering WTO

  23. 首先,我们对贸易技术壁垒及其表现形式进行理论上的分析。

    First , we analyze TBT and its different forms .

  24. 技术壁垒与我国对策的思考

    Consideration of Technical Barrier and Our Country 's Countermeasures

  25. 世界贸易组织贸易技术壁垒协定与食用化学品标准化

    Agreement on technical barriers to trade of WTO and standardization of edible chemicals

  26. 贵州茶叶出口技术壁垒问题研究

    Research on the Technical Barrier in Exporting Guizhou Tea

  27. 我国出口贸易突破技术壁垒的对策研究

    Studying on How to Break Technical Barrier in Export Trade of Our Country

  28. 标准·专利·贸易技术壁垒

    Standard and Patent and the Non - tariff Barrier

  29. 贸易技术壁垒经济分析

    An Economic Analysis on Technical Barriers to Trade

  30. 贸易技术壁垒与技术标准战略

    Technical Barrier to Trade And Technical Standard Strategy