
  • 网络Technological property rights trading
  1. 基于TRIPs条款下的技术产权交易研究

    Analysis of Technological Property Rights Transaction Based on TRIPs Clauses

  2. 第四章总结了我国过去在建立OTC市场方面的经验教训,特别对技术产权交易市场存在的问题进行了较深刻的分析;

    The forth chapter concludes the experience and lessons of China 's traditional OTC market development and especially analyses the existing problems of technology property trading market .

  3. 我国技术产权交易之区域性特征研究

    Research on Regional Characteristic in China 's Technology & Property Exchange

  4. 我国技术产权交易市场存在的障碍因素及对策

    On the Obstacles and Countermeasures of China 's Technology Property Rights Market

  5. 技术产权交易的风险规避及其监管体系研究

    Research on Risk Evasion and Supervision System in the Exchange of Technical Property

  6. 关于西安市技术产权交易中心的调查报告&积极发展技术产权交易市场加快我国多层次资本市场体系建设

    Developing Actively Technology Rights Transaction Market , Speeding-up Multi-level Capital Market System Construction

  7. 论技术产权交易市场的制度环境

    On the institution environment of technology property rights market

  8. 山东技术产权交易蛋糕能做多大

    Rights of technology in Shandong

  9. 技术产权交易的发展已呈现出区域性特征并形成武汉孵化器模式等五大模式。

    With its development , technology & property exchange have appeared regional characteristic and formed 5 main models .

  10. 在竞争中发展深圳的技术产权交易市场

    Property Right Exchange Market

  11. 即将各园区的信息、技术产权交易连通,先区域后全国。

    That is , the transactions of data and technology are interconnected , first regional and then nationwide .

  12. 最后,基于不同角度对完善中国农业技术产权交易提出建议。

    Finally , some further suggestions on improving Chinese agricultural technology property right transaction are proposed from different angles .

  13. 技术产权交易市场是近年来在全国各地涌现的集技术交易、产权交易以及资本市场诸多功能于一身的新型交易市场。

    Technology & property exchange market is a new exchange market that comprises technology exchange , property exchange and some functions of capital market .

  14. 从新制度经济学的一个角度&契约理论来探讨技术产权交易的契特征,先从实践角度提出问题,再从理论角度探讨技术产权交易契约不同特征的原因,最后从实践角度给出具体说明。

    In this study , we analyzed the characteristics of technology exchange contract from the point of view of new institutional economics & contract theory .

  15. 分析了技术产权交易机构的重要作用,指出对技术产权交易活动进行规范的必要性;

    On the institution environment of technology property rights market The paper analyses the importance of technical property transaction and the necessity for its standardization .

  16. 文章使用了一套指标体系对吉林省技术产权交易市场效率进行了评估,并对结果进行了分析。

    This paper applies a system of evaluation targets to appraise the efficiency of Jinlin technology property right transaction market , and analyzes the result .

  17. 农业技术产权交易对农业科技成果应用于农业生产并最终促进农产品出口产生了重要影响。

    Agriculture technology property right transaction has important influents on the process that agricultural technology innovation applied to agricultural production to promote agricultural products export eventually .

  18. 理论和实践表明,技术产权交易这一创新交易模式具备高效资源配置、理性投资、价值发现、完善风险投资体系等功能。

    Theory and practice show that technology & property exchange market has many functions such as high efficient resource allocation , rational investment , price finding , improvement of the venture capital system etc. .

  19. 经历了发展的高潮与低谷,以技术产权交易市场为代表的新型产权交易市场又开始在我国各地不断涌现。

    Since then , the equity exchange market has come through flexuous development . And after that technology and equity exchange market emerged as the new form of the equity exchange market in the national range .

  20. 技术产权交易市场自2000年起蓬勃发展,使技术交易中的定价问题日益突出。技术产权的主要特征与美式看涨期权极为相似,因此,应用一般商品的定价方法显然会低估技术产权的价值。

    The prosperity of technique trade market since 2000 makes the pricing more and more outstanding . Technological property is very similar to the characters of American call option , so its value can be underestimated by the traditional assets assessment methods .

  21. 这种创新型市场主要通过对原来技术交易市场、产权交易市场的创新以及重新设立等形式而产生。

    This innovative market is formed from the innovation and rebuilding of the former technology exchange market , property exchange market .

  22. 在技术产权价值实现的保障机制研究中,对我国技术产权价值实现中的保障机制的现状、技术产权交易保障基金等方面的内容进行了研究。

    Seventhly , the paper researches the present condition of the ensuring mechanism in our country , the ensuring fund and some other content in the ensuring mechanism 's establishing .

  23. 本文对技术产权所的存在价值、功能性质、组织管理、市场结构、运行模式以及支撑手段等问题进行了分析,初步描述了技术产权交易市场的复杂运行规律。

    This paper analyzes the function , management , market structure , operating mechanism and supporting means and reveals the complicated implementing laws governing technology property exchange market .