
zhí xínɡ jú
  • executive board;executive council
  1. 体育建筑专业委员会成立同时评选全国中小型体育馆竞赛方案第23届IASPEI大会及其执行局会议概述


  2. 本文较详细地介绍了1985年8月19&30日在日本东京举行的第23届国际地震与地球内部物理学协会(IASPEI)大会及其执行局会议概况,内容包括:本次大会的一般概况;

    This paper gives a detailed review of the 23rd General Assembly of IASPEI that took place in Tokyo , Japan , 19 & 30 August , 1985 and its Executive Committee Meetings , inc - luding : a brief account of the General Assembly ;

  3. 大学远程教育执行局

    Executive Board for Distance Education at University and College Level

  4. 执行局未来工作和程序问题工作组

    Working Group on the Future Work and Procedures of the Executive Board

  5. 信息、执行局事务和资源调动司;

    Information , executive board and resource mobilization division ;

  6. 联合国人口基金执行局

    Executive board of the United Nations Population Fund

  7. 跟移民和海关执行局去说吧。

    Tell it to immigration and customs enforcement .

  8. 联合国开发计划署和联合国人口基金执行局

    Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme and of the United Nations Population Fund

  9. 执行局秘书处和机构间事务处

    Executive Board Secretariat and Inter-agency Affairs

  10. 被占领家园事务执行局

    Executive Bureau for Occupied Homeland Affairs

  11. 执行局的设立大大提高了行政效率,降低了行政成本。

    The establishment of executive agency improved the efficiency of administration greatly and reduced the administrative cost .

  12. “吉祥大运纪念章”经深圳第26届世界大学生夏季运动会组委会执行局授权制造发行。

    This " Auspicious Universiade Shenzhen Commemorative Medallion " is manufactured by authorization of the Executive Office of the Organizing Committee for the26th Summer Universiade , Shenzhen .

  13. 组委会的编码和命名委员会和组委会执行局认为医生必须教育自己和工作人员的适当的编码和计费方式。

    ACOG 's Committee on Coding and Nomenclature and ACOG 's Executive Board believe physicians must educate themselves and their staff about appropriate coding and billing practices .

  14. 商务部对外援助司执行局受商务部委托,负责对外援助项目的招投标、实施及其相关工作。

    Foreign Aid Department of Commerce , the Ministry of Commerce commissioned by the Executive Board is responsible for foreign aid projects bidding , implementation and related work .

  15. 当分裂的董事会,其成员被置于两个新的执行局根据机制从上到下,从左到右优先算法。

    When the board splits , the members are placed in two new boards based upon the mechanism of top to bottom , left to right priority algorithm .

  16. 亨利皮埃尔的儿子阿尔弗雷德亨利“弗雷迪”喜力啤酒,开始在该公司于1940年,和1971年被任命为执行局主席。

    Henry Pierre 's son , Alfred Henry " Freddy " Heineken , started working at the company in1940 , and1971 was appointed Chairman of the Executive Board .

  17. 这项新研究由英国卫生与安全执行局、英国癌症研究所和英国医学研究委员会资助,于上周四在国家癌症研究所期刊上发表。

    The new research , funded by the British Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) , Cancer Research U.K. and the U.K. Medical Research Council , was published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute last Thursday .

  18. 健康与安全执行局首席科学顾问安德鲁·柯伦教授表示:“通过比较有和没有夜班工作经验的女性,这项新的研究发现,夜班对“女性乳腺癌发病率几乎没有或没有影响”。

    Comparing women with and without night shift work experiences , the new study founded that night shifts has " little or no effect on breast cancer incidence in women , " said Professor Andrew Curran , chief scientific adviser for the HSE .

  19. 但是我是在执行警察局委员的命令。

    But I 'm acting under orders of the police commissioner .

  20. 职员执行本局指派的任务,公平对待民众。

    Staff handle tasks assigned by Council and treat members of the public in a fair manner .

  21. 同时,将执行警务局人员的身份全部警察化,并严格实行准入、选任、培训、管理、奖惩等制度。

    Meanwhile , the personnel in Executive Police Bureau should be police . Strict access , appointment , training , management , encouragement and punishment of polices should be carried out .

  22. 执行警务局主要行使执行立案权、执行命令权、执行措施施行权、异议复议裁决权、处罚决定权、司法警务权、事务管理权等七项权力。

    Executive Police Bureau carries the power of executive case filing , executive order , executive measure enforcement , objection reconsideration adjudication , punishment decision , judicial police matter and affair management .

  23. 一切已渐入佳境,本局亦已准备就绪,执行本局的行动计划,我们乐意相信本局定能为改善法律援助服务作出贡献。

    With the building blocks moving into position , and our action plan set in motion , we are reasonably optimistic that Council will have much to offer to improve legal aid services .

  24. 他表示,此次突击搜查是一个相当荒谬的借口,且警方是在执行联邦安全局(FederalSecurityService)的命令。该机构是前苏联克格勃(KGB)实力强大的继承者。

    He described the raid as a pretty ridiculous pretext and said the police were carrying out the orders of the Federal Security Service , the powerful successor to the Soviet KGB .

  25. 为配合条例的执行,积金局已向服务提供者发出重要指引,协助他们办理牌照申请及遵守有关的法例规定。

    To facilitate the enforcement of the mpfso , the MPFA has issued all the major guidelines to serve providers to help them prepare for licensing applications and compliance with the various statutory requirements .

  26. 另外,由于土地增值税和物业税都是地税,具体的执行需要地方税务局进行操作。

    In addition , because the land value-added tax and property tax are the tax needs of the local implementation of specific operation of the IRD .

  27. 深圳洗衣机维修中心,2、安心维修:严格执行深圳市物价局,行业协会收费标准,合理收费。

    Shenzhen washing machine repair center , 2 , ease of repair : strict implementation of Shenzhen City Price Bureau , the industry association fees , reasonable fees .

  28. 蒙古国民事案件的执行机构是判决执行局,具体负责民事案件的执行与监督。

    The executive institution of the civil cases in Mongolia is the trial executive office , responsible for the execution and supervision of the civil cases .

  29. 执行机构可以在法院成立执行局,内设执行一庭、执行二庭和综合处。

    Execution organs can set up executing bureaus with Courts one and Court two and a colligated office .

  30. 其次,在分权监督的具体设想上,认为:以基层法院执行为主,中级法院执行为补充;执行裁决庭与执行局应并列,互不隶属;将执行官纳入基层司法局编制。

    Secondly , in the specific ideas of decentralized supervision : mainly depends on grass-roots courts , middle courts are the supplement ; the execution of court rulings should be parallel with the Executive Board ; the executers should be included in the grass-roots Justice Bureau .