
suǒ jiàn jí suǒ dé
  • 熟语WYSIWYG;what you see is what you get
  1. 整套软件采用Visualc++程序设计语言开发,软件界面简洁友好,真正体现了所见即所得的思想。

    Package of software development using the Visual c + + programming language , software interface simple friendly , truly reflects what you see is what you get .

  2. 通过PapersCloud,用户可以使用所见即所得、Latex宏命令源码和向导三种方式编辑科研论文。

    Users can edit their papers with three methods : The What You See Is What You Get method , the Latex Macro Command Source Code method and the Composing-free or Wizard method .

  3. 在浏览器上模拟WORD所见即所得的编辑功能一直是比较难以解决的一个难题。

    It is always a problem to simulate some functions of the Word editor in browsers .

  4. MM-TEXT模式下数字地图任意区域所见即所得打印效果的实现

    The Actualization of Printing Random Area of Digital Map in WYSWYG and MM_ - TEXT Model

  5. 由于它们使用颜色、黑体字和其它排版属性来模仿能处理XML内容的字处理器,因此被称为“伪所见即所得”。

    They are called " pseudo-WYSIWYG " because they use color , boldness , and other typographic attributes to emulate a word processor with XML content .

  6. 因为VisualEditor是一个所见即所得图形化编辑器,所以利用它很容易在用户接口中获得您想要的外观和行为。

    Because it 's a WYSIWYG graphical editor , Visual Editor makes it easy to get the appearance and behavior you want in your user interface .

  7. 有了WorkplaceForms,就可以使用容易使用的所见即所得(WYSIWYG)表单设计器快速而高效地设计基于标准的安全的表单。

    With Workplace Forms , you can quickly and efficiently design standards-based , secure forms , using an easy-to-use WYSIWYG form designer .

  8. 获得国外网站五星级评价的CSS所见即所得编辑器,透过这套软件您可以编辑出更好更完整的CSS。

    Evaluation of access to foreign websites star CSS WYSIWYG editor , you can edit the software through a better and more complete CSS .

  9. 这是一个没有所见即所得(WYSIWYG)或复杂预览功能的纯编辑器。

    This is a pure editor without WYSIWYG or elaborate preview capabilities .

  10. 坦率地说,这两个变化可能需要不少工作量,因为这么多所见即所得编辑器和web应用程序开发框架生成可怕的侵入式JavaScript代码。

    To be honest , these two changes may take a bit of work , as so many WYSIWYG editors and web application development frameworks generate horribly obtrusive JavaScript right out of the box .

  11. 色彩管理是地图出版信息所见即所得的基础,本文分析了开放式色彩管理的基本原理,介绍了基于Profile文件的设备颜色特征的描述方法,并论述了开放式色彩管理中颜色转换的方法。

    Color management is the basis of WYSIWYG . Firstly , The author introduces the theory of open color management system , including the device characterization based on Profile and the conversion among different color spaces .

  12. 国产手机;MTK平台;所见即所得模式;用户体验;UI设计原则;

    Domestic mobile phone ; Platform of MTK ; the mode of WYSIWYG ; User experience ; the principle of UI design ;

  13. 第一阵营是采用一个所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的编辑器比如Dreamweaver来设计和发布网页。

    The first camp uses a WYSIWYG editor like Dreamweaver to design and publish a web page .

  14. 在脚本行为中的WYSIWYG(所见即所得)数据

    WYSIWYG data on script behavior

  15. GEF建立于本地Eclipse图形化工具集SWT之上,以使得开发一个图形化编辑器或者所见即所得文本编辑器更为容易。

    GEF builds upon the native Eclipse graphical toolkit , SWT , to make it easier to develop a graphical editor for diagrams or WYSIWYG text editors .

  16. 这个方法将为我们提供WYSIWYG(“所见即所得”)的建议。

    This method will supply us with WYSIWYG (" what you see is what you get ") completion proposals .

  17. Dreamweaver是目前在网站开发中使用最为广泛的一种软件,因其所见即所得的使用方式而大受欢迎。

    Dreamweaver is a kind of software which is be used widely in development of website because it adopts what-you-see-is-what-you-get method .

  18. 他们的“所见即所得”(WYSIWYG)编辑器很有特色,还可以让你将笔记下载到你的电脑上。

    They have a full featured WYSIWYG editor , and also allow you to download your notes to your computer .

  19. 实现了所见即所得模式的报表输出,而且导入功能非常强大,不仅可以导入word格式监督文书,各种excel格式的报表也可以直接导入。

    It implements the wysiwyg mode of report output , and the import function is very powerful , not only can import the word format of monitoring instruments , but also all kinds of excel format report also can import directly .

  20. 为了证实他们是所见即所得,NASA科学家们向六位没有接触该项空间工程的地质专家讨教经验。

    And to make certain they were seeing what they thought they were seeing , the NASA scientists sought the experience of a half-dozen geological experts who had nothing to do with the space project .

  21. 为了能够创建动态的虚拟场景,并且不必再面对大量枯燥的代码和复杂的语法,VRML文件的编写者们迫切需要一种所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的开发环境。

    In order to construct dynamic and various virtual scenes and not to face with lots of codes and complex syntax , VRML programmers urgently need a WYSIWYG developing environment .

  22. Wiki一般允许任何人使用WYSIWYG(所见即所得)编辑器创建新的页面或者查看和编辑已有的页面。

    Wikis usually allow anyone to create new pages and to view and edit existing ones using a WYSIWYG ( What You See Is What You Get ) editor .

  23. 通过VBA以及OBV技术完成VB程序对数据库进行读取,通过VB所见即所得完成程序的主要人机交互界面的设计。

    Through OBV and VBA technology , the VB program the database accesses , by VB " what you see is what you get " complete program mainly the man-machine interface design .

  24. 用户界面是完全所见即所得(WYSIWYG)的,这帮助减少表单的最初设想与最终实现之间的差异。

    The user interface is completely WYSIWYG , to help ensure that little is lost between the form as originally envisioned and its ultimate implementation .

  25. 交互式图形以其隐喻、直接操作、所见即所得、具有视觉文化和审美价值、交互具有精确性等优点在PC时代被广泛应用。

    The Interactive Graphics has been widely used on PC platform by its numerous merits , including metaphor ability 、 direct manipulation and the feature that what you see is what you get . Furthermore , we can experience visual culture and aesthetic value from interactive graphics .

  26. 设计了一个所见即所得的,以MathML标识语言作为存储格式的在线公式录入系统,有利于数理公式以文本的形式在网络上传输,解决了远程教育及相关领域的一个技术瓶颈。

    This paper designed a WYSWYG online formula input system based on MathML , in order to transmit and present the scientific formula in plain text on the network .

  27. 从一定意义上说,Blueprint提供了真正的所见即所得的(WYSIWYG)网页设计,因为您的原型将使用与最终站点相同的代码。

    In a sense , Blueprint provides true WYSIWYG ( what you see is what you get ) Web page authoring , because your prototype uses the same code as the eventual production site .

  28. 针对Delphi中报表工具不能创建复杂报表或者动态报表的不足,给出了一种所见即所得、面向用户的Delphi高级图文报表的实现原理和关键技术。

    General report tools in Delphi cant create complex report or dynamic report . Introduced an advanced user-oriented plot and text report in Delphi environment , which is flexible , WYSIWYG and changeable according to users requirement in any time , including during the preview process .

  29. 报表预览,所见即所得。

    Preview the report what you see is what you will have .

  30. 所见即所得。

    What you see is what you get .