
fánɡ wū kōnɡ zhì lǜ
  • housing vacancy rate
  1. 同时,目前房地产投资存在盲目性,已导致房屋空置率居高不下,给经济带来严重影响。

    For investment in real estates existence blindness , it has caused housing vacancy rate to stay at a high level at present , and has brought the serious influence to the economy .

  2. 考虑到房屋空置率与房贷风险累积银行的原因,解决四大银行不良资产问题必须以住房抵押贷款证券化作为资产证券化的突破口。

    Considering the reasons for the housing vacancy rate and housing loan risks of the bank , we should take the Mortgage-backed Security ( MBS ) as the breakthrough point of the ABS to solve the non-performing assets problem of the four major banks .

  3. 致使海南岛内房屋空置率极高。

    So , these housing Vacancy Rates is very high .

  4. 随着经济缓慢复原,房屋空置率下降,国内土地价格及房屋租金也开始上升。

    As the economy slowly recovered , vacancy rates declined and national land prices and rents increased .

  5. 底特律的房屋空置率很高,对于当地大量的低收入人群来说租不起房屋。

    While the apartment vacancy rate in Detroit is high , renting remains unaffordable to the area 's large low-income population .

  6. 事实上,那些有两套甚至三套房子的人,并没有把他们多余的房子都出租出去,因此,房屋空置率很高。

    In fact , property owners don 't rent out their second and / or third homes resulting in a high vacancy rate .

  7. 2000年以后建成的房屋空置率目前超过了8%,而且随着更多贷款违约现象的出现,这一比例还会进一步上升。

    The vacancy rate for homes built after 2000 now exceeds 8 per cent and could rise further as more homes slide into default .

  8. 美国的零售业很可能建设过度了,根据美国房产经纪人协会的统计,2011年第四季度的房屋空置率为16.9%。

    America 's retail sector is probably overbuilt ; in the fourth quarter of 2011 , according to the National Association of Realtors , its vacancy rate was 16.9 % .

  9. 第三章首先分析了房地产市场所存在的区域性房地产泡沫风险,房价下跌风险、房屋空置率高、房地产投机热潮的风险。

    The third chapter analyzes present risk of the real estate industry , including regional risk of high price bubble , decrease of housing price , high housing vacancy rate , speculation boom .

  10. 过高的房价不仅会提高房屋空置率,占用大量资金,而且还制约相关产业的发展,影响宏观经济的运行。

    The house vacancy rate , the impropriate use of a great deal of fund , the restrictions of relevant industries and the bad influences on macroeconomic can be the result of over-high house prices .

  11. 深入分析了建设用地开发潜力,重点从人均用地面积、平均容积率和城镇房屋空置率以及建设用地开发总体趋势四方面进行研究。

    We studied the development potential of built-up land use , put emphasis on per - capita land use area , average floor area ration and town building vacancy rate as well as total exploitation trend of built-up land use .

  12. 第二是住宅专项维修资金使用难,造成住宅专项维修资金使用难的原因很多,譬如小区房屋空置率高、房屋出租率高、业主的公共意识不强等。

    Second is that the special housing repair funds is difficult to use , this situation is caused by many reason , such as residential housing vacancy rate is high , housing rental rates are high , the public awareness of the owners is not strong .

  13. 应采取调解住房供给结构性矛盾、平抑商品房价格、加强监督和管理及采取一系列优惠等措施,解决中国房屋空置率过高的问题。

    We should adopt to mediate the constitutive contradiction of the housing supplying , hold down the commodity apartment price , strengthen the surveillance and the management , and take measures such as a series of preferential benefits so as to solve the Chinese house vacant oversized rate .