
  1. 1813年的今天,莱比锡战役结束,成为拿破仑·波拿巴最大的战败之一。

    In1813 , The Battle of Leipzig concludes , giving Napoleon Bonaparte one of his worst defeats .

  2. 国家版权局表示,在战役结束时他们将从三个月处理的网上盗版案件中选出前十例。

    Upon the conclusion of the campaign , the top ten online piracy cases will be chosen from the cases they handle during the three-month campaign , according to the NCA .

  3. 尤其是运动初期(截止于五次战役结束)的宣传,规模大、形式多,最具研究价值。

    The propaganda in initial period of the campaign ( by the end of Fifth Campaign in War ) was especially large in scale , having various types and the greatest research value .

  4. 不理智山战役结束后,华盛顿抵达波士顿,在当地征集士兵和军需品,并于1776年初在能够俯瞰波士顿的高地设置哨所、安置枪支枪支是在蒂康德加要塞缴获的。

    Arriving in Boston after the Battle of Breed 's Hill , Washington gathered men and supplies , and early in 1776 placed the guns captured at Fort Ticonderoga on the heights overlooking Boston .

  5. 杰尼索夫显然竭尽全力地使罗斯托夫少遇危险,爱护他,在战役结束之后,特别高兴地迎接他这个平安归来的人。

    There was no doubt that Denisov tried to take care of Rostov , and to expose him as rarely as possible to danger , and after action it was with unmistakable joy that he saw him return safe and sound .

  6. 我自认为这次战役将结束这场战争。

    I flatter myself that this campaign will put an end to the war

  7. 波尔塔瓦战役也结束了乌克兰从俄罗斯独立出来的野心。

    Poltava also ended Ukrainian s for independence from Russia .

  8. 突尼西亚战役之结束是非常满意的。

    The outcome of the Tunisian compaign was of course eminently satisfactory .

  9. 每一个人都在庆祝诺森德战役的结束。

    Everyone celebrates the end of the Northrend campaign .

  10. 现在我们正在完成一场战役,结束今年的常规赛,并且尽力的保持现在强盛的势头!

    Now we are in a battle to finish strong and carry out the season , just trying to keep momentum rolling .

  11. 1945年,二战冲绳岛战役正式结束,12520名美国人和110000名日本人在81天的战争中丧生。

    In1945 , the world war two battle for Okinawa officially ended ; 12520 Americans and110000 Japanese were killed in the81-day campaign .

  12. 每年有25万游人来参观这个战场,这个数字相当可观,要知道这次战役已经结束了这么久了。

    Each year , a quarter of a million people tour this battlefield , a remarkable number , considering the battle was fought so long ago .

  13. 这一仗标志着诺曼底战役的结束,盟军解放法国,法兰西共和国恢复和维希政府灭亡。

    This battle marked the end of Operation Overlord , the liberation of France by the Allies , the restoration of the French Republic and the exile of the Vichy government to Sigmaringen in Germany .

  14. 或许拯救雅虎的战役还未结束,抑或这家公司已经走入又一波失败的终点。

    Maybe the fight to save Yahoo is almost over . Or maybe the company is just coming to the end of another losing season .

  15. 我们取得了极大的进展,但是我必须强调:这场对抗烟草的战役还没有结束,斗争还在继续。

    So that 's really made incredible headway , yet I have to emphasize the battle is not over , the war is not over .

  16. 联合国官员安东尼·班伯里警告称被感染及死亡的人数越来越少。但对抗埃博拉的战役远未结束。

    Fewer people are getting infected and fewer are dying from it . But the battle against Ebola is far from over , warned the U.N. official , Anthony Banbury .

  17. 谁都知道只消一个战役便能结束战争,生怕战争很快结束了。每个青年人都急急忙忙去报名投军,他们同样急急忙忙跟自己的心上人结婚,好立即赶到弗吉尼亚去给北方佬打一捧子。

    Everyone knew that one battle would end the war and every young man hastened to enlist before the war should end & hastened to marry his sweetheart before he rushed off to Virginia to strike a blow at the yankees .

  18. 共有超过15万名士兵参加战役,当战斗结束时,有超过5万名士兵死亡、受伤或失踪了。

    Over 150000 total soldiers converged on the scene , and when the battle was over as many as 50000 were killed , wounded , or missing .

  19. 这使各国央行行长获得了更大的自由度,他们基本上已成功控制住了通货膨胀不过在南亚,这场战役还远未结束。

    That has given greater freedom to central bankers , who have largely succeeded in keeping inflation in check although the battle is far from over in South Asia .