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jiè lǜ
  • commandment;precept;taboo;religious discipline
戒律 [jiè lǜ]
  • [religious discipline] 教徒必须遵守的生活准则

戒律[jiè lǜ]
  1. 佛教文化的发展也不可避免地具有封闭性而日趋本土化,形成了具有地域特色而与中原佛教不相一致乃至背离戒律的现象。

    So did the development of Buddhism culture , it formed a unique regional feature , inconsistent with the inland Buddhism and even deviated from the religious discipline .

  2. 在保持固有的戒律性、出世性、精神性和个体性的基础上,接受了传统报应观的伦理性、现世性和功利性。

    While it kept its religious discipline , idea of future life , spiritualism and individualism , it also in some degree accepted the traditional Retributive moral principles , the idea of current life and utilitarianism .

  3. 知识的戒律仍然高于意志的戒律。

    The commandment of knowledge is yet higher than the commandment over the will .

  4. 喻)戒律洁白,可以庄严人身,好像晶莹可爱的宝珠。

    The commandments , or rules , are like pure white pearls adorning the wearer . (

  5. sin违反道德准则;违犯戒律。

    Offend against a moral principle ;

  6. 明年,包含大量新规戒律的《多德-弗兰克法案》(dodd-frankact)将开始生效。

    The Dodd-Frank act , which contains a raft of new rules and restrictions , will start to bite next year .

  7. 然后,我阅读了jQuery“戒律”,它是为确保插件的一致性而设置的插件规则。

    Then I read the jQuery plug-in commandments , rules that are put in place to ensure that plug-ins are consistent across authors .

  8. 我不但要试着在大会给我的18分钟时限中完成,并且遵守TED的严格戒律:

    And I 'm gonna try and do that within the 18-minute time span that we were told to stay within , and to follow the TED commandments :

  9. 此外,与大多数普遍的相反要划分三个步骤:戒律Sãla,三摩地Samàdhi和智慧Pannà,它添加了第四段叫做为解脱Vimutti。

    Further , contrary to the most popular division of the three steps : S ã la , Sam à dhi and Pann à, it adds a fourth called Vimutti .

  10. 不好意思,热情待客难道不是manushyayajna的一个方面吗?那不是印度教家庭的五大宗教戒律之一么?

    Sheldon : Excuse me , but isn 't hosting guests an aspect of " manushya yajna , " one of the five central religious duties or sacrifices of the Hindu householder ?

  11. 坚持严格的宗教戒律的人;反对感官享乐的人。

    Adheres to strict religious principles ; opposed to sensual pleasures .

  12. 上帝给你们的第一戒律是什么?

    What is the first commandment the LORD God gave us ?

  13. 在禁烟的苏格兰,此刻,她正打破戒律。

    In a smoking-free Scotland , she is breaking the law .

  14. 第一章对佛教戒律及其分类进行阐述。

    The first chapter describes the Buddhist precepts and their classification .

  15. 都只为那白氏蛇妖犯戒律。

    All this is because the White Snake violates the commandments .

  16. 第三,为什么上帝的戒律必然具有道德权威性?

    Third , why should God 's commandments be morally authoritative ?

  17. 她被藩蓠、法律及外来的戒律赶下了马。

    She was unhorsed by fences , laws and alien taboos .

  18. 这些戒律只是古代法律的补丁条例

    The commandments are just modern updates of more ancient laws .

  19. 戒律五:坦诚待人,会使你易受伤害。

    Do good anyway . 5.Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable .

  20. 西南基督教教会不吸鸦片戒律探讨

    On the Commandment of Not Taking In Opium of Southwest Christianity Church

  21. 年轻的和尚们宣誓禁欲,并遵守戒律。

    The young monks took vows of chastity and obedience .

  22. 部落的戒律禁止曼丁卡人吃猴肉和狒狒肉。

    Tribal taboos forbade the mandinkas to eat the monkeys and baboons .

  23. 造就猛利的业就是戒律清净。

    Creating good karmas refers to achieving pure ethical discipline .

  24. 一个人这样行,这就是持有戒律。

    If one acts thus , this is the upholding of sila .

  25. 此时,戒律便显得更加重要。

    In this case , Vinaya obviously becomes more important .

  26. 我向你们下达最后一条戒律。

    I will issue one last commandment to you all .

  27. 佛教戒律与唐代妇女家庭生活

    Buddhist Disciplines and Women 's Family Life in Tang Dynasty

  28. 以下是帮助你过上好生活的十条戒律。

    Here are ten commandments to help you live a good life .

  29. 五种戒律构成佛教的基本道德准则。

    Five precepts constitute the basic moral code of Buddhism .

  30. 饮食的戒律在瑜伽练习中是不容忽视的。

    The discipline of food is very very necessary for yoga practice .