
  1. 正因为如此,肖恩教授说如果我和你谈艺术,你可能会givemetheskinnyoneveryartbook,把每本艺术书都粗浅的讲给我听。

    Will Sean : So if I asked you about art , you 'd probably give me the skinny on every art book ever written .

  2. 我还和明尼阿波利斯艺术中心有联系。

    I still have contacts with the Minneapolis art center .

  3. 这就是我的人生和艺术追求!

    This is my life and the artistic pursue !

  4. 我相信自然和艺术中的美丽就是一种值得崇尚的文化。

    I believe in the worshipful cultivation and enjoyment of the beauty in nature and art .

  5. 我喜欢科学和艺术,也浮潜,潜水,探险洞穴,游绳和攀爬。

    I enjoy Science and Art and also snorkeling and scuba diving , caving , abseiling and climbing .

  6. 她说:“通过我的语言和艺术作品——我想告诉人们你可以做成任何你想做的事情,即使是像我这样一位四肢不全的女性”。

    She said : " I have my words and I havemy art - I want to show people you can do whatever you want , even me as a womanwithout limbs .

  7. 我和我的毕业艺术学士程度从2006年的EmilyCarr大学艺术与设计,在绘画的主要重点。

    I graduated with my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Emily Carr University of Art and Design in2006 with a primary focus in painting .

  8. 我要和祖父母去艺术馆。

    I am going to the gallery with my grandparents .

  9. 对于文学意境的审美,也是我国艺术实践和艺术理论上众说纷纭的重要课题之一。

    The appreciation of artistic conception also becomes an important subject in art theory and practice .

  10. 魏晋南北朝是我国文学史和艺术史上一个重要的变革时期。

    Wei-Jin and Southern-Northern Dynasties is an important period of changing in the history of literature and art .

  11. 我和王家卫、他的艺术总监张卓庆有过合作,跟着这些大师学了不少东西,学习他们怎样组合视觉画面。

    I worked with Wong Kar-wai and his art director , William Cheung . I learned from these masters ─ how they put the visuals together .

  12. 在我国传统文化和艺术,鱼和水的设计,象征繁荣和收获,所以贝贝携带的祝福繁荣。

    In China 's traditional culture and art , the fish and water designs are symbols of prospering and harvest , and so Beibei carries the blessing of prosperity .

  13. 我将举办使我富有和出名的艺术展览会。

    I 'm going to hold art exhibitions that will make me rich and famous .

  14. 而且,我还代表了美国许多家文化和艺术基金会,因为我相信文化和艺术也影响政治。

    There has been no other country impacted by as much legislation coming out from the Senate and the House of Representatives .

  15. 我母亲思想前卫,给予了我文化和艺术的熏陶。

    My mother was ahead of her time . She surrounded me with culture and art .

  16. 如果我对此还不是门外汉的话,我以为,科学和艺术乃是自然这枚圣牌的正反面。

    If I understand the matter at all , science and art are the obverse and reverse of Nature 's medal ;

  17. 选择黄自艺术歌曲为研究对象,我有以下两点考虑:一方面黄自先生对我国近代音乐和艺术歌曲发展的影响。

    Chooses yellow from the art song is the object of study , I have the following two considerations : On the one hand Mr. Huang Zi to our country modern times music and art song development influence .