
ɡǎn wù rén shēnɡ
  • become aware of the meaning of life
  1. 因为有了你,我学会了感悟人生。

    Because of you , I learned insights of life .

  2. 无撼,着意感悟人生。

    Never repented , is willing to feel the lives .

  3. 感悟人生,不为别的,只为活在美丽中。

    Perception of life , not for the other , only to live in the beautiful .

  4. 诗海扬帆感悟人生

    The Poem and Life

  5. 感激你,我亲爱的朋友们,谢谢你们照亮我的世界,让我感悟人生的意义!

    Thank you , my dear friends , for brightening up my world and enlightening me about how life should be .

  6. 这种审美力量直抵人们的内心深处,让人们在震撼感动之中呼吸英雄的气息,体验诗意的激情,感悟人生的意义。

    This force is straightforward to soul and it makes people feel the hero 's breath in shock and experiences poetic passion and senses the truth of life .

  7. 节目旨在通过探讨语言学习、海外生活及文化冲突,和年轻人一起感悟人生、励志进取。

    By discussing language learning , overseas life and cultural conflicts , it aims to portray life with young people and motivate them to strive for a better life .

  8. 他抒发草原情怀、展示民族魂魄,用执著的爱恋和创作灵感追求纯美、讴歌母亲,回报草原,这是一位用音乐感悟人生,展示心灵的蒙古族艺术家。

    Expressing his grassland feelings , showing the national soul , and the persistently pursuing the pure beauty with inflexible love and creative inspiration , he eulogizes mother and responds to the grassland .

  9. 本人珍惜每次锤炼的机会,走出校门,融入社会,与不同的人相处,让自己近间隔地接触社会、了解社会,感悟人生,品味生活。

    I cherish every and all opportunities of building up my abilities outside the university , of contacting and getting to know different people and the society , of learning about and feeling life .

  10. 生命境界感悟命运人生的无常、庄严、感伤;

    The life boundary contemplates the variability and the solemn and sadness of life and its destiny .

  11. 那些弱小但又顽强不屈的草儿,以其锲而不舍的执著,昭示出一种原始的壮美,使我真切地感悟到人生的真谛和生命的意义!

    The persevering inflexibility of that weak , yet indomitable grass , showed a primitive magnificence and beauty which helped me vividly realize the real essence and true meaning of life .

  12. 风格的形成是建立在人格的基础上,建立在对生活的感悟、对人生意义的理解、对社会的责任、对艺术真诚的基础上。

    The formation of the style is based on the people 's characteristics , their feelings to life , their responsibilities to society and their sincerity to arts .

  13. 因此,除了让学生到大自然中感悟美好的人生外,还应该构建学生健康审美心理的校园自然环境和精神环境,正确引导学生看待社会生活的时尚,培养学生健康的审美人格。

    This paper suggests that , besides the enlightenment of beautiful life from the nature , we should build up the campus natural surrounding and spiritual surrounding for the very healthy aesthetic psychology to lead students shape fair aesthetic personality as well as a suitable respect to social popularity .

  14. 我游弋在她的字里行间,感悟着她对人生深邃的剖析,心境的忧伤和欣喜的美丽。

    I stayed in her between the lines , and feeling a profound analysis of her life , feelings of sadness and joy of the beautiful .

  15. 五四时期,文学研究会小说家用主观感悟的心态品味人生和描绘人生,以主观意向化的哲理深度探索人生究竟。

    During " the May 4th " time , the novelists in the Literary Research Institute depict life in a subjective way and try to explore what actually happens to life at a philosophical depth .

  16. 顿悟描述畸人们在经历自我探寻,感悟自然景物,或盲目信奉宗教等条件下感悟到人生的真谛。

    Epiphany is used to describe the essence of life through exploration of oneself , enlightenment of nature , or blind religious belief .