
  1. 房价变动的情景测试与商业银行风险规避

    House Price Changes and Risk Prevention of Commercial Banks

  2. 中国寿险业利率风险的实证分析及其情景测试

    A Empirical Analysis on the Risk of Interest rate to Life Insurance and Its Situation Test

  3. 采用比赛情景测试的方法,对不同等级篮球裁判员的知觉技能水平进行了测量与评价。

    By method of measuring in live competition situation , the perceptual skill level of basketball referees of 3 different ranks was measured and evaluated .

  4. 推导了利率敏感型、利率敏感寿险产品的资产负债匹配模型;采用情景测试方法,检验了寿险公司对利率的敏感程度;

    The asset-liability matching models are deduced for interest rate sensitive and insensitive life insurance products , the interest rate sensitivity of Chinese life insurance company is verified by flexibility test .

  5. 本研究以38名大班幼儿及其家长为研究对象,采用问卷、访谈和情景测试等方法,探讨了幼儿自我效能感与家长气质及教养方式之间的关系。

    Based on questionnaires , interviews and context-specific tests carried out by a sample of 38 senior kindergarten students and their parents , the paper arrives at five conclusions regarding the relationship between children 's self-efficacy and their parents'temperament and modes of parenting .

  6. 总揽层面包括VaR方法、情景压力测试法。

    Pressure ; the other is the general aspect ( including ) VaR and scenario stress test .

  7. PerformanceTester是建立在Eclipseframework基础上的,使用基本EclipseIDE去性能测试情景,测试的执行是基于执行Java代码的。

    Performance Tester is built on the Eclipse framework and uses the underlying Eclipse IDE for the execution of test scenarios that are based on the execution of Java ™ code .

  8. 情景压力测试时,在CPV模型的基础上,利用向量自回归模型和MonteCarlo法设定压力情景,尽量缩小压力情景和实际情况的差距。

    In situational stress tests , the CPV model is improved , Using VAR model and the monte carlo setting stress scenarios makes such stress scenarios more realistic .

  9. 为此设计一个情景来测试应用的扩展性。

    A scenario was devised to test the scalability of the application .

  10. 结果实验组护生正确姿势考试和情景演示测试的平均成绩明显优于对照组;

    Results The average score of correct posture test and the scene demonstration test of nursing students in the experiment group were obviously higher than that in the control group .

  11. 事实上,情景判断测试、个人经历以及7种特定人格特质——野心,适应力,社交能力,谨慎度,人际敏感度、好打探和学习方法——可以更好地预测应聘者日后作为律师的成功程度。

    Instead , situational judgment tests , biographical information , and seven specific personality traits -- ambition , adjustment , sociability , prudence , interpersonal sensitivity , inquisitiveness , and learning approach -- could better forecast an applicant 's later success as an attorney .

  12. 本文拟推出新颖别致的情景听力理解测试。

    The present paper attempts to put forward a new kind of listening comprehension test .

  13. 自动安装程序跟踪程序便于模拟常见用户情景(为测试而用)

    An automatic setup tracking utility useful for simulating a common user scenario ( for testing purposes )

  14. 基于Wishbone总线结构的情景式IP核测试方案

    Scene Test for IP Core Based on Wishbone Bus Architecture

  15. 我完全确信,如果今天必须对相同情景进行同样的测试,Informix仍然是我们选择。

    I am absolutely convinced that if we had to do the same tests for the same situation today , Informix would still be the product we would pick .

  16. 该文通过对广泛应用于SOC设计中的Wishbone总线体系结构和国际上常用IP核测试方法的研究,提出一种基于Wishbone总线结构的情景式IP核测试方案。

    Research of Wishbone bus architecture and IP test methods widely applied in SOC design is conducted first . A scene test method for IP core based on Wishbone bus architecture is then introduced .

  17. 在每一个不同考试级别中,考生通过一连串的情景会话和聆听测试,以展示他们英语口语的流畅程度及准确性。

    At each level the student carries out a number of realistic speaking and listening tasks that demonstrate their fluency and accuracy in spoken English .

  18. 压力测试是检测特定压力情景下可能发生情形的一项工具,包括敏感性测试和情景测试。

    Pressure testing is a tool to test possible actions under a specific pressure , including sensitivity testing and scenario testing .