
  • 网络emotion teaching;affective teaching;emotion education
  1. 高中英语情感教学策略

    Strategies of Affective Teaching of English in Senior High Schools

  2. 人本主义教育理论对情感教学的启示

    The Inspiration of the Theory of Humanism to Affective Teaching

  3. 针对传统智能网络教学系统在情感教学方面的缺陷,基于人工情绪技术提出了一种Web环境下的智能情感网络教学系统结构。

    The traditional intelligence network tutoring system can 't implement affective tutoring , in order to overcome this limitation , this paper proposed an intelligent affective network tutoring system structure based on the Web .

  4. 情感教学在中等专业学校思想政治课教学中的应用

    Emotional Education in the Political Ideology Course in Secondary Vocational Schools

  5. 化学教学中情感教学策略的实验研究

    The Emotional Teaching Strategy Experimental Research for Senior Chemistry in Middle School

  6. 运用情感教学优化护理教学质量

    Apply emotional teaching and improve the quality of nurse teaching

  7. 第三部分,语文情感教学的作用。

    Part III , the importance of Emotion Education in Chinese Teaching .

  8. 第一部分,语文情感教学的内涵。

    Part I , the connotation of Emotion Education in Chinese Teaching .

  9. 情感教学在中学英语教学中的运用

    The Application of Emotional Teaching in Middle School English Teaching

  10. 试论英语教学中情感教学的原则和策略

    On the Principles and Tactics of Affect Education in English Language Teaching

  11. 高中语文古典诗歌情感教学的研究

    Research on Emotional Teaching of Classical Poems in Senior Chinese

  12. 情感教学在初中化学教学中的研究与实践

    The Practice and Research on Junior Chemistry by Affection Teaching

  13. 小学英语教学中情感教学的探究

    A Study on Affective Teaching in English in Primary School

  14. 高职高专英语口语教学中的情感教学

    Emotional teaching methods oral-English teaching in high vocational school

  15. 论新课堂如何实施情感教学

    How to Use Emotional Teaching Ways in New Class

  16. 思想政治课的情感教学刍议

    Humble Opinion on Emotional Teaching in Ideological Politics Course

  17. 试论健美操情感教学的几个基本环节

    Discussion on Several Basic Sectors of Aerobic Emotional Teaching

  18. 浅论体育教师的情感教学艺术

    Discussion on the Art about the Emotion Teaching of the Physical Education Teachers

  19. 试论情感教学策略新理念

    Discusses on the New Idea of Affection Teaching Strategies

  20. 数学教师情感教学探新

    A Fresh Probe into Affection Teaching by Mathematics Teacher

  21. 情感教学策略对自考生英语学习动机的影响

    The Effects of Affective Teaching Strategies on Self-taught Students ' English Learning Motivation

  22. 在课堂中实施情感教学的体会

    Carrying out the understanding of emotion teaching in class

  23. 进行英语情感教学符合基础教育课程改革精神。

    English affective education meets the spirit of the basic education curriculum reform .

  24. 情感教学与工业设计专业教学实例

    Examples of Emotional Teaching Process and Industrial Design

  25. 语文情感教学是有其存在的依据的。

    Emotional language teaching has its existence basis .

  26. 中学语文情感教学及策略

    Chinese Emotion Teaching and Technique in Middle School

  27. 数学教师的数学情感教学研究

    Studies of Mathematics Teachers about Mathematics Affective Instruction

  28. 浅谈中国近代史的情感教学

    On Emotional Teaching in Modern History of China

  29. 论散文情感教学与美育实施

    On Essay Affective Teaching and Aesthetic Educational Implement

  30. 第三章探讨了语文情感教学目标及其分类。

    In chapter 3 , it discusses the target and categories of emotion teaching .