
  • 网络Emotion;emotional resonance
  1. 这意味着买小礼物,并努力获取情感共鸣。

    This suggests buying small gifts and striving for emotional resonance .

  2. 人与偶的情感共鸣,正是人与人偶之间的终极命题。

    Even people with emotional resonance , even among people is the ultimate proposition .

  3. 俄亥俄州立大学纽瓦克分校心理学荣誉退休教授萨拉•斯塔茨(SaraStaats)在2009年主持的一项研究发现,具有英雄主义倾向的人与他人有较高程度的情感共鸣,即对他人的关爱或担心。

    Empathy , or care or concern for others , runs high in people with heroic tendencies , according to a 2009 study led by Sara Staats , a professor emeritus of psychology at Ohio State University in Newark .

  4. 记忆力,注意力,精神能量,理解力,情感共鸣。

    memory , concentration , mental energy , intelligence , empathy .

  5. 情感共鸣是阅读中的心理现象之一。

    The emotion sympathetic chord is one of in reading psychological phenomena .

  6. 有感情因素在里头不一定会引起情感共鸣。

    It has sentiment doesn 't make it sentimental .

  7. 品质、设计、情感共鸣和简约。

    Quality , Design , Connectivity and Simplicity .

  8. 所以这是一段有情感共鸣和意义的短暂经历。

    So , it 's a brief experience that has emotional resonance and meaning .

  9. 女性往往在基础情感共鸣方面做得好一些。这属于感性感觉。

    Women tend to be better at primal empathy , which is the sensing feelings .

  10. 绿色包装设计可通过趣味性的设计,引发消费者的情感共鸣;

    The green packaging design can trigger the emotional response of consumers by interesting designs .

  11. 我赞赏这种创新,但本片无法勾起我的情感共鸣,影片主题也不是我感兴趣的领域。

    While I applaud his innovation , I was not emotionally involved or thematically curious .

  12. 我们全力创造一种能与消费者建立情感共鸣的体验。

    That we strive to create an experience that forms an emotional connection with the lives of our customers .

  13. 文章就古典文学教学中情感共鸣的三个阶段进行了论述。

    This article the emotion sympathetic chord three stages has carried on the elaboration on the classical literature teaching in .

  14. 离别,对于命运坎坷、人生失意、意象,作为中国古典诗歌的审美范畴之一,具有表达特更容易引起情感共鸣。

    But natural physical image and further because is closely linked with the life , easier to arouse the emotion sympathy .

  15. 你正在进行训练自己的情感共鸣,训练自己采取的行动的互动体验。

    So this interactive experience in which you 're training yourself to emotionally resonate , training yourself to take an action .

  16. 她的葬礼在欧洲各地引起巨大的情感共鸣,但在莫斯科却显得冷清而尴尬。

    Her funeral , which produced a massive outpouring of sentiment in Europe , was a muted and depressing affair in Moscow .

  17. 课堂教学的引入活动,在课堂教学中是导言,是开端,是教学乐章的前奏,是师生情感共鸣的第一音符,是师生心灵沟通的第一座桥梁。

    Lead-in is the prelude of the teaching movement , is the first bridge to communicate the hearts between teachers and students .

  18. 正是介于技术能力和情感共鸣之间的创造张力创造出了深度,完成了好的设计。

    It is this creation of tension between technical capacity and emotional resonance that creates depth and is the fulfillment of good design .

  19. 她努力和学生们建立起情感共鸣,这样她们就可以毫无顾忌地问她问题,和她私下进行交流了。

    and she tries to establish an emotional connection with the students so that they will feel comfortable asking questions or talking to her privately .

  20. 被援救情景,表演出人们对安全感的原始需要,并引发观众对童年时期,孩童自己惹上各种麻烦却被父母解救时的情感共鸣。

    Being rescued plays to the primitive need for safety and echoes the childhood theme of being'saved'by parents from the various messes into which children get themselves .

  21. 这一举动会引发情感共鸣,你将有机会看到你自己曾感受到的欢乐反射到爱人的脸上。

    Hopefully , the gesture will stike an emotion , and you 'll have a chance to see your own joy reflected back in the recipient 's face .

  22. 因此,教师要重视感情的投入,以自己真诚的爱唤起学生的情感共鸣。我喜欢和诚实、对工作投入、为人正直的人一起工作。

    To arouse the resonance of the students ' emotion by warmhearted love . I like to work with people who are honest , dedicated to their work and have integrity .

  23. 就城市空间层面,本文氛围所指为大众处于特定空间环境中形成的某种集体心理情感共鸣。

    In term of urban space , the atmosphere in this paper serves to some collective shared emotions which are based on psychological feelings of the public in some special urban environments .

  24. 大学口语教学应努力克服其弊端,探索新的口语教学方法,消除学生的焦虑感,帮助学生建立良好的心理机制,产生师生的情感共鸣,避免交际失败。

    College oral English teaching should overcome malpractices , probe into new oral English teaching methods , eliminate students ' anxieties and help them establish favorable psychological mechanism to avoid communicative failure .

  25. 斯堪的那维亚半岛的仲夏总会引发特殊的情感共鸣,而六月中旬的极昼庆典,则往往在群岛安静的小海湾中举行。

    Midsummer has a special resonance in Scandinavia , and the celebrations of 24 hours of sunlight , which fall in mid-June , traditionally take place in the quiet coves of the archipelago .

  26. 自《水调歌头》系列起,刘炜便开始特别精确严谨地绘画人物的肌肉,以加强观众对作品发自内心的感受的情感共鸣。

    With his Swimming series , Liu has begun especially to treat the flesh of the body with a kind of exactitude meant to exaggerate the viewer 's visceral reaction to the painting .

  27. 音乐教育是一门特殊的教学艺术,是引起情感共鸣的艺术形式,是培养学生创造性想象的基础。

    Music education is a special teaching art . It 's a kind of art form that can make emotional resonance , and it 's the base to inspire the creative imagination of the students .

  28. 科学家还发现,人脑中的杏仁体对情感共鸣起着重要作用。因此,当男性观察男性时,这部分会很活跃;如果是观察女性则不会。

    The scientists found that the amygdala , a part of the brain believed to be important for empathy with others , showed more activity when men looked at a man , rather than a woman .

  29. 彭三源谈起自己曾与韩国同事交流想法:为准确定位观众,找到与观众的情感共鸣,电视编剧行业不断涌现出女性作家的身影。

    In order to accurately target audiences and find emotional resonance with them , more and more female writers are emerging in the industry , says Peng about her experience of exchanging ideas with South Korean colleagues .

  30. 这是一本包括科学指南、社会学研究和流行心理学的有趣好书。该书的主题是,通过情感共鸣,通过学会如何体会其他人的情绪并采取对策,我们如何更明智地处理人际关系。

    The book - equal parts science manual , sociological study and pop psychology page-turner - is about how we can be smarter in relationships by being empathetic and learning how to read other people 's cues and then act on them .