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  1. 论《性自命出》与公孙尼子的关系

    On the Relations between the Bamboo-book " XingZiMing Chu " and Gongsun Nizi

  2. 王充天体论、人性论和性命论中的伦理思想探析郭店楚简《性自命出》的天命观与心性论

    Ethical Thoughts of Wang Chong 's Theory on Celestial Body , Human Nature and Individual Personality

  3. 《中庸》与郭店简《性自命出》篇的人性论

    Theory of human nature in the Doctrine of the Mean and the chapter of Nature Originates from the Mandate

  4. 《性自命出》作为儒学文献虽为诸多学者认同,然而亦有将之归结为与道家或法家思想更有相通之处者。

    For many a scholar , though Spirit Stems from Fate is identified as Confucian literature , yet a few of them still associate it with the thoughts of Taoism or Legalism .

  5. 郭店战国简书《性自命出》等儒家早期著作的发现,使我们获得了对于早期儒家思想发展情况的新认识。

    Owing to the discovery of Confucian school 's early works such as bamboo book Xing Comes from Ming by Guo Dian during the Chinese War Period , we have acquired a better understanding of the development of the early Confucianism .