
xìng běn néng
  • sexual instinct;eros
性本能[xìng běn néng]
  1. “意识流文学性本能规定”说是一个虚假命题。

    The " sexual instinct determinism in the stream of consciousness " is a false proposition .

  2. 由此建立起月亮神话中女性的性本能系统,以及此系统对男性的巨大威力。

    From this establishes in the moon myth feminine sexual instinct system , as well as this system to masculine huge might .

  3. 这样的观点暗示我们的身体和性本能天生就是邪恶的。

    Such a view implies that our bodies and sexual nature are inherently ungodly .

  4. 当艾尔弗雷德·阿德勒于1908年首次提出人生来就有攻击性本能的假设时,弗洛伊德对此表示反对。

    When Alfred Adler first postulated in 1908 that there existed an inborn instinct of aggression Freud argued against it .

  5. 这种做法让一些评论员怀疑她真正的信念到底是什么,她是不是为了在国家经济统制的法国打造政治前程而牺牲了更多市场友好性本能。

    This leads some commentators to wonder what her real convictions are , and whether she has sacrificed her more market-friendly instincts in order to forge a political career in statist france .

  6. 性本能的文艺魅力维系

    Maintenance of the Literary and Artistic Charm of Sexual Instinct

  7. 真可惜你对艾米莉·索恩没有采取这预防性本能

    It 's too bad you didn 't apply the same prophylactic instincts when it comes to Emily Thorne .

  8. 因为意外怀孕而导致人生从此惨淡的日子一去不复返,女性终于可以释放她们最原始的性本能。

    Unchained from the great threat of pregnancy and social ruin , women could finally express their primitive and primal sexuality .

  9. 弗洛伊德提出性本能的快乐原则,把人在力比多释放的过程分为本我、自我和超我。

    S · Freud put forward " sex instinct " gay principle , cut human spirit into ego 、 self and super-ego .

  10. 他被认为是支持性本能论的,其观点试图毁掉,人是善良理性而又纯粹的这一概念。

    He was seen as a sexual renegade out to destroy the conception of people as good and rational and pure beings .

  11. 党是企图扼杀性本能;若是无法扼杀,便去歪曲它,玷污它。

    The Party was trying to kill the sex instinct , or , if it could not be killed , then to distort it and dirty it .

  12. 然而,对性本能的过分张扬必将导致文本艺术张力缺失,失掉历史的厚重,危及作品的艺术生命。

    However , excessively narrating sex instinct will inevitably lead to the absence of artistic tension , lose the historical thickness , and endanger artistic life of the works .

  13. 他们的理论说,男人性本能比女人难控制,他们造出的垃圾,就更容易把他们自己腐蚀掉。

    The theory was that men , whose sex instincts were less controllable than those of women , were in greater danger of being corrupted by the filth they handled .

  14. 二是在西方影响极大的精神分析学说从性本能和俄狄浦斯情结等视角来分析小红帽童话,其结论难以令人信服。

    Psychoanalytic criticism is the most influential in the field of studying Little red riding hood , and it analyses these fairy tales by Sexual instincts and Oedipus complex , but the conclusion does not carry conviction .

  15. 弗洛伊德认为,人的性本能即“力比多”是一切本能中最基本的内容,这也是我们解读《金锁记》人物心理因素的最佳注脚。

    According to Freud , Libido is the most basic of all human instincts . This paper points out that Libido is also the best footnote for us to analyzing psychological factors of the characters in Golden Lock .

  16. 施蛰存接受弗洛伊德思想,认为人的本能分为生的本能和死的本能,生的本能主要是指性本能,它是人类行为的动力源泉,性本能也称作力比多。

    Accept Freud respectively thoughts , think the instinct of the divided into raw instinct and the dead instinct , raw instinct is mainly refers to sexual instinct , it is the drive source of human behavior , sexual instinct is called force than many .

  17. 性本能需求、潜意识理论与精细加工可能性理论,揭示了性元素在广告中较强大的作用,但同时也暴露出其中存在的两对矛盾:商品与道德的失衡,性信息与产品信息的失衡。

    The sexual instinct demand , subconscious theory and Elaboration Likelihood Model all reveal the sexual elements in advertising more powerful role , but also exposed to the existing two contradiction : the imbalances of goods and moral , sexual information and product information imbalances .

  18. 精瘦但是具有‘防守阻拦者’的敏捷性和本能

    Wiry but has ' D stopper ' quickness & instincts

  19. 她把一头栗色的长发用那种习惯性的本能姿势往后一拢。

    She pushed back her long chestnut hair in a familiar though unconscious gesture .

  20. 革命是否使她变成了一个狂热分子,把性的本能升华为政治的要求?

    Had the revolution turned her into a fanatic who sublimated her sexual instincts to the demands of politics ?

  21. 事实上,性是本能。但我们总是想方设法地掩盖这一事实。

    We all know we desire it , in fact it is instinctual but we do everything within our power to hide that fact .

  22. 因此,我们假设创伤后的令人愉快的经历,特别是象性那样的本能行为,可以通过一个记忆竞争机制调节创伤记忆。

    Thus , we hypothesized that post-traumatic pleasurable experiences , especially instinctive behaviors such as sex , might modulate traumatic memory through a memory competition mechanism .

  23. 通过对体育发展动力论的分析得出,体育内在的本质蕴含着体育游戏性的审美本能与潜在功利性之间的矛盾是体育发展的内在动力。

    It can be concluded from this analysis on the development motive of sport that the inner nature of sports contains the conflict of the aesthetic nature of entertainment and the potential utility , which gives an internal impetus to the sport development .

  24. 三性本能理论,性是一种本能。

    Three sexual instinct theory , sex is an instinct .

  25. 性是一种本能,是占有和支配,是一种被认为是一旦释放便十分危险的力量。

    Sex is instinctive , possessive , commanding : a force to be reckoned with , dangerous when unleashed .

  26. 智性停下来,本能取而代之,她只需让自身的神性流过自己。

    The intellect stops , the intuition rises and all she has to do is permit her God-ness to flow through her .

  27. 但正是这种选择大胆、富有攻击性的举措的本能,最先使麦凯恩成为伊拉克战争的热情支持者。

    But it was the same instinct to choose the bold , aggressive option that made Mr McCain such an enthusiastic backer of the Iraq war in the first place .

  28. 性道德的谴责与性本能的需要纠结,年幼者不能正常的工作、生活。

    The blame for sexual morality and the need for sexual instinct get tangled .

  29. 语言的天赋性与模块性&S.Pinker的语言本能理论述评

    The Innateness and Modularity in Human Language G Language Review of Pinker ′ s The Language Instinct

  30. 本文以独特的眼光和敏锐的洞察力道出性与美的本质联系。再从艺术创作入手,分析性本能对它的内在作用。

    It discloses the essential connection between " sexuality " and beauty in unique eyes and keen senses .