
  1. 四种鲆鲽鱼类雌核发育及性别控制技术研究

    Study on Gynogenesis and Sex Control in Four Flounder Fish

  2. 性别控制技术与选择标记在牙鲆育种中的应用研究

    Application of Sex Control Technology and Molecular Markers in the Breeding of Paralichthys Olivaceus

  3. 家畜性别控制技术的研究进展

    Research Progress in the Technique of Animal Sex-control

  4. 家畜性别控制技术及展望

    Technology and Prospect for Livestock 's Sex-controlling

  5. 本文主要介绍了应用于牛生产上的性别控制技术的发展情况,并对常用的几种控制方法作了详细的介绍,比较了各自的特点。

    The several sex control technology applied in the cattle production was introduced and discussed in this review by comparison .

  6. 指出性别控制技术必须与当代先进的生物技术相结合,才会尽快真正地应用于畜牧生产上。

    It was concluded that the sex control technology can be effectively applied in the animal husbandry by a close combination with advanced bio-technologies .

  7. 性别控制技术已经成为繁殖生物学中重要的研究课题和研究方向,哺乳动物的性别控制是指通过对精子或胚胎的性别鉴定以达到调控子代性别的目的。

    Sexing technology is a very important research projects and directions in animal reproduction biology which can control the sex ratio by sperm or embryo sex determination .

  8. 与此同时,文章也指出了性别控制技术应用于奶牛业生产存在的主要问题以及畜牧科技工作在该领域的研究方向。

    Meantime , authors pointed out the pitfall of the application of sex determination technology in dairy cattle production and proposed the future research direction in the area of animal science and technology .

  9. 随着农业产业化的进程,特别是牛羊胚胎工程产业化的迅速发展,运用性别控制技术来加快这种产业化的进程显得越来越重要。

    With the development of agriculture , and especially the rapid development of embryo engineering in flock and herds , the sex control has become more and more important in the farm animal industry .

  10. 本文就奶牛胚胎移植的研究现状以及对包括胚胎冷冻保存、胚胎分割与融合、核移植、性别控制技术、体外受精技术、转基因技术等胚胎移植相关技术进行阐述。

    This article reviewed cows ' embryo transfer research actuality and embryo transfer relative technology including embryo freezing preservation , embryo splitting and fusion , nuclear transfer , sex control , in-vitro fertilization , transgenic technology etc.

  11. 鱼类、甲壳类性别控制的研究技术

    The Sex Control Technique for Fish and Crustacean

  12. 该文综述了鱼类、甲壳类性别控制的主要技术,内容包括生理性别和遗传性别的概念及控制方法,影响性别决定的因子,性别决定的机制等。

    The paper reviewed the technique of sexual control on fish and crustacean . The contents included the definition and sexual control methods of physiological and genetic sex , the factor and the mechanism of sex determination ect .

  13. 家畜性别鉴定与性别控制技术在猪育种中的应用

    Techniques of Animal Sex Control and Application in pig Breeding

  14. 胚胎性别鉴定技术和性别控制技术为哺乳动物胚胎工程核心技术之一,该技术的优化和成熟,对胚胎工程技术在生产实践上的广泛应用具有重要的经济意义。

    Embryo sex identification and sex control technology are key techniques in mammalian biotechnology , and the optimization of them have great value in the widespread application of biotechnology .

  15. 在畜牧业生产实践中,往往需要人为控制家畜的性别及比例,加速优良品种繁育,扩大优良母畜的利用率,因而,性别控制技术在畜牧生产上具有重要的意义。

    In modern livestock reproduction , people want to control the sex ratio of cattle offspring according their desire , increase breeding speed and the use of excellent quality cow , so the technology of sex control has important role in livestock .