
xínɡ mǎ
  • input code based on the shape of Chinese characters
  1. 以此为依据,结合利用自调整LMS算法实现的信道跟踪,本文提出一种空时格形码的自适应解码器,该解码器具有所采用信道跟踪参数与信道衰落速度无关的优点;

    Based on this , a PSP decoder with self tuning Least Mean Square channel tracking is proposed with the advantage that there are only fading rate independent parameters to be pre determined .

  2. 十一形码编码方法能够表征汉字的本质特征。

    Eleven-shape coding can effectively indicate the trait of Chinese character .

  3. 一种新的空时格形码软判决自适应解码算法

    A New Soft-Decision Adaptive Decoding Algorithm for Space-Time Trellis Code

  4. 低密度格形码译码算法高效实现方法

    Efficient Implementation of Decoding Algorithm of Low Density Lattice Codes

  5. 瑞利衰落信道下多输入多输出系统格形码调制性能

    Analysis of the Performance of the MIMO Trellis-Coded Modulations in Rayleigh-Fading Channels

  6. 汉字认知模型与形码方案设计

    Cognitive Model of Chinese Characters and Scheme Design of Chinese Character Componential Coding

  7. 文章提出,形码的设计应当向传统部首偏旁系统回归;

    This paper suggests that the code design should return to the traditional radical-component system .

  8. 汉字形码和音码的整体性对部件识别的影响

    Effect of morphological and phonetic whole perception of Chinese characters on the perception of components

  9. 衰落信道下的格形码设计

    Design of Trellis Codes for Fading Channels

  10. 基于双向逐幸存路径处理的空时格形码软判决自适应解码

    Soft decision Adaptive Decoding of Space time Trellis Code Based on Bi directional Per survivor Processing

  11. 基于空时格形码的差分调制

    Differential Modulation Using Space-Time Trellis Codes

  12. 一种新的格形码译码器

    A New Trellis Codes Decoder

  13. 本文提出一种针对空时格形码的软判决自适应双向解码算法。

    A new soft decision adaptive decoding algorithm for space time trellis code ( STTC ) is proposed .

  14. 七笔形声输入法是一种形码与音码相结合的汉字输入法。

    This input method is a Chinese character input method combining shape code with phonetic codes , It defines seven strokes ;

  15. 因此思维带有具象性,这决定了信息的意码和形码的双重编码结构。

    Thought is imagic which is the cognitive root of the double-encoding structure ( visual code and semantic code ) of information .

  16. 本文探讨了无线移动信道中空时格形码的一种自适应解码技术。

    The problem of adaptive decoding of space time trellis code ( STTC ) on the mobile wireless channels is considered in this paper .

  17. 空时格形码在天线数目固定时,译码复杂度随发射速率的增大呈指数增加。

    When the number of the antennae is not changed , the complexity of STTC decoding would increase on index with the acceleration of the transmission rate .

  18. 结果是听力正常组产生了明显的语音相似性效应,聋人组突出地显示出形码的相似性干扰。

    The results showed that the normal hearing people produced obvious phonetic similarity effect in short-term serial recall but the deaf people showed prominently the interference of the formal coded similarity .

  19. 在此理论分析的基础上,文中基于机床坐标系统的定义和机床构形码,进一步得出常用五轴铣床运动链设计限制条件及其可行构形数。

    Based on the theoretical analysis above-mentioned , the design limitations and the number of structural configurations for common five-axis milling machines are identified according to the definition of coordinate systems and the configuration code of machine tools .

  20. 单形码就是大家研究的热点之一,单形码具有严谨的代数结构,所以有很多很好的性质,尤其是通过对单形码的研究可以得到很多好码。

    Simplex codes is one of the hot topics of the study of error-correcting codes . Simplex codes with strict algebraic structure , so they have many good properties . Especially , the simplex codes can get a lot of good codes .

  21. 通过分析无周期间插正交导引信号下空时格形码的最大似然序列检测,指出可利用逐幸存路径处理得到该情形下可实用的最大似然序列检测算法;

    After analyzing the maximum likelihood sequence detection ( MLSD ) of STTC transmission burst with no periodically inserted pilot symbols , we show that per survivor processing ( PSP ) can be used to obtain a practical approximated MLSD in this situation .

  22. 以汉字形码编码方案设计的四个基本问题为线索,通过比较,分析和码汉字数字方案的三个主要的创新技术,即:采用25个数字输入码;

    Through comparison and under the understanding of the four basic questions of coding design of Chinese characters , the article analyzes three creative technologies of He-coding Chinese digital design , that is , using input code with 25 figures lining in two-dimensions .

  23. 八形汉字识别码能有效的表征汉字的本质特性;

    Eight-shape code of Chinese character can effectively indicates the trait of Chinese character structure .

  24. 基于八形汉字识别码的仿人汉字识别算法能够有效提高系统的抗干扰性和识别正确率。

    The Chinese character recognition system based on eight-shape code can effectively improve noise immunity and correct rate of the system .

  25. 越野汽车差速器同步锁止机构套合器齿形加工设计同步码的完全化构造方法

    Machining Mechanism of Dog Clutch for Synchronous Differential Lock of Off-road Vehicle Completion of Synchronous Codes