
yǐn tǐ xiàng shàng
  • pull-up;chinning;chin
引体向上[yǐn tǐ xiàng shàng]
  1. 我的长项是引体向上和跳高。

    My fortes were chinning and the high jump .

  2. 在引体向上技术中,有两种技术形式,一种为静止发力向上拉起,一种为摆动发力向上拉起。

    There two forms of technique in the technique of pull up / chinning .

  3. 指标:心理的疲劳问卷(睡眠情况、症状自评量表及疲劳症状),体能测试(引体向上、立定跳远、100m跑、背肌力、左右手握力)。

    The symptom checklist , the psychological fatigue questionnaire , a sleep questionnaire , and several physical fitness measures were evaluated .

  4. curtin用手指做了几个引体向上。

    Curtin did a few fingertip pull-ups .

  5. 你其实是在窗台上做引体向上呢,对不对?

    You were doing chin-ups on the windowsill , right ?

  6. 而且每天早晨我都会做仰卧起坐,俯卧撑,还有引体向上。

    And every morning I do sit-ups , push-ups , and pull-ups .

  7. 引体向上,去健身馆,二头肌屈伸。

    Pull ups . To a gym . Bicep curls .

  8. 几个星期前,他差点做成一个引体向上。

    And a few weeks ago , he almost did a pull-up .

  9. 摆动和静止引体向上技术的力学分析

    The Mechanics Analysis of Swinging and Static Pull up

  10. 他经常停下手头的工作,做100个仰卧起坐,100个俯卧撑和50个引体向上。

    He always makes sure to stop and do 100 crunches , 100 push-ups , and 50 pull-ups .

  11. 2010年江苏省汉族大学生男生的引体向上,女生的仰卧起坐平均成绩呈持续下降趋势。

    2010 in Jiangsu Province Han chin-up college boys , girls sit-ups continuous downward trend in average scores .

  12. 对大多数的油底壳放油螺栓我能用长的扳手做几次引体向上式操作直至螺栓开始转动。

    I can practically do chin-ups with a long wrench on most drain plugs before they 'll turn .

  13. 进行一些需要使用全身重量的运动,例如俯卧撑,引体向上,蹲坐和腹肌练习。

    Do exercises that use your body weight for resistance , such as push-ups , pull-ups , leg squats , and abdominal crunches .

  14. 基本的陆上练习,例如俯卧撑、引体向上都可以确保你能够适应新的赛季。

    Basic land exercises like push-ups , pull-ups and core exercises are great to insure that your body is prepared for the season .

  15. 把扶手的一截变成杠铃的唯一坏处就是不少醉鬼会把它当引体向上的杠铃使。

    The only negative side to converting a portion of railing into a dumbbell is that countless drunk jocks will use it as a chin-up bar .

  16. 这位爸爸背着娃做引体向上,还有另外两个孩子一人抱着他一只腿,这可真危险。

    One dad is pictured doing a pull up with his baby on his back and two youngsters grabbing onto his legs in a rather precarious-looking manoeuvre

  17. 从解剖学的角度看单杠正反握引体向上的教学特点

    Views on the Teaching Characteristics of Drawing the Body up Straight by Holding the Horizontal Bar from the Obverse and the Reverse Sides from Anatomic Angle

  18. 26岁的吴永宁在长沙华远国际中心楼顶做引体向上时失手坠落。

    Wu Yongning , 26 , was doing pull-ups at the top of the Huayuan International Centre in Changsha , when he lost his grip and fell .

  19. 他们所做的就是大量的体重锻炼,被称为“柔软体操”,包括俯卧撑、引体向上和其它只涉及体重的动态训练。

    What they do is a number of bodyweight exercises called calisthenics . It involves pushups , pull ups and other dynamic movements which only involve your bodyweight .

  20. 方法:(1)对武警某部770名战士、学员按军标规定的方法和标准,测定握力、背肌力、引体向上以及俯卧撑等指标,并进行评价;

    Methods : ( 1 ) Grip strength , strength of back muscles , chin-up and push-up of 770 male soldiers and students were assayed according to the standards of GJB ;

  21. 学习一些基本的塑身运动,例如卧推,引体向上,硬举等等。不要过分担心训练更小的肌肉群。

    Learn the proper form for basic bodybuilding moves such as the bench press , chin up , and dead lift , and don 't worry too much about targeting smaller muscle groups .

  22. 不幸发生后,她在游泳方面投入了更多精力,每天花数小时,不光训练游泳,还要做大量的引体向上和举重,增强上半身力量。

    An enthusiastic swimmer before the mishap , she became obsessed after it and now spends hours a day not just swimming but also doing pull-ups and lifting weights to build her upper body .

  23. 反映力量素质的握力、立定跳远、引体向上(男)和仰卧起坐指标测试结果实验后比实验前提高水平具有显著性差异。

    Reflect the power of the quality of grip strength , standing-long-jump , chin-up ( male ) and sit-ups indicator test results experiment , And that have a significant difference than the before experiment .

  24. 他最有名的特技表演之一是在七月中旬完成的,当时在没有护具的情况下,吴永宁在张家界抓住1000米(3280英尺)高的栈道边缘做引体向上。

    One of his most famous stunts took place in mid July . In it , Wu did pull-ups without harness by grabbing to the edge of a 1000-metre-high ( 3280 feet ) walkway in Zhangjiajie .

  25. 下个月帕克少校将尝试攀登加州约塞米蒂国家公园的埃尔卡皮坦山,并打算在几天内完成4000个引体向上以助他达到他的筹款目标。

    Next month Major Packer will attempt to climb El Capitan in Yosemite National Park in California , and he intends to complete 4000 pull-ups over a series of days in order to reach his fundraising target

  26. 但是我节省了大笔去健身房的开支而选择在邻居房屋周围跑步,买了一些简单的举重和引体向上健身工具。

    But I 've saved a lot of money that I used to spend on gyms by just running at the local track or on the roads in my neighborhood , and buying some simple weights and a chin-up bar .

  27. 彼得雷乌斯将军当时是驻伊拉克的多国联军部队总司令,他带领部下每天进行75分钟的强化锻炼,包括俯卧撑、引体向上和冲刺,目的是为了让他们冲破体能极限。

    Granted , Petraeus , who was then the commanding general of the multi-national force in Iraq , led his troops through a 75-minute daily regimen of push-ups , pull-ups , and wind sprints designed to push the group beyond the point of exhaustion .