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kāi duān
  • beginning;start;open end;dawn;threshold;outset;commencement;seed;genesis
开端 [kāi duān]
  • [beginning;start;outset] 开始,发端;事情的起头

  • 良好的开端

开端[kāi duān]
  1. 基督诞生是世界历史上一个重要纪元的开端。

    The birth of Christ was the beginning of a major epoch of world history .

  2. 你已经作出了良好的开端。

    You 've made a good beginning .

  3. 在这次比赛中获胜是她未来事业发展的良好开端。

    Winning the competition was the opening she needed for her career .

  4. 斯隆以发生谋杀案的那天作为故事的开端。

    Sloan began his narrative with the day of the murder .

  5. 必须想办法保证我们的孩子有一个不错的人生开端。

    Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life .

  6. 她认为这些谈话将是一次具有建设性的、有意义的对话的开端。

    She believes these talks will be the start of a constructive and meaningful dialogue

  7. 该条约将成为持久和平的开端。

    The treaty will be the threshold of lasting peace .

  8. 微不足道的开端往往会有伟大的结果。

    It often happens that little beginnings have great endings .

  9. 如果我们现在就给孩子们最好的人生开端,那么他们在未来几十年里会更健康、更有效率。

    " If we give children the best possible start in life now , they will be healthier and more productive for decades to come . "

  10. 在她们的职业生涯的开端,她们比自己的母亲和祖母当年接受的教育更好——或者比她们现在的男性同龄人接受的教育更好。

    At the starting line of their careers , they are better educated than their mothers and grandmothers had been — or than their young male counterparts are now .

  11. 目前他开端挖马前腿附近的土了。

    Now he begin to dig near the abodes front legs .

  12. 我们有了一个良好的开端,现在应该加以巩固

    We 've made a good start , now it 's time to consolidate .

  13. 例句早点睡,养足精神,明天才会有个好开端。

    Go to sleep early , so you can get a head start tomorrow .

  14. 天文学家相信,我们正处于宇宙学新革命的开端,这将使我们更全面地了解宇宙的起源,以及它将如何演变下去。

    Astronomers believe that we are at the start of a new revolution in cosmology that will give us a fuller understanding of how the Universe began – and how it will evolve .

  15. 对我而言,我想衡量这种方式是否产生作用,以及它的意义最直接的方法还是要回到我给儿子说睡前故事的事,因为那是这个事情的开端。

    And for me , I guess , the litmus test for whether this would work , and what it would mean , was always going to be bedtime stories , because that 's sort of where the journey began .

  16. 同轴单开端型Ge(Li)探测器的研制

    The fabrication of a single-ended coaxial Ge ( Li ) detector

  17. 这是Rational对版本控制的信心,或编码生命周期的其他辅助概念的开端吗?

    Was this the beginning of Rational 's belief in version control , or other concepts ancillary to the code lifecycle ?

  18. 尽管使用这里展示的示例作为一个开端并使用参考资料中提供的Selenium文档。

    Just use the examples shown here as a start and the documentation for Selenium provided in Resources .

  19. EliasTorres开发的GoogleQuickAdd扩展为插入加密修改提供了一个很好的开端。

    The Google Quick Add extension by Elias Torres provides a good starting point to insert the encryption modifications .

  20. 正如在RUP的精化阶段,这一阶段的变化开端致力于减少危险。

    As in the RUP Elaboration phase , this phase of the change initiative focuses on reducing risk .

  21. OptimQueryTuner可以格式化问题查询,这为以后的分析提供了一个良好开端。

    Optim Query Tuner can format the problem query , which provides a good starting point for analysis .

  22. 我们希望该试点能够成为在组织中高效和经济有效地使用Linux客户机的开端。

    Our hope is that this pilot can be the start of a productive , cost-effective , and efficient use of a Linux client in your organization .

  23. 理想的,这个人应当在开端的项目经理(PM)身边工作,在这些活动中指导PM。

    Ideally , this person works alongside the Project Manager ( PM ) of the initiative , mentoring the PM in these activities .

  24. 我与前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特(MadeleinAlbright)一起宣布了美国国务院与一个叫做“新开端伙伴”(PartnersforaNewBeginning)的新组织之间的合作。

    Together with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright , I announced a collaboration between the State Department and a new group called Partners for a New Beginning .

  25. 但PI程序毕竟为计算科学哲学的研究提供了一个开端,是可接受的,值得引起哲学家的普遍关注。

    But we should know that PI suggests an outset for computational philosophy of science . It is acceptable and should arise a vital consideration for philosophers .

  26. 而EFT实际只是一个开端。

    And EFT is really just the beginning .

  27. 而且,很多人说NBA赛季的“非正式开端”是圣诞节,也正是因为新年很快就要开始了。

    After all , many say the " unofficial start " to the NBA season is Christmas , with the new year starting soon after .

  28. 尽管从UML完全映射到XML模式的能力还不是尽善尽美,但UML却是以面向对象方式对XML模式进行建模的良好开端。

    Even though the ability to completely map UML to XML schemas has not yet been perfected , UML is a good way to start the modeling of XML schemas in an object-oriented manner .

  29. 口腔是消化道的开端,常常被成为“inneroutside”,解剖学上讲消化道由连续的器官构成,胃也属于消化系统,口腔和胃的微生物在某种程度上能够互相影响。

    Oral cavity is the entrance of the digestive tract , which is often regarded as the ' inner outside ' . The stomach also belongs to the digestive system . Their bacteria can interfere with each other to some extent .

  30. X电力设计工程公司于2001年8月挂牌成立,在股权结构、用人机制、分配机制、产业模式等方面初步实现了突破,有了一个持续发展的良好开端。

    X electric power Designing and Engineering Corporation was founded in August 2001 . It has achieved break through of the stock structure , of the mechanism of human resource , of the mechanism of assignment and estate structure .