
kāi pán jià
  • opening price;opening quotation;opening rate
  1. 在星期二那天,纽约商品交易所(NYMEX)的每桶原油价格只比开盘价抬高了几个美分。商品交易所结算协会〔纽约〕

    During the day on Wednesday , a barrel of crude oil was trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange ( NYMEX ) at just a few cents above its opening price . COMEX Clearing Association [ New York ]

  2. 这只股票今天的开盘价是六元整。

    The opening price of this stock today is only 6 yuan .

  3. 请电传商品B一千的开盘价。

    Please telex your offer for1000 Products B.

  4. 今天上午,Twitter开盘价为45.10美元,而前一天晚上公司首次公开募股(IPO)的定价为每股26美元。

    Twitter began trading this morning at $ 45.10 per share , after pricing its IPO last night at $ 26 per share .

  5. Zynga股票于上周五正式上市,开盘价为10美元/股,相应地,公司价值只有70亿美元。

    The stock debuted Friday at $ 10 a share , valuing the company at a relatively modest $ 7 billion .

  6. 上市不过才16个多月,Yelp目前的股价已经涨到了51.50美元,是开盘价15美元的三倍还多。

    After a little more than 16 months , yelp is trading at $ 51.50 a share , more than three times its $ 15 offering price .

  7. 其次为MillennialMedia,这家位于巴尔的摩的移动广告平台服务商在3月28日夜间筹集了1.33亿美元,发行1020万股,每股定价13美元(该股3月30日开盘价为25.58美元)。

    It was followed by millennial media ( mm ) , a baltimore-based mobile advertising platform that on Wednesday night raised $ 133 million by pricing 10.2 million shares at $ 13 per share ( it opened today at $ 25.58 ) .

  8. 开盘价应该作为当日振幅范围的一端。

    The open should act as one extreme of this range .

  9. 综上,开盘价是市场一个重要指标。

    In summary , the open is a primary market indicator .

  10. 苹果股票周一的开盘价为350.52美元。

    The stock opened Monday at $ 350.52 .

  11. 本文分析了现有新股开盘价预测方法存在的缺陷,简要介绍了启发式决策及其应用价值。

    Firstly , we review existing forecast methods of new stock 's open price .

  12. 在特定的日子里开盘价是很好的突破切入点。

    On certain days the open acts as an ideal point of entry upon breakout .

  13. 山田先生想知道联合水泥的开盘价和现值如何。

    Mr. Yamada would like to know the opening and current prices of United Concrete .

  14. 他承认开盘价38美元的确过高,但现在跌到如此之低也是不合理的。

    He thinks the shares were overpriced at $ 38 but have now sunk unreasonably low .

  15. 倘若如此,上周二戴尔的开盘价应该达到15.71美元。

    In that case , Dell would have opened today at around $ 15.71 per share .

  16. 一旦设置完成,可以使用下列命令对开盘价绘图。

    Once that is set up , we can plot the opening price with the following command .

  17. 当没有开盘价、最高价和最低价时,也可使用线图。

    Line charts are also used when open , high and low data points are not available .

  18. 经过长时间的徘徊之后,这家股票的开盘价现在迅速攀升。

    Having been fluctuating for a long time , the opening price of this stock is way up now .

  19. 日线K线图由开盘价、当天的最高价和最低价以及收盘价组成。

    A daily candlestick is based on the open price , the intraday high and low , and the close .

  20. 当行情非常活跃和达到极限的高点与低点时,开盘价与收盘价这时就显得极其重要了。

    The opening and closing prices are very important when an option is very active and reaches extreme high and low .

  21. 这家公司的股票也是相当有价值的硬通货,周三的开盘价达到了901.30美元。

    It also has a pretty valuable currency in its own stock , which opened trading today at $ 901.30 per share .

  22. 新股上市首日开盘价预测方法的改进与启示国际货物贸易中的价格待定合同研究

    The Forecasting Method of New Stock 's Open Price : Improvements and Revelations Research on Open Price Contract in International Sales of Goods

  23. 开盘价位于当日第一个五分钟线的一端而且这个五分钟线收在另一端。

    The opening of the day is on one extreme of the five-minute bar and the close of the five-minute bar is on the opposite extreme .

  24. 客户要求米勒按每股620美元的开盘价,买进1625股苹果公司股票,总价值约100万美元。

    The client had asked Miller to buy 1,625 shares of apple & worth about $ 1 million at the opening price of $ 620 a share .

  25. 如超市每天的商品销售量与销售金额,股票的开盘价、收盘价、成交量等。

    For example , daily sales volume in supermarket , the stock opening price , closing price , trading volume , they are all be regard as the time series data .

  26. 芝加哥商品交易所追踪了他在2008年9月至2009年10月之间的交易后指出,这种手法似乎对市场的指示性开盘价产生了重大影响。

    Tracking his trades between September 2008 and October 2009 , the CME noted that the tactic appeared to have a significant impact on the indicative opening price of the market .

  27. 同时,还对神经网络的输入参数(开盘价、收盘价、最高价、最低价和成交量)的不同组合产生的预测结果进行了对比分析。

    The influences of input parameters , such as opening price , closing price , ceiling price , the lowest price , volume , etc. , on the performance of the neural networks are analyzed .

  28. 国债收益率曲线是进行投资的重要依据,它可以为投资者在一级市场上确定国债的投标利率、在二级市场上对国债券种的选择及预测开盘价提供依据;

    As the foundation of bonds investment , yield curve can be used to calculate the bid rate in the first market , select bonds and predict the open quotation price in the secondary market .

  29. 该公司昨日开盘价为30港元,收于39.5港元,较其13.5港元的发行价上涨近193%。

    The company 's share price opened at HK $ 30 , compared with its offer price of HK $ 13.5 , and closed at HK $ 39.5 , a gain of nearly 193 per cent .

  30. 我们首先通过主成分分析来探索折价率的变化规律,然后通过变量标准化和函数型典型相关分析来揭示封闭式基金的折价率和开盘价之间的内在联系。

    Firstly we apply Functional PCA to the data of agio-rate in order to explore its variation pattern , and then we focus on Variable Standardization Method and Functional CCA to uncover its inner relationship with the opening rate .