
  1. 这一决定反映了食品和制药公司中存在一种趋势,它们正汇聚到为人类和动物开发高利润率的非处方保健产品方面。

    The decision reflects a trend among food and pharmaceutical groups that are converging around high-margin non - prescription health products , for both humans and animals .

  2. 该模型考虑了住宅小区开发的利润、成本、房屋需求量、小区开敞空间等多个目标,追求小区开发的经济、社会和环境的综合效益,从而克服了仅追求开发利润目标的片面性。

    The model considers profit , cost , building requirement and opening space of residence zone . At the same time , it gets over the one-sideness only to pursue profit of exploitation in pursuit of integrate benefit of economy society and environment of residence zone .

  3. 事实上,研究和开发可以由利润推动,也可以由需求推动。

    R & D can indeed be needs-driven as well as profit-driven .

  4. 房地产开发项目销售利润及其水平探析

    Research on Sales Profit and Its Level of Developing Project

  5. 所以房地产开发企业的利润也将日趋减弱。

    Therefore , the profits of real estate development companies will become increasingly weakened .

  6. 北京房地产开发投资的利润有多少?

    Beijing real estate development investment profits ?

  7. 然而,许多功成名就的明星还是选择与该领域内的主要公司达成利润丰厚的独立协议,将商业开发推广的利润据为己有。

    But many established stars opt instead to keep merchandising profits for themselves by cutting lucrative separate deals with leading companies in the field .

  8. 另外,宽带网络运营商为了开发新的利润增长点,在已有的宽带网络上开发新的数字家庭业务迫在眉睫。

    In addition , in order to develop new profit growth point , the broadband network operators is desperate to develop a new digital-family based on the broadband network .

  9. 在市场买卖关系中,有关技术革新信息在交流时被盗用问题会影响交易双方的研究开发投资、利润和效用函数。

    In the market , the choice of the innovation-info communication and misappropriation between the supplier and the buyer affect their research and development ( R & D ) investments , income functions subsequently .

  10. 由于赣州地产特别商业地产开发的高利润以及一线城市的房地产市场受政策调控的影响较大,国内许多优秀的房地产开发公司纷纷加入到赣州房地产开发的行列中来。

    Focusing on the high profit in Ganzhou real estate especially on commercial real estate developing , and more influence on big cities in country policy control , more and more excellent real estate development companies joined ganzhou exploitation .

  11. 开发企业第三利润源之我见

    Exploitation of the Third Source of Enterprise Profit

  12. 油气田开发项目平均投资利润率和利税率的确定

    Determination of Average Profit to Investment Rate and Profit-Tax to Investment Rate of Oil-Gas Field Development Project

  13. 根据土地增值税与房地产开发项目成本、利润、价格的关系,分析了土地增值税预征清缴对房地产开发的影响,并从企业、政府方面提出了建议。

    As one of the means , national tax administration bureau and related departments released the notice in concerning that strengthens real estate land increment tax .

  14. 尤其是在商业地产开发中的丰厚利润,吸引着越来越多的房地产开发商和机构投资者。

    More and more real estate developers and investors of agencies are being attracted by the commercial real estate development , especially for its great profits .

  15. 项目的利润目标决定了成本管理,而成本管理是一个系统的动态过程,只有每个过程每个细节做到科学合理、方法得当、管控有度,才能实现开发项目的总体利润目标。

    The project profit target determines cost management . At the same time , cost management is a systematic and dynamic process , and only when every detail of the process is scientific and reasonable , the right way , can the whole goals of the profits be achieved .

  16. 本文通过对北京欣园小区房地产开发过程中主要成本分析,来探讨一下房地产开发成本控制方法,从而达到提高房地产开发的利润,增强房地产企业竞争力目的。

    The paper make analyses on the major cost of Beijing XinYuan real estate in the development process to look into the way of cost control in the real estate development . So that we can achieve to increase greater profits , enhance the competitiveness of enterprises .