
jiàn zhù shī
  • architect;master builder;constructor
  1. 他自封为“景观建筑师”。

    He described himself grandly as a ' landscape architect ' .

  2. 建筑师正在绘制新办公楼的设计图。

    The architect is drawing up plans for the new offices .

  3. 建筑师为提议建设的购物中心做了一个比例模型。

    The architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex .

  4. 与此同时,公众对建筑师并不看重。

    The public , meanwhile , hold architects in low esteem .

  5. 那位建筑师在指着地上的一个洞打手势。

    The architect was gesticulating at a hole in the ground .

  6. 找个建筑师或监理员来监工。

    Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work .

  7. 现在需要的是建筑师态度的转变。

    What is needed is a change of attitude on the part of architects

  8. 里卡多·博菲利是一名加泰罗尼亚的建筑师,这座整修过的机场就是他设计的。

    Ricardo Bofill , the Catalan architect , has designed the revamped airport .

  9. 他身为艺术历史学家和收藏家,同时也是一名从业建筑师。

    An art historian and collector , he was also a practising architect .

  10. 建筑师是否应该继续接受5年的公费培训呢?

    Should architects continue to be trained for five years at public expense ?

  11. 泰勒家决定雇个建筑师来干这个活。

    The Taylors decided that they would employ an architect to do the work .

  12. 如今的建筑结构复杂,需要建筑师和施工人员密切协作。

    Today 's complex buildings require close teamwork between the architect and the builders .

  13. 詹姆斯爵士是一位非常杰出的建筑师,处于其专业领域的前沿位置。

    Sir James was an immensely distinguished architect in the vanguard of his profession .

  14. 天才建筑师的作品无论残留多少都能最大限度地吸引眼球。

    The work of an architect of genius always arrests the attention no matter how little remains

  15. 请一位房产检视员或建筑师来监督并检查不同阶段的工作。

    Use a surveyor or architect to oversee and inspect the different stages of the work .

  16. 建筑师告诉他们的客户,在没有任何有形支撑物的情况下,楼板可以延伸100米。

    Architects tell their clients that floors can span 100 metres without any visible means of support .

  17. 他们有一支建筑师队伍正在全力制订修复第6区的计划。

    They had a team of architects beavering away at a scheme for the rehabilitation of District 6

  18. 他在建筑师中声誉卓著。

    He is eminent among architects .

  19. 这幢大楼是按那位建筑师的设计建造的。

    The building was constructed from the design of that architect .

  20. 这个假定要由建筑师的工作来保证。

    This assumption will be justified by the work of the builder .

  21. 建筑师看着示意图,想象着竣工后的房子。

    The architect looked at the plans and envisaged the finished house .

  22. 这座新楼是根据一位著名建筑师的设计建成的。

    The new building was built from the design of a famous architect .

  23. 建造新剧院之权已委托给一位著名的建筑师。

    The Commission for the new theater was given to a well-known architect .

  24. 那幢大建筑物完工后,建筑师便裁减了许多人。

    After the big job was finished , the builder cut back the number of men looking for him .

  25. 建筑师在估计这房屋的费用时没考虑家具,地毯和其他物件。

    The architect eliminated the cost of furniture , rugs , and other items , in figuring the cost of the house .

  26. 2月28日,49岁的中国建筑师王澍获得2012年普利茨克建筑奖(PritzkerArchitecturePrize),该奖通常被称为建筑界的诺贝尔奖。

    Wang Shu , a 49-year-old Chinese architect , won the 2012 Pritzker Architecture Prize — which is often referred to as the Nobel Prize in architecture — on February 28 .

  27. 20世纪初,现代建筑师W.M.Dudok和J.Duiker在Hilversum建造了数百座引人注目的建筑。

    In the early 1900s , modern architects W.M. Dudok and J.Duiker placed hundreds of remarkable buildings in Hilversum .

  28. 我从我这位修理工身上学到了很多:出版商需要打印工人,工程师需要机械师,建筑师也需要建筑工人。

    I have learned a lot from my motorhead : publishers need printers , engineers need mechanics , and architects need builders .

  29. 在邀请国外著名建筑师领衔新中央电视塔、国家演艺中心等中国标志性建筑设计的同时,许多优秀的中国建筑师正在努力走上中心舞台。

    While famous foreign architects are invited to lead the designs of landmark buildings in China such as the new CCTV tower and the National Center for the Performing Arts , many excellent Chinese architects are making great efforts to take the center stage .

  30. 英国皇家建筑师学会(RIBA)主席本·德比夏尔称它是“对英国建筑充满信心的深刻表达”。

    The president of the RIBA , Ben Derbyshire , has called it a profound expression of confidence in British architecture .