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  • humpback whale
  1. 一头座头鲸和一艘船只在加利福尼亚巴哈半岛海岸相撞,造成3人受伤。

    A collision between a humpback whale and a boat off the coast of Baja , California left 3 people injured .

  2. 一等奖前往布莱斯的沃本弗林,谁参加了这个惊人的马萨诸塞州的一杆座头鲸喂养(段)。

    First prize went to Bryce Flynn of Woburn , Massachusetts who took this amazing shot ( above ) of a humpback whale feeding .

  3. 该市的主要旅游景点包括附近的门登霍尔冰川(MendenhallGlacier),那里的游客中心提供可以俯瞰熊出没区域的木板路游览,以及可以观看虎鲸和座头鲸的小船游览。

    Its main attractions include the nearby Mendenhall Glacier , where the visitors ' center offers boardwalk trails that overlook bear-viewing areas , and small boat trips to watch orca and humpback whales .

  4. 在该时间段内,共有122头露脊鲸、473头座头鲸(megapteranovaeangliae)、257头长须鲸(balaenopteraphysalus)和大量其他种类的鲸鱼死亡。

    During that time 122 right whales died , along with 473 humpbacks ( Megaptera novaeangliae ) , 257 fin whales ( Balaenoptera physalus ) and scores of whales of other species .

  5. 旧金山以北130英里处门多西诺(Mendocino)海岸肃穆的悬崖向来是观赏海洋生物的绝佳地点:座头鲸悠然而过,海狮愉快地晒着太阳,浪花里夹杂着海藻。

    One hundred and thirty miles north of San Francisco , the moody bluffs of the Mendocino Coast have long been a spectacular place from which to observe marine life : passing humpback whales , sun-happy sea lions , foamy waves strewn with kelp .

  6. 在繁殖的时间和地点,座头鲸唱歌最为频繁。

    Humpback whales sing most frequently where and when they breed .

  7. 座头鲸保持著世界上哺乳动物中迁徙距离最长的记录。

    Humpback whales hold the world 's record for longest mammalian voyage .

  8. 但即使要在东加广阔的海洋要拍摄到座头鲸

    but even here , finding and filming whales in the open ocean

  9. 而且日本此次的捕鲸计划首次将珍稀物种座头鲸纳入捕杀名单。

    The hunt will include famed humpback whales for the first time .

  10. 目前并不清楚那只座头鲸是否受伤。

    It 's not clear whether the whale was injured .

  11. 小座头鲸现在有五个月大了。

    The whale calf is now five months old .

  12. 要捕捉到座头鲸独特的求偶竞赛

    capturing the humpback whales ' unique mating contest ,

  13. 由此产生的泡沫将猎物围起来,于是座头鲸便狼吞虎咽吃掉猎物。

    The resulting bubbles pen in prey fish , which the whales gobble up .

  14. 在拜伦湾新潮的海滩天堂乘坐悬挂式滑翔机和观看座头鲸。

    Hang-glide and spot humpback whales in the new-age beach paradise of Byron Bay .

  15. 东加王国以座头鲸闻名

    Tonga is famous for humpback whales ,

  16. 这些座头鲸甚至能在低于水平面100米的地方用肺部唱歌。

    They even sang while on feeding lunges more than 100 meters below the surface .

  17. 座头鲸不断地游过去

    The whales continue to rush by .

  18. 30多年间,所观察的座头鲸中有37%学会了这种技巧。

    Within 30 years , 37 percent of observed humpbacks had picked up the technique .

  19. 据悉,鲸鱼们唱歌课不轻松,一首曲子至少能维持20分钟,而且雄性座头鲸常常能唱歌长达24小时。

    Each song lasts for ten to20 minutes and the males can sing continuously for24 hours .

  20. 科学家发现,在任何时间,雄性座头鲸都会“演唱”同一首曲子。

    At any one time , all the males in a population sing the same song .

  21. 每头座头鲸的尾部斑点都不同,就如同人类的指纹。

    Every humpback has a different pattern of spots , just as human fingerprints are all different .

  22. 南部座头鲸从赤道旅行了四千英里,最终抵达南极。

    Southern humpbacks of travelling four thousand miles from the equator , are finally arriving in Antartic .

  23. 长须鲸的声音频率是20赫兹,座头鲸更高一点。

    Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 hertz , while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies .

  24. 现在是一座超级碗的蒙特里湾,被当地人称之为座头鲸的节日。

    Monterey Bay , now a massive soup bowl , as the locals call it feasting humpback whales .

  25. 海军专家还在寻找办法把两头座头鲸赶回大海。

    Marine experts are still looking for ways to 【 herd two humpback whales back to the ocean 】 .

  26. 日本捕鲸者计划将于下月在南极捕获50头座头鲸。

    Japanese whale hunters plan to capture 50 humpback whales in the ( end ) Antarctic in the coming months .

  27. 雄性座头鲸以“嗓门大”“身型长”“擅长复杂歌曲”闻名于世界。

    Male humpback whales are famed for the loud , long and complex songs they make during the mating season .

  28. 这就是所谓的“挑尾”捕食:一条座头鲸用尾页拍打海水表面。

    It 's called " lobtail " feeding : a humpback whale slaps the surface of the water with its tail .

  29. 在南非附近,一头有着四十吨力气的座头鲸冲出了水面。

    Photograph by David Doubilet Forty tons of gleaming muscle , a humpback whale blasts out of the water near South Africa .

  30. 一项研究发现文化传播落后于新英格兰海岸线座头鲸之间捕食技巧的传播。

    And a study finds that cultural transmission is behind the spread of a hunting technique among humpback whales off New England .