
  • 网络Application Pull
  1. 三要应用牵引,推进重点应用系统建设;

    Thirdly it should push on key application system through applying traction .

  2. 应用牵引成骨技术治疗颞下颌关节强直

    Distraction osteogenesis for treatment of temporomandibular joint ankylosis

  3. 目的建立一种应用牵引成骨技术矫治硬腭骨缺损畸形的腭裂动物模型。

    Objective To establish an animal model of cleft palate for distraction osteogenesis ( DO ) treatment .

  4. 目的应用牵引装置牵引牙周韧带加速尖牙的移动。

    Objective To use clinical application of the distraction device for a rapid canine retraction through distraction of the periodontal ligament .

  5. 目的:探讨应用牵引钉行颌间牵引术治疗颌骨骨折后牙关系紊乱的效果。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficiency of intermaxillary traction by the use of titanium screw implantation for the treatment of jaw fracture .

  6. 给出了一种应用牵引传动原理设计低噪音冷却塔行星牵引传动减速器的依据和要点。

    As an application of the transmission , the main points of design of a planetary-roller traction reducer for the use of coolling tower are given .

  7. 将逻辑门限、PID、模糊以及神经网络等控制方法应用于牵引力控制系统,建立了油门位置控制器和驱动轮制动控制器。

    The logic threshold , PID , fuzzy and neural network control methods were applied to the automobile traction control system , and the controllers for the engine throttle position and driving wheel brake were built .

  8. 应用颌骨牵引成骨技术行下颌前部加宽术

    The anterior mandibular expansion with the technique of distraction osteogenesis

  9. 目的:探讨应用缝牵引成骨的方式治疗面中份发育不全。

    Objective : To evaluate the effects of sutural distraction in treating midface hypoplasia .

  10. 作者在股四头肌成形、膝关节松解的基础上,应用髌骨牵引,使挛缩的肌肉在持续张力作用下得以延长。

    After quadricepsplasty was performed , patella traction was applied to extend the contracted muscle by constant tension .

  11. 下颌骨扩展应用内牵引成骨术是一种简单,可预测和控制的办法,发明了新骨。

    Mandibular widening by means of intraoral distraction osteogenesis is an easy , predictable and controlled method that creates new bone .

  12. 治疗组口内直丝弓矫治器联合应用前方牵引器关闭拔牙间隙进行矫治。

    Combined Straight-wire appliance with protraction facemask was used to close the extraction spaces of the second premolars of the treated group .

  13. 结论:在临床上对安氏Ⅲ类错牙合患儿应用前方牵引的年龄选择上,不应局限于替牙期,恒牙列早期的患儿也完全可以应用。

    Conclusion : It is suggested that the patients with Ann ⅲ osseous malocclusion in early stage of secondary dentition can be treated by the front orthoterion .

  14. 结论:在替牙期联合应用前方牵引器与扩弓器治疗安氏Ⅲ类错牙合能刺激上颌骨前移,抑制下颌骨的前方发育,可有效矫治安氏Ⅲ类错牙合。

    Conclusion : The combination of rapid maxillary expansion and maxillary protraction is an effective appliance in the treatment of Angle class ⅲ patients in the mixed dentition phases .

  15. 目的观察联合应用前方牵引和上颌快速扩弓治疗10~14岁骨性安氏Ⅲ类错牙合患者的临床效果。

    Objective The aim of this study is to investigate the clinical effects of combined protraction facemask and rapid maxillary expansion in the treatment of Class ⅲ malocclusion in 11 children aged from 10 to 14 years .

  16. 为避免这种情况的发生,确保保护的可靠性,需将双重化应用于牵引变压器保护。

    In this case , it will lead to large damage to the transformer . To avoid the damage and ensure the reliability of the protection , dual protection was developed and has started to be used in the real traction system .

  17. 引入故障预测的前沿工具&贝叶斯网络,阐述了贝叶斯网络诊断的优越性,提出了将贝叶斯网络技术应用于牵引变流器故障预测的全新方法。2、明确贝叶斯网络基本理论及其建模方法。

    An advanced tool named Bayesian network was introduced to fault prediction in this thesis and the superiority was illustrated comparing with the other diagnostic methods . A new technology which applied Bayesian network to fault prediction of traction converter was proposed * 2 .

  18. 应用需求的牵引和IT技术的推动使得嵌入式系统设计方法不断演化,出现了三种不同层次的设计方法:①以PCBCAD软件和ICE为主要工具的设计方法;

    The demand of IT technology makes design method of the embedded system evolve constantly , the design methods of three kinds of different levels have appeared : ① design method taking PCB CAD software and ICE as main tool ;

  19. 全球光通信市场最新动向由于通信、专用仪器、国防、航天和专用数据网络等应用的需求牵引,半导体光放大器(semiconductoropticalamplifier&SOA)市场呈现蓬勃发展的势头,其发展前景引人注目。

    The Latest Progress in Optical Network Market Due to the requirements of the applications in telecommunications , specific equipments , military , space research and private data network , market of Semiconductor Optical Amplifier ( SOA ) will keep highly developing trends , which is very conspicuous .

  20. 应用屈肘牵引法整复治疗小儿肱骨远端全骺分离16例。

    Elbow-flexing traction therapy was used to treat 16 children with distal humeral epiphysis separation .

  21. 目的应用持续弹力牵引成骨技术进行封闭腭裂、延长硬腭的实验研究,探讨以组织新生方式修复腭裂的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the possibility of closing bony palatal cleft and lengthening hard palate .

  22. 高压变频器在火力发电厂送风机上的应用钢丝绳牵引的送锭车

    The Application of High-voltage Frequency Converter to Forced Draft Fan in Thermal Power Plant cable-driven ingot buggy

  23. 目的:对掌指骨骨折应用铁丝夹板牵引治疗方法进行探讨。

    Objective : To discuss the effect of iron-wire splint in the treatment of metacarpal and phalangeal fractures .

  24. 由于技术发展和应用需求的牵引,在维和以及现代战争中,激光主动探测的技术及理论研究受到了越来越多的关注。

    The active laser detection technique has attracted more and more attention because it is useful in modern war .

  25. 目的研究联合应用上颌前方牵引与快速扩弓对恒牙早期Ⅲ类骨性错牙合的矫治效果及稳定性。

    Objective To evaluate the treatment effect and stability of maxillary protraction and rapid palatal expansion in the permanent dentition .

  26. 该系统的应用可使牵引供电运营管理部门提高工作效率、降低运营成本。

    The application of the system can advance work efficiency and reduce cost to the operating department which supplies the power .

  27. 结论行阴式子宫全切术应用子宫固定牵引器及本护理模式具有安全、高效优势。

    Conclusion Use of uterus tractor plus the nursing care mode in question in transvaginal total hysterectomy was safe and effective .

  28. 把它应用于地铁牵引变电站馈线电缆绝缘的在线监测中,效果良好。

    Finally , the proposed method is applied to the online monitoring of feeder line cable in a metro substation and good effect is obtained .

  29. 因为应用需求的牵引和IT技术的推动,嵌入式实时系统的设计方法有了很大改变。

    With the impulse of the practical demands and Information Technology , the design method of embedded real time system has made a great change .

  30. 目的研究在乳腺癌改良根治术中应用皮瓣对抗牵引法,对术后皮下积液的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the application of the derma dual pulling method in breast modified radical mastectomy and its affection to liquid gathering under the derma after operation .