
bìng liè
  • be juxtaposed;juxtaposition;apposition;abreast;stand side by side;put sth. on a par with
并列 [bìng liè]
  • [juxtapsition] 并排地摆列,不分主次

  • 并列第三名

  • 则莲实与藕皆并列盘餐而互芬齿颊也。——明· 李渔《闲情偶寄·种植部》

并列[bìng liè]
  1. 两个瓶子并列在桌上

    The two bottle stand side by side on the table

  2. 1990年在美国召开的挡土墙国际学术会议上,土钉墙作为一个独立的专题与锚杆挡墙并列,使它成为一个独立的土加固学科分支。

    On the Retaining Wall International Academic Conference in 1990 in America , Soil-nailing Wall to became an independent subject which stand side by side with Anchor rod retaining wall , to be a independent subject branch of Soil Reinforce .

  3. 展览会上抽象画与令人震惊的照片并列展出。

    In the exhibition , abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs .

  4. 他们获得并列第一。

    They finished in joint first place .

  5. 那不勒斯队追平了AC米兰队,并列意大利联赛排行榜的榜首。

    Napoli have drawn level with AC Milan at the top of the Italian league .

  6. 这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。

    The bridge can take four lorries abreast .

  7. 我们利用并列表示合取,ab意味着a与b两者。

    We use juxtaposition to denote conjunction , ab means both a and B.

  8. 这个句子包含两个并列分句。

    This sentence includes two coordinate clauses .

  9. 这是并列对比色的结果。

    It is the result of the juxtaposition of contrasting colors .

  10. 并列为二十一世纪全球最大经济体国家。

    the world 's largest economies in the 21st century .

  11. 2018年的酷暑是自1910年有记录以来英国并列最热的年份。

    The blazing summer of 2018 was the joint1 warmest for the UK since records began in 1910 .

  12. 免疫疗法是获得诺贝尔奖的科学,现在是治疗癌症的一个关键支柱,与化学疗法、放射治疗和手术并列。

    Immunotherapy is Nobel prize-winning science that is now a key pillar of cancer treatment alongside chemotherapy , radiotherapy and surgery .

  13. 现代汉语并列N项式研究

    The Study on Modern Chinese N Items Appositional Formula

  14. 使用远程计算机的IP地址并列出茗称表。

    A ( Adapter status ) Lists the remote machine 's name table given its IP address .

  15. EIS并列型光寻址半导体体液分析传感器研究

    Study on parallel EIS type light addressable semiconductor humor analysis sensor

  16. 应用EDA技术实现并列乘法器

    Realization of Parataxis Multiplicative Implement by Application of EDA

  17. 本文概述了多个不同的此类任务,并列出了对这些任务提供辅助的IBM产品。

    This article has outlined a variety of such tasks and listed the IBM products that provide assistance with these tasks .

  18. 在生存分析领域,除比例风险回归模型外,还有一类模型与之并列,叫做加速失效时间模型(acceleratedfailuretimemodel,简称为AFT模型)。

    In the field of survival analysis , there is a model besides proportional hazard function model , called the accelerated failure time model ( AFT ) .

  19. 知识产权保护与货物贸易、服务贸易并列为WTO的三大支柱,而货物贸易和服务贸易之中又渗透着知识产权问题。

    Intellectual property , commodity trade and service trade form the three pillars of WTO and intellectual property is involved in community trade and service trade .

  20. GnRH并列体二聚体主动免疫对公兔性腺的影响

    Influences of Active Immunization against GnRH-Tandem-Dimer on Gonad in Male Rabbits

  21. 两个并列的Flex图表,在图表上部有历史数据粒度级别的标签

    Two flex charts side by side , with the labels for their history granularity level positioned above the charts

  22. 黄蜂是今年NBA最令人吃惊的球队之一,获得了23胜11负的战绩,在西区并列第三。

    The Hornets are one of the surprise teams in the NBA , posting a23-11 record , tied for third best in the Western Conference .

  23. 在英超射手榜上,德罗巴以8个进球与Doyle和卡努并列榜首。

    He also heads the Premiership scoring chart together with Doyle and Kanu with eight goals .

  24. 其中,以基于隐马尔可夫模型(HiddenMarkovmodel,HMM)的参数语音合成方法为代表,该方法已逐步发展成为和基于语料库的单元挑选与波形拼接合成方法相并列的一种主流语音合成方法。

    One representative approach of these methods is Hidden Markov Model ( HMM ) based parametric synthesis , which has become a mainstream speech synthesis approach together with the unit selection and waveform concatenation approach .

  25. 如果N1、N2属于同一名词小类:N为无生专有名词或方位名词,则N+N为并列结构;

    N1 、 N2 belong to same kinds of nouns : if they are both proper noun without life or local noun , it is the co-ordinate structure ;

  26. 这种结构特征不同于Hb和Mb,Hb和Mb有经典的五条并列亚铁血红素,形成灵活的结合位点便于气性配基如O2、CO和NO等结合。

    This structural feature is different from Hb and Mb that have a classical pentacoordinate heme with flexible binding site for gaseous ligands such as O2 , CO , and NO.

  27. 通过分析和工程实例,阐述高层RC建筑自动化施工的并列运输系统特点和应用,并与传统的塔机运输系统进行技术、经济比较

    Features and application of parallel transport system of automation construct for RC highrise building are described through analyzing existing engineering example . It is compared with traditional tower crane transport system for technology and economy

  28. 下面的列表详细说明了SDLC的各个阶段,并列出了好的架构师候选者在每个阶段表现出来的特征。

    The following list details the SDLC stages and outlines the traits of a good architect candidate for each stage .

  29. 理论部分,分析了准同期并列的条件及同期装置的功能要求,总结了快速准同期并列的方法并对采用的方法利用MATLAB进行仿真;

    Chapter 2 is theory part . This part analyses the principle of parallel operation and function require of the quasi-synchronization device , sum up the method of fast speed of synchronization and used Matlab emulate the method what used .

  30. Ribozyme的发现打破了这种等价性,生物催化剂上升为属概念,酶和ribozyme并列成为种概念。

    The discovery of ribozyme broke out the equivalence , biocatalyst was up to a genus concept while enzyme and ribozyme became two paratactic species concepts .