
shì chǎnɡ bō dònɡ
  • Market volatility;market fluctuations
  1. 对冲基金英仕曼集团(ManGroup)中国区主席李亦非坚称,她任何时候都未曾遭到羁押,也未曾被强制参加与政府官员就市场波动召开的调查会议。

    Li Yifei , the head of hedge fund Man Group 's China division , has insisted she was not at any time detained or compelled to attend investigative meetings with government officials over market fluctuations .

  2. VaR的全称是ValueAtRisk,意为处于风险中的价值,被定义为在正常的市场波动情况下,在一定的置信水平下,投资组合在未来某一个特定时期内的最大可能损失。

    Value at Risk ( VaR ), which means " the value at risk ", is defined as the maximum possible loss that a portfolio will lose under normal market fluctuations , with a given confidence level , over a certain time horizon .

  3. IPO重启与货币市场波动的关联性研究

    A Study on the Relevance between the Restart of IPO and the Volatility of Money Market

  4. 金融资产价格的波动率的测度具有重要意义,实际波动率(RealizedVolatility)概念是近些年提出的用于测度市场波动率的新概念,在诸多方面具有优势。

    The volatility measure of asset return is very important . The concept of realized volatility is proposed in the recent literature and has great advantage .

  5. 结论表明我国的IPO定价主要决定于发行市盈率,且市场波动性,整体经济运行对IPO定价影响有一定时滞性。

    The conclusion shows that the IPO pricing in China mainly lies on issuing market payoff rate , and market fluctuation and overall economic operation make IPO pricing lagged .

  6. 技术和服务供应商博世(bosch)对市场波动的回应也是降低盈亏平衡点。

    Bosch , the technology and services supplier , has also responded to volatility by focusing on lowering its break-even point .

  7. 文章利用SVAR模型实证模拟了股价市场波动与投资者行为效应的均衡、互动关系。

    In use of SVAR model , the paper empirically simulated the equilibrium and interactive relationship between market volatility and investor behavior effects .

  8. 韩国央行(bankofkorea)向来对黄金不屑一顾,央行行长金仲秀(kimchoong-soo)周一表示,大宗商品创纪录高价和市场波动性意味着,韩国政府必须谨慎行事。

    The Bank of Korea has been dismissive of gold and Kim choong-soo , governor of the central bank , said on Monday that record prices for the commodity and market volatility meant Seoul would have to tread carefully .

  9. iasb的改革将会在决定哪种银行资产必须以市价计值、哪种资产可以根据平滑市场波动性的所谓的摊余成本会计制度进行计值上提供更大的灵活性。

    The IASB reforms will allow more flexibility in determining which bank assets must be marked to market and which can be valued according to so-called amortised cost accounting , which smooths out market volatility .

  10. 本文以沪深两市A股指数为样本,采用GARCH(1,1)模型,研究收益波动度的性质特征,并探讨两市场波动度的相关关系。

    Based on the Index of Stock A both in Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges , and by using the GARCH ( 1,1 ) model , this paper studies the return volatility 's characteristics and explores the relative relations between the two stock exchanges .

  11. 针对中国股票市场波动幅度大的特征,文章运用股指期货对上证50ETF和深证100ETF进行了套期保值实证研究。

    Aiming at the characteristics of China stock market fluctuations ' varying within wide limits , this paper takes Shanghai 50 ETF and Shenzhen 100 ETF for the hedge empirical study with the stock index futures .

  12. 第二章阐述股票市场波动性相关理论。

    And the paper describes the volatility of stock market-related theory .

  13. 中国证券市场波动与收益的非线性相关

    Volatility and Nonlinear Dependence in the Returns of China 's Security Markets

  14. 中国股票市场波动性与交易量关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Price Volatility and Trading Volume in Chinese Stock Market

  15. 标普500指数下跌,增加了市场波动性。

    The decline in the S & P 500 increases market volatility .

  16. 金融市场波动性的拟合分析

    Simulating and Analyzing the Volatility of Financial Market in China

  17. 采取这种机制的目的是为了将外汇市场波动的影响减轻到最低。

    The point is to minimize shocks from volatile foreign exchange markets .

  18. 中国金融市场波动率模型预测能力比较研究

    A Forecast Comparison of Volatility Models in Chinese Financial Markets

  19. 我国期货市场波动率长记忆性的实证研究

    Empirical Analysis of Volatility Long Memory in Chinese Futures Market

  20. 当市场波动性增加时,投资者对外汇交易的兴趣就会上升。

    Interest in currency trading rises when volatility increases in the market .

  21. 不过,2015年的真正问题在于市场波动。

    However , the real issue we will face in 2015 is volatility .

  22. 中国股票市场波动率的高频估计与特性分析

    Analysis on Character and High - frequency Estimation in China 's Stock Market

  23. 证券市场波动性影响因素的理论研究

    Security market flutuation influence factor 's theory research

  24. 消费、利率与证券市场波动

    Consumption Interest Rate and Fluctuation of Stock Market

  25. 这加剧了市场波动性,导致流动性愈发不足。

    This has accentuated market volatility and illiquidity .

  26. 我国商品市场波动的可运行区间研究

    On the Practical Range of Commodities Market Fluctuation

  27. 石油市场波动溢出模型研究

    Research on Volatility Spillover in Oil Markets

  28. 在市场波动性降低的背景下,投资者面临收益下降。

    Investors were confronted by falling yields against a background of declining volatility in markets .

  29. 产品价格随市场波动大;

    Product price fluctuating greatly with market ;

  30. 随着经济全球化及金融市场波动性的加剧,商业银行作为金融机构,其信用风险暴露的越来越严重。

    With the trend of Economic Globalization , the volatility of Financial Markets is intensifying .