
  • 网络Market dynamics;Market News;marketplace
  1. 非击打式印字技术的发展及市场动态

    The Development and Market Dynamics of Non-Impact Printing Technique

  2. 这两大举措将会迫使中国银行调整思维,考虑市场动态。

    Combined , these two measures will force Chinese banks to reorient their thinking and take into account market dynamics .

  3. 中国大陆与亚洲新兴OTC市场动态比较

    Dynamic Comparison of Chinese Mainland OTC Market with Those of the Asian Emerging Countries

  4. 世界TiO2市场动态

    Recent Development of World TiO_2 Market

  5. 为适应市场动态多变的要求,满足不同层次消费者对产品的个性化需求,大批量定制(masscustomization,MC)生产模式被越来越多的企业所应用。

    In order to meet the requirements of the dynamic changing market and personalized products for different consumers , the production mode of mass customization is applied in more and more enterprises .

  6. 整个市场动态正从国有企业转向私有企业,因此你看到了这种大规模的财富转换,在企业上市后,这些企业家正在寻求流动性,瑞信亚太区企业股权衍生品主管AaronOh表示。

    The whole market dynamic is shifting from state-owned to private enterprises so you have this massive conversion of wealth and these entrepreneurs , after they float , are looking for liquidity , said Aaron Oh , head of corporate equity derivatives for Asia Pacific at Credit Suisse .

  7. 中国劳动力市场动态均衡的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Dynamical Equilibrium of China Labor Market

  8. 浅谈白酒市场动态的认识与企业对策

    Realizing the Situation in the Liquor Market and the Enterprises Strategy

  9. 考虑污染物限排的初期电力市场动态优化调度

    Dynamic Optimal Dispatching of Initial Electricity Markets Considering Pollutant Emission Regulation

  10. 随着紧密地跟踪竞争性局面来了解市场动态。

    Understand the market dynamic with close tracking of competitive situation .

  11. 电力市场动态建模与复杂性行为研究

    Research on dynamic modeling and complex behaviors of electricity market

  12. 金融危机后的中国风电行业市场动态

    Market trends of Chinese wind power industry after financial crisis

  13. 土地市场动态监测与监管系统设计思路

    Ideas of Design on Dynamic Monitoring and Supervision System of Land Market

  14. 电力市场动态演化及其混沌控制研究

    Research on Dynamic Evolution and Chaos Control of Power Market

  15. 测绘仪器市场动态分析

    The Dynamic Market Analysis of the Surveying and Mapping Instruments

  16. 城市土地市场动态监测分析思路和方法探索&以济南市2005年土地市场动态监测分析为例

    Thoughts and Method on Analysing Dynamic Monitoring of Land Market

  17. 论工勘市场动态及科研发展方向

    Discussion on development of market and scientific research in engineering exploration field

  18. 中国钼资源钼制品与市场动态

    China 's resources , products and market movements of molybdenum

  19. 中国丝绸之路客源市场动态发展变化研究

    Study on the tourism market dynamic change of the Chinese Silk Road

  20. 金融市场动态相关结构的研究

    TRENDS Research on dynamic dependence structure of financial markets

  21. 我国劳动力市场动态均衡分析与实证研究

    Analysis of dynamic balance of labor market in China

  22. 丙烯腈生产技术进展及国内外市场动态

    Review on technology progress and market prospect of acrylonitrile

  23. 辐射固化的全球产业化与市场动态(一)

    Global Industrialization and Market Trends of Radiation Curing (ⅰ)

  24. 我国股票市场动态与合理市盈率的实证分析

    An Empirical Analysis of Dynamic PER and Rational PER in China Stock Market

  25. 基于强化学习的电子销售市场动态定价研究

    Dynamic Pricing in Electronic Retail Markets by Reinforcement Learning

  26. 亚洲地区机电继电器市场动态&大电流、小型化是主流

    A Review of The Relay Market in Asia

  27. 全球天然色素市场动态

    The trend of the global natural colorant market

  28. 顺丁橡胶市场动态及我国面临之挑战

    Market trend of butadiene rubber ( br ) and the challenge our country faced

  29. 氯磺酸的生产工艺与市场动态

    Production process and market trends of chlorosulfonic acid

  30. 邻苯二甲酸酐生产技术及市场动态

    Production Technology and Market Developments of Phthalic Anhydride