
  • 网络job specifications
  1. 公司对主要部门/人员职责作下列规定,其它部门/岗位人员按《岗位规范》执行。

    The responsibilities of major departments / staff are stated as follows . Others shall follow the stipulations of Job Specifications .

  2. 要使严格的岗位规范和科学的岗位标准具体落实到每一个青年职工。

    Should make rigid post standard and scientific post standard specific fulfil each youth worker .

  3. 思维导图作为组织和表征知识的一个强有力工具,在乡村医生岗位规范化培训中有其重要的应用价值。

    As a powerful tool of knowledge organization and characterization , mind mapping plays an important role in rural doctors'post standardization training .

  4. 文章分析了当前乡村医生岗位规范化培训的必要性,并从理论和实践两方面尝试性地将思维导图工具引入到乡村医生岗位规范化培训当中的具体做法。

    This paper analyzes necessity of the training at present and discusses how to introduce mind mapping tool into rural doctors'post standardization training in theory and practice .

  5. 再次,设计出了新星公司物业管理顾客满意度测评体系,其中的关键因素包括房屋设备运行、保洁服务、保安服务、物业维修、岗位规范等方面;

    Meanwhile , we design a test system of customers ' satisfaction for them . The key factors of this system include the running of housing equipment , cleaning service , safe service , housing repair and position norm .

  6. 职业标准是国家对从事某项职业的人员在能力与素质上提出的基本要求,是行业对从业人员岗位资格的规范要求。

    The standard of vocation is our country 's basic requirement for testing its workers ' status .

  7. 它们可用于支持组织的发展,招聘和选择,岗位描述和规范,并确定培训需求。

    They can be used to support organisational development , recruitment and selection , job descriptions and specifications , and to identify training needs .

  8. 政事关系不明确,岗位设置不规范,人员任用、管理和绩效考评缺少可操作性,能上能下、能进能出的用人机制还没有形成;

    The relations between politics and public service unit is not clear , the post establishment is not standard , the personnel assignment and management , the achievements examination and critique are lack of operation , the effective personnel mechanism has not been formed ;

  9. 分析三环分公司硫酸厂蒸汽汽轮机结垢原因,认为是脱盐水水质差和锅炉岗位操作不规范造成汽轮机所需动力来源过热蒸汽品质差而结垢。

    The main scaling causes of the steam turbine in the Sulfuric Acid Plant of the Three Circle Company are discussed , which result from the power of steam turbine with low quality of superheated steam caused by poor quality of desalting water , nonstandard boiler operation .

  10. 对企业实施劳动卫生许可证、职工健康证与职业卫生制度、医疗卫生保健制度以及作业场所岗位安全卫生操作规范的管理,是实现职业卫生服务规范化管理的有效方法。

    In addition , regional medical health care system and work site safety and health operation regulation should not be ignored .

  11. 进一步健全和完善了岗位职责、操作规范、标准化服务用语、差错分享制度、纠纷处理预案;

    Pharmacists'position and responsibility , the operation norm , standardized service language , error-sharing system and the solution schemes for disputes have been further improved and consummated ;

  12. 在缺乏积极的企业文化和员工之间的认同关系的情况下,人本型法制必须加强以个体为单位的人与人工作标准和岗位工作职责的规范工作。

    To being short of positive enterprise culture and intimate staff relations , the first aim of Total Inclusion Management is to differentiate work standard and duties in individual .