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  1. HPLC同时测定血液与尿液中的泼尼松和泼尼松龙

    Simultaneous determination of Prednisone and Prednisolone in the blood and urine by HPLC

  2. 超临界CO2条件下催化合成聚合松香及氢化松香的研究【药】醋酸泼尼松,去氢可的松,强的松

    Study on Synthesis of Polymerized Rosin and Hydrogenated Rosin in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide ; prednisone acetate

  3. 探讨泼尼松治疗重症肌无力(MG)免疫学机制。

    The immunological mechanism of prednisone in the treatment of myasthenia gravis ( MG ) was studied .

  4. 采用高效液相色谱法确定了处方中醋酸泼尼松、利多卡因、尿囊素及维生素E的含量测定方法。

    The contents of prednison acetate , lidocaine , allantoin and vitamin E in the ointment are determined by HPLC .

  5. HPLC法测定醋酸泼尼松片含量3种不同计算方法的不确定度分析

    Evaluation of the uncertainty for the determination of prednisone acetate tablets by HPLC with 3 kinds of calculate methods

  6. 采用单纯熏香烟法建立COPD模型,干预组隔日泼尼松灌胃。

    Rat COPD model was established by exposing the animals to cigarette smoke daily .

  7. 介绍了用HPLC对醋酸泼尼松发酵液中的底物醋酸可的松和产物醋酸泼尼松的含量进行测定的方法。

    A method for the determination of substrate cortisone acetate and product prednisone acetate in the culture by HPLC was developed .

  8. 泼尼松对MCP-1及IL-8在COPD大鼠气道表达的影响

    The Effect of Prednisone on Expression of MCP-1 and IL-8 in airway of rats with COPD

  9. 目的探讨泼尼松对肾病综合征(NS)患儿骨吸收功能的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effect of prednisone on bone resorption activity of childhood nephrotic syndrome ( CNS ) .

  10. 25例应用泼尼松及环磷酰胺(CTX)冲击治疗。

    25 patients were treated with prednisone combined with cytoxan ( CTX ) .

  11. 结论:累积和大剂量泼尼松与SLE患者持久的器官损害呈显著性相关。

    Objective : To evaluate the correlation between corticosteroid dosage and organ damages from steroid side-effects in patients with SLE .

  12. 与模型组比较,泼尼松治疗组和芪红合剂治疗组大鼠肺组织中TGF-β1含量显著下降(P0.01)。

    Compared with model group , the levels of TGF - β 1 in two treatment groups were obviously decreased ( P0.01 ) .

  13. 目的:比较曲安西龙(triamcinolone)与醋酸泼尼松(prednisone)治疗活动期系统性红斑狼疮(SLE)的疗效。

    OBJECTIVE : To compare the efficacy of triamcinolone with prednisone on active systemic lupus erythematosus ( SLE ) .

  14. 对症状持续存在达5年以上者进行肾活检检查,并分别给予泼尼松,泼尼松与环磷酰胺(CTX)联合治疗。

    Renal biopsy was performed , prednisone and CTX was administered in patients with 5 year persisted symptoms .

  15. 方法:实验用SD大鼠分为4组:对照组、模型组、艾灸组、泼尼松组。

    Methods SD rats were randomly assigned to 4 groups , a control group , a model group , a moxibustion therapy group and a prednisone therapy group .

  16. 结果:IL-2含量:化纤方高、中、低各剂量组与泼尼松组均比模型组高并有统计学意义。

    Results : For the contents of IL-2 , all Huaxianfang groups and the prednisone therapy group were higher than the model group with significant difference .

  17. 经泼尼松治疗1个月后,患者体温正常、关节痛和皮疹消失,ESR和血清CRP、IL-6、TNF-α和sIL-2R水平显著下降,IL-1β和IL-8水平无显著性变化。

    After one month treatment with prednisone , ESR and serum levels of CRP , IL 6 , TNF α and sIL 2R significantly decreased .

  18. 结果:艾灸组及泼尼松组肺系数明显减少(P<0.01),肺组织病理学显示肺泡炎及肺纤维化程度均明显减轻,IFN-γ含量升高,IFN-γ表达增强。

    And there were comparisons in pulmonary coefficient and variety of IFN - γ across groups on day 30.Results : The pulmonary coefficients of the moxibustion therapy group and the prednisone therapy group were obviously reduced ( P < 0.01 ) .

  19. 结果除了对泼尼松治疗的临床反应明显不同外,SR型与SS型哮喘在一般临床特征及基础肺功能方面差异均无显著性。

    Results There was no significant difference between SR and SS asthma both in clinical characteristics and baseline pulmonary function , but the response to prednisone therapy was different .

  20. 目的:比较泼尼松联合疗法和单用治疗多发性肌炎(PM)和皮肌炎(DM)的疗效。

    Objective : To compare the therapeutic effectiveness of prednisone combined with other drugs with that of prednisone alone in the treatment of polymyositis ( PM ) and dermatomyositis ( DM ) .

  21. 肾移植术后均接受环孢素(CsA)、硫唑嘌呤(Aza)和泼尼松三联免疫抑制治疗方案。分别于肾移植后35、34、43个月妊娠。

    They all received triple immunosuppressive therapy ( CSA + AZA + prednisone ) for the prevention of acute rejection after renal transplantation .

  22. 对照组给予泼尼松及环磷酰胺(CTX)治疗,治疗组给予激素、CTX治疗的同时,另予低分子肝素联合黄芪当归剂治疗。

    The control group were treated with steroid and CTX The treatment group were treated with Astragalus-Angelica mixture and LMWH besides steroid and CTX .

  23. 方法:采用双标记免疫荧光染色和流式细胞仪,分析20例中重度UC患者应用泼尼松治疗前后淋巴细胞粘附分子表型的变化。

    Methods : Using flow cytometric analysis and dual immunofluorescence staining method , lymphocyte adhesion molecule phenotype were examined in 20 severe UC patients before and after treatment with GC .

  24. 目的:观察吗替麦考酚酯(MMF)分散片联合泼尼松治疗难治性肾病综合征(RNS)的疗效性及安全性。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of mycophenolate mofetil ( MMF ) plus prednisone on refractory nephrotic syndrome ( RNS ) in children .

  25. 目的:探讨中药养阴抗毒胶囊对强的松所致大鼠肾上腺皮质网状带细胞超微结构损伤的影响.方法:SD成年大鼠40只,随机分成4组,激素组:给予醋酸泼尼松片3mg;

    AIM : To explore the effect of Yangyin Antitoxic Capsule ( YC ), a preparation of traditional Chinese medicine , on prednisone-caused adrenal ultrastructure damage in adult rats .

  26. 方法:采用臀部注射醋酸氢化泼尼松建立兔股骨头骨坏死模型,6周处死取材,采用TUNEL标记法,研究细胞凋亡情况。

    Method : Model rabbits of necrosis of femoral head , made by intragluteal injection with prednisone acetate , were killed after 6 weeks to study the apoptosis by means of TUNEL .

  27. 目的探讨国人肾移植后骁悉(MMF)、环孢素A(CsA)和泼尼松(Pred)联合应用的最适剂量。

    Objective To optimize immunosuppressive dose of combined treatment with mycophenolate mofetil ( MMF ), cyclosporine A ( CsA ) and prednisone ( Pred ) in renal transplantation recipients .

  28. 方法:采用16只3月龄雄性SD大鼠,体重345~347g,随机分为对照组和实验组,后者喂醋酸泼尼松4.5mg/kg,2次/周。

    Methods : Sixteen male Sprague Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups , and prednisone acetate ( 4.5mg / kg ) were gave to experimental group twice a week .

  29. 8例患者均给予更昔洛韦5mg/kg静脉滴注,2次/d;减少他克莫司(FK506)或环孢素A(CsA)1/3~1/2的用量,停用霉酚酸酯(MMF)和泼尼松;

    All cases were treated with intravenous infusion of gancyclovir , reduced dosage of cyclosporine A or tacrolimus to 1 / 3 ~ 1 / 2 of baseline and withdrawal of MMF and prednisone .

  30. 目的探讨霉酚酸酯(MMF)联合小剂量环孢素A(CsA)和泼尼松(Pred)治疗肾移植术后慢性排斥反应的临床效果。

    Objectives To investigate the clinical efficacy of mycophenolate mofetil ( MMF ) combined with low dose CsA and prednisone ( Pred ) for treatment of chronic rejection in primary cadaveric renal recipients .