
  • 网络missile propulsion system
  1. 吸气式感烟探测报警系统是一种高灵敏新型火灾探测系统,气流流速检测是吸气式系统的关键技术。吸气式导弹推进系统方案评述

    Aspirating fire detection system with high sensitive is developing fast in the world . Wind - speed measurement is one of key technology of these systems . Missile Propulsion Options Increase

  2. 根据从现有资料获得的相关信息,应用工程估算的方法,并运用反设计思想,计算或合理给出了标准-3导弹的推进系统参数、气动外形参数和气动参数。

    According to the information obtained from available relevant materials , applying the methods of engineering estimation , and guided by the thoughts of inverse design , propulsion parameters , aerodynamic configuration parameters and aerodynamic parameters of the STANDARD Missile-3 were calculated or reasonably given .

  3. 在导弹和火箭的推进系统中氧用作液体燃料的氧化剂。

    Liquid oxygen is used as an oxidant for liquid fuels in the propellant systems of missiles and rockets .