
  • 网络object member;instance field
  1. 这些类型根据输入的部分字符动态调整,并且通常不会选择代码中定义的对象成员。

    These types are pruned on the fly based on partial characters typed , and they typically do not pick up object members defined in the code .

  2. 接下来您可轻松访问JSON对象成员。

    Then you can easily access the JSON object 's members .

  3. 然后,在运行时,调用框架中基于内省的编排器,并根据对象成员的类型、名称和值生成XML文档。

    Then , at run time , you call on the framework 's introspection-based marshaler , and it produces an XML document based on the types , names , and values of your objects'members .

  4. 它初始化对象成员。

    It initializes the object 's overhead members .

  5. 允许使用成员的索引从被代理的对象成员中查出相应成员的名称。

    Allows enumeration of the proxied object 's properties by index number to retrieve property names .

  6. 其他所有事项,包括要访问的对象成员,都不能在消息之间进行更改,因此都纳入到模板定义中。

    Everything else , including which members of the objects to access , doesn 't change between messages and so goes into the template definition .

  7. 在我们的示例中,groupOfNames对象的成员属性是member,这是该对象的缺省属性。

    In our scenario , the member attribute for the groupOfNames object class is member , which is present by default .

  8. 属性,检查是否指定了在获取项文本时要引用的对象中成员的名称。

    Class has the name of a member from the object specified to reference when obtaining the item text .

  9. 可将值赋给数据成员,但首先必须知道如何引用一个对象的成员。

    You can assign values to the data members , but you must first know how to refer to a member of an object .

  10. 回调函数拥有两个参数:第一个为对象的成员或数组的索引,第二个为对应变量或内容。

    The callback has two arguments : the key ( objects ) or index ( arrays ) as the first , and the value as the second .

  11. 政策对象的成员数量、组织程度、拥有的社会资源、受教育程度、价值观念和认识能力对政策执行力有明显的影响。

    The number of members , organizations , community-owned resources , education , values and ability of understanding of the policy object are obviously impact the policy execution .

  12. 该系统利用类的继承机制以及对象与其成员函数之间的关系来代替指针操作,避免了指针带来的各种问题。

    It substitutes the inheritance mechanism of classes and the relationship of objects and its member functions for pointer operation , accordingly avoids all problems caused by pointer .

  13. 下列快捷组合键可用于在一个文件或多个文件中搜索文本、对象和成员。

    The following shortcut key combinations can be used to search for text in a single file , in multiple files , and to search for objects and members .

  14. 如果您刚获得此对象的成员身份,在查看或更改权限之前,您将需关闭并重新打开此对象的属性。

    If you have just taken ownership of this object , you will need to close and reopen this object 's properties before you can view or change permissions .

  15. 如果全局对象的公共成员无需限定即可供脚本引擎使用,就如同它们是全局命名空间的一部分,则返回true。

    Returns true if public members of the global object are available to the script engine without qualification , as if they are part of the global namespace .

  16. 主要讨论了利用属性文法对C++中在类的定义、对象说明、成员函数、继承与派生等方面涉及的全局及局部静态性质进行形式化描述的方法。

    This paper discusses how to use AG to describe the static semantics of C + + in its class defining 、 object declaring 、 member function declaring 、 inheriting and deriving , etc.

  17. “ObjectExpander”让用户可以在并行监视窗口中向下钻取对象的所有成员,并跨线程对值进行比较。

    The Object Expander lets the user drill down into all the members of an object in the Parallel Watch Window , and compare the values across threads .

  18. 要移动、修改或者删除图形元素,该ID将作为参数传递给包含画布对象的各个成员函数。

    To move , modify , or delete a graphics element , this ID is passed as a parameter to the respective member function on the containing Canvas object .

  19. 本文设计了Graph类,其对象的数据成员用以存储网络拓扑图数据,方法成员用于后续的最优路径规划算法。

    The class of Graph was designed in this paper . The data members of the Graph object is used to store topology graph of network while the function members of it is used in the algorithm of optimal path planning .

  20. 这也是为什么,比如,导出派生自STL模板类或者使用STL模板类对象作为数据成员是非常困难和令人生厌的。

    That is why , for instance , it is very hard and tiresome to export classes that are derived from STL templates or to use STL templates as data members .

  21. 您可在显示弹出框之前设置其内容,只需设置popup对象的innerHTML成员即可。

    You can set the contents of the pop-up before making it visible by setting the innerHTML member on the popup object .

  22. 在Rhino中,可以持有将添加到JPanel中的组件,并为该对象的数据成员分配函数来处理事件,通过以上操作可以映射该行为。

    In Rhino , I mirror this behavior by holding on to the components to be added to the JPanel and assigning functions to data members of this object to handle events .

  23. 类对象的私有成员分私有函数和私有数据两部分,其中私有数据有特殊的作用;

    Private member is composed of private function and private data .

  24. 它们的工作是初始化一个对象的所有成员。

    Their job is to initialize all the members of an object .

  25. 在模型对象中用成员函数发送消息,成员函数实施对数据的操作;

    Structure functions send messages and realize operations to data in model objects .

  26. 接下来初始化你的设备扩展名以及设备对象的标志成员。

    Next initialize your device extension and the Flags member of the device object .

  27. 咨询对象:世贸组织成员、中外企业和个人。

    Objects of Enquiry : WTO Members , Chinese and foreign enterprises and individuals .

  28. 在类型的静态成员上使用反射技术与在对象的实例成员上进行反射有一点小小的差别。

    Using reflection techniques on static members of a type differs slightly from reflecting on instance members of an object .

  29. 如果表达式表示类或结构,则将作为表达式对象来检索成员变量列表。

    If the expression represents a class or structure , retrieve a list of member variables , as expression objects .

  30. 定义了方法类型正文,但没有声明用于创建对象类型的成员函数。请定义成员函数声明。

    Method type body is defined without member function declared for creating object type . You need to define member function declaration .