
Pore water pressure in foundation soils in axi - symmetric state is studied by applying finite element method to solve Biot consolidation equations . A method to determine increment of initial pore water pressure is proposed to obtain distribution of pore water pressure and the dissipation rule .
Bifurcation of soils at inception of shear band under axisymmetric conditions
Test on shear band inclination angles in cohesive soils under axisymmetric conditions
Deforming Force Relationship Between Axisymmetric State and Plane Strain State in Extrusion Technology
The situation of the information symmetry of basic medical institutions was better than the tertiary hospitals .
Study shows that the horizontal movement has significant influence on magnetic current , liquid aluminum forms the basic symmetry state .
The elasto-plastic matrix of the strain path theory in three and two dimensions and axial symmetry are derived in this paper .
In northwest and southeast , southwest and northeast areas of China the holistic vertical crust movement are shown in an approximate slanting symmetry state .
To three-phase AC power system , the currents and voltages must be equal of amplitude and the phase-shift between each other should be 120 of positive order .
The human capital investment in China is unbalance . The imitator dynamic equation is built under the symmetry state referring to the theoretical method of the evolution game theory .
Sink and the bottom of the floating cloud images in the upper part of the tunnel is basically symmetrical , but the range of sinking and sedimentation value than soil floating . 3 .
The concept of positively invariant set is used to the design of linear state feedback controller for linear discrete - time systems with non - symmetrical control and state constraints in this paper .
As China rural society has been lack of economic capital and human capital in the transition period , if deal in the rural family is supposed to gain the earlier chance , it only can depend on social capital to eliminate unsymmetry state .
For the periodic symmetrical oscillating states , the frequency of the system increases with the increase of the dimensionless fluid velocity , and the drag force on the flag scales with the Strouhal number .
Optimum parameters for biased two-state quantum key distribution protocol
Using the forward-backward Martingale decomposition , we extend the Lyons-zheng 's upcrossing inequality from symmetric case to general Markov processes case .
The 3 / 3-phase double winding generator system is a nonlinear system because of the rectifier bridge , and the generator always works in asymmetric state .
By using Rayleigh-Ritz method , he solves approximately the optimized form of critical load and section of two-hinged circular arch in antisymmetrical buckling and symmetrical buckling state under the action of hydrostatic pressure .
Based on the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock theory , the proton fractions of the neutron stars are investigated for two typical asymmetric nuclear matter EOS , namely the soft symmetry potential and stiff symmetry potential .
Rheological analysis of the visco-plastic mediums in axisymmetric plane statin state
Using Heavy-ion Collision to Study Equation of State of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter
Dynamic Behavior and Buckling Analysis of Thin Rectangular Plate Rotating around Its Symmetrical Axis
Equation of State for Symmetric Nuclear Matter
State space solution of the layered axial symmetric problem in piezoelectric , piezomagnetic and elastic media
Study on Mass and Radius of Neutron Star Using Asymmetry Equation of State of Nuclear Matter
Study on Calculation of piece-wise method for unsymmetrical open conductor states in power systems with variable structures
So , the second section provides the definition of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter .
The isospin dependence of momentum_dependent interaction is thus important for studying accurately the equation of state of isospin asymmetry nuclear matter .
The process from the initial symmetrical state to the state of core-periphery structure reflects the catastrophic agglomeration and also showed the endogenous asymmetry .
A new model and its algorithm to calculate the electric values for unsymmetrical open conductor states in power systems with variable configurations and parameters is presented .