
  1. 本文采用有限元法求解Biot固结方程研究轴对称状态下地基土体中的孔隙水压力,提出了初始孔隙水压力增量的确定方法,获得了孔压的分布及消散规律。

    Pore water pressure in foundation soils in axi - symmetric state is studied by applying finite element method to solve Biot consolidation equations . A method to determine increment of initial pore water pressure is proposed to obtain distribution of pore water pressure and the dissipation rule .

  2. 轴对称状态下土体剪切带触发形成的分叉理论

    Bifurcation of soils at inception of shear band under axisymmetric conditions

  3. 轴对称状态下粘性土剪切带倾角试验

    Test on shear band inclination angles in cohesive soils under axisymmetric conditions

  4. 挤压工艺轴对称状态与平面应变状态变形力之间的关系

    Deforming Force Relationship Between Axisymmetric State and Plane Strain State in Extrusion Technology

  5. 基层医疗机构案件表观信息对称状态优于二级医疗机构;

    The situation of the information symmetry of basic medical institutions was better than the tertiary hospitals .

  6. 研究表明,不同槽膛形状下的水平电流对磁流体运动有显著的影响,铝液的形态基本呈对称状态。

    Study shows that the horizontal movement has significant influence on magnetic current , liquid aluminum forms the basic symmetry state .

  7. 本文推导出了该理论在空间、平面以及轴对称状态下的弹塑性矩阵。

    The elasto-plastic matrix of the strain path theory in three and two dimensions and axial symmetry are derived in this paper .

  8. 中国大陆西北和东南、西南和东北的整体垂直运动呈一种斜对称状态。

    In northwest and southeast , southwest and northeast areas of China the holistic vertical crust movement are shown in an approximate slanting symmetry state .

  9. 对于三相交流电力系统,各相电压和电流应处于幅值大小相等、相位互差120°的正序对称状态。

    To three-phase AC power system , the currents and voltages must be equal of amplitude and the phase-shift between each other should be 120 of positive order .

  10. 指出我国目前存在人力资本投资失衡问题,并运用进化博弈的分析方法,构建了对称状态下的模仿者动态方程;

    The human capital investment in China is unbalance . The imitator dynamic equation is built under the symmetry state referring to the theoretical method of the evolution game theory .

  11. 隧道上部的下沉与底部的上浮的云图基本上呈对称状态,但下沉的范围以及沉降值均比土体上浮的要大。

    Sink and the bottom of the floating cloud images in the upper part of the tunnel is basically symmetrical , but the range of sinking and sedimentation value than soil floating . 3 .

  12. 利用正不变集的概念,讨论了具有非对称状态和控制约束的线性状态反馈控制器的设计;

    The concept of positively invariant set is used to the design of linear state feedback controller for linear discrete - time systems with non - symmetrical control and state constraints in this paper .

  13. 由于转型期的中国农村社会是一个经济资本和人力资本匮乏的场域,农村家庭经营要想在市场经济中抢得先机,只能借助对社会资本的依赖,消除非对称状态。

    As China rural society has been lack of economic capital and human capital in the transition period , if deal in the rural family is supposed to gain the earlier chance , it only can depend on social capital to eliminate unsymmetry state .

  14. 对于单周期对称振动状态,旗帜的振动频率随着无量纲来流速度的增加而增大,同时流体作用在旗帜上的阻力与系统的Strouhal数成正比。

    For the periodic symmetrical oscillating states , the frequency of the system increases with the increase of the dimensionless fluid velocity , and the drag force on the flag scales with the Strouhal number .

  15. 非对称二状态量子密钥分配协议最优参量研究

    Optimum parameters for biased two-state quantum key distribution protocol

  16. 利用向前向后鞅分解,证明了非对称一般状态马尔可夫过程平均上穿次数的一个不等式,该结果将上次数估计由平稳对称扩散情形推广到了一般情形。

    Using the forward-backward Martingale decomposition , we extend the Lyons-zheng 's upcrossing inequality from symmetric case to general Markov processes case .

  17. 整流桥的存在使3/3相双绕组发电机系统成为非线性系统,发电机始终处于非对称运行状态。

    The 3 / 3-phase double winding generator system is a nonlinear system because of the rectifier bridge , and the generator always works in asymmetric state .

  18. 利用瑞利里兹法,近似求解在静水压力作用下,两铰圆拱呈反对称屈曲和正对称屈曲状态的临界荷载和截面的优化形式。

    By using Rayleigh-Ritz method , he solves approximately the optimized form of critical load and section of two-hinged circular arch in antisymmetrical buckling and symmetrical buckling state under the action of hydrostatic pressure .

  19. 基于Skyrme-Hartree-Fock理论研究了两种典型的非对称核物质状态方程(软对称势和硬对称势)对中子星中化学组分的影响。

    Based on the Skyrme-Hartree-Fock theory , the proton fractions of the neutron stars are investigated for two typical asymmetric nuclear matter EOS , namely the soft symmetry potential and stiff symmetry potential .

  20. 粘塑性介质轴对称平面应变状态流变分析

    Rheological analysis of the visco-plastic mediums in axisymmetric plane statin state

  21. 利用重离子碰撞研究非对称核物质状态方程

    Using Heavy-ion Collision to Study Equation of State of Asymmetric Nuclear Matter

  22. 轴对称匀速转动状态下矩形薄板的动态特性与屈曲分析

    Dynamic Behavior and Buckling Analysis of Thin Rectangular Plate Rotating around Its Symmetrical Axis

  23. 对称核物质状态方程

    Equation of State for Symmetric Nuclear Matter

  24. 层状压电、压磁介质轴对称问题的状态空间解

    State space solution of the layered axial symmetric problem in piezoelectric , piezomagnetic and elastic media

  25. 利用非对称核物质状态方程对中子星的质量和半径的研究

    Study on Mass and Radius of Neutron Star Using Asymmetry Equation of State of Nuclear Matter

  26. 变结构电力系统非对称断相状态分块算法的研究

    Study on Calculation of piece-wise method for unsymmetrical open conductor states in power systems with variable structures

  27. 在第二部分我们给出了非对称核物质状态方程定义。

    So , the second section provides the definition of the equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter .

  28. 所以同位旋依赖的动量相关作用的研究对于定量的研究同位旋非对称核物质状态方程是重要的。

    The isospin dependence of momentum_dependent interaction is thus important for studying accurately the equation of state of isospin asymmetry nuclear matter .

  29. 由对称的初始状态到中心&外围结构的形成,既反映了大变动式的集聚,也说明了内生的非对称性。

    The process from the initial symmetrical state to the state of core-periphery structure reflects the catastrophic agglomeration and also showed the endogenous asymmetry .

  30. 本文提出了分块法计算变结构电力系统非对称断相状态电气量值的新模型与新算法。

    A new model and its algorithm to calculate the electric values for unsymmetrical open conductor states in power systems with variable configurations and parameters is presented .