
duì wài kāi fànɡ ɡǎnɡ kǒu
  • open port
  1. 水运已形成“干支一体,通江达海”的客货运网络,武汉港是我国长江流域重要的枢纽港和对外开放港口。

    A passenger & cargo water transport network has taken shape , which combines trunk and branch route service and gives acess to the sea .

  2. 水运:上海港、扬州港均为国家一类对外开放港口,拥有多个万吨级码头和多功能码头。

    Water Transportation : With several ton class ports and multifunctional ports , both Shanghai Port and Yangzhou Port are classified as national first-class ports for opening to the outside world .

  3. 华东沿海对外开放城市港口发展政策建议

    Some Suggestions on the Policy of Developing Open Coastal Ports in East China

  4. 本公司地处长江下游对外一级开放的港口城市&江苏省江阴市。

    Our company lies to the low reaches of the changjiang river externally first class and seaport the jiangyin city , jiangsu province .