
shěn pàn wěi yuán huì
  • judicial committee;adjudicatory committee;judicial council
  1. 谈建立审判委员会委员的回避制度

    On Building Withdrawal System of the Members of the Adjudicatory Committee

  2. 审判委员会改革与合议庭权限

    Reforming the Judicial Committee and the Responsibilities of the Collegial Panel

  3. 第五部分,审判委员会的缺陷,这一部分从五个方面详细论述审判委员会制度潜在和表现出来的理论及实践缺陷。

    The fifth part , the defects of the trial committee .

  4. 第三部分,审判委员会的沿革。

    The third part , the history of the trial committee .

  5. 新视角下的审判委员会性质

    On the Character of Judicial Committee from A New Visual Angle

  6. 审判委员会制度的现实运作与改革前景

    Practical Operation and Reformatory Prospect on the System of Adjudication Committee

  7. 论审判委员会制度的改革

    On the Reform of the System of the Judicial Committee

  8. 审判委员会制度改革的建议

    The Reform Advice of the System of the Judicial Committee

  9. 改革和完善审判委员会制度

    On the Reform and Perfectness of the System of the Judicial Committee

  10. 现行审判委员会制度存在的问题及对策

    Some Problems and the Countermeasures of Present Judicial Committee System

  11. 审判委员会的决定,合议庭应当执行。

    The collegial panel shall execute the decision of the judicial committee .

  12. 审判委员会制度的现状与发展

    The Current Situation and Development of Judicial Committee Institution

  13. 历史考察与现实反思:审判委员会制度之检讨

    Historical Investigation and Realistic Reflection : the Review on the Judicial Committee System

  14. 政治压力是稀松平常的,法院内部的审判委员会经常干预判决结果。

    Political pressure is common , and private trial committees often dictate rulings .

  15. 建立审判委员会专业化制度;

    Establish the special system of the trail committee ;

  16. 文章针对审判委员会制度的改革提出了一些有益的建议。

    So this paper provides some proposals to perfect Chinese trial council system .

  17. 司法体制改革下的审判委员会

    On the Judgement Committee under the Reforms in Judiciary

  18. 审判委员会制度改革研究

    Studies on Reforms Regarding the System of Trial Committee

  19. 第四部分,现有的对审判委员会制度的积极评价。

    The fourth part , the positive appraisal for the trial committee system .

  20. 其次,笔者分析了审判委员会制度的成因。

    Secondly , the authors analyzed the causes of the trial committee system .

  21. 检察长列席法院审判委员会制度之检讨

    Review of Chief Procurator Attendance in Judicial Committee System

  22. 从1999年开始,审判委员会制度进入改革时期。

    Trial committee system has gone into a period of reform from 1999 .

  23. 论审判委员会讨论个案职权

    Functions and Powers of Judicial Commission Discussing A Case

  24. 对规范合议庭与审判委员会活动几个问题的探讨

    Some Issues Concerning the Regulation of the Activities of Collegiate Panel and the Jury

  25. 我国审判委员会制度反思

    Reflection on the Judicial Committee System in China

  26. 论审判委员会工作机制

    A Study on Judicial Committee Working Mechanism

  27. 审判委员会制度是我国独具特色的一项司法审判制度。

    The trial committee system is a judicial one with the characteristic of our country .

  28. 从历史视角看,审判委员会的行政色彩具有历史延续性;

    From a historical angle , the administrative color of judicial committee has historical reason .

  29. 审判委员会制度的理论架构

    The Theoretical Framework of Trial Committee System

  30. 废除审判委员会制度&公正与效率的必然要求

    Abolishing the System of Judicial Committee & The necessary selection of the fairness and efficiency