
  • 网络experimental nuclear medicine
  1. 核医学由临床核医学、实验核医学及核医学物理3部分组成.核医学在医疗保健及战胜疾病中发挥了重要作用。

    Nuclear medicine is an interdisciplinary field consisting of clinical and experimental nuclear medicine and nuclear medical physics , with close relationships to nuclear physics , nuclear detection technology and computer science .

  2. 开放实验核医学实验室在培养和造就创新人才方面将发挥重要作用。

    The opening laboratory of experiment nuclear medicine will play an important effect in the field of the innovative students training .

  3. 结论:提出了需要在我国建立面向本科生的实验核医学教学体系这一新论点。

    Conclusion : This paper proposed a new view point for requirement to construct Experiment Nuclear Medicine teaching system in regular college course in our country .

  4. 本文结合实验核医学的专业特点,对开放实验核医学实验室的重要性、可行性、必要性、开放模式、管理问题等方面进行研究与探讨。

    This paper discussed the significance , probability , necessity , opening pattern and management of opening laboratory , combining with the characteristics of experiment nuclear medicine .

  5. 方法:在论述我国核医学学科和核医学教学现状的基础上,阐述了分子影像学发展对核医学基础知识的迫切要求和实验核医学的教学基础。

    Methods : On the basis of discussing the Nuclear Medicine discipline and current situation of Nuclear Medicine teaching in our country , this article expounded the urgent demand to basic knowledge of Nuclear Medicine for Molecular Imaging development and the teaching basis of Experiment Nuclear medicine .

  6. 近10多年来,由于高能物理实验、核医学成像的迫切需要,具有高密度和快衰减特性的闪烁晶体日益受到重视。

    Scintillation crystals with high density and fast decay character have been attracted increasing interest due to the urgent needs in high energy physics experiments and nuclear medical imaging .