
shí yàn zhǔ yì
  • experimentalism
  1. 到了现代,科学主义又以逻辑实证主义、经验批判主义和实验主义等形式出现。

    Up to modern times , scientism again exists as the forms of logical positivism , empiric-criticism and experimentalism etc.

  2. 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫是20世纪实验主义小说家。

    Nabokov is a novelist of experimentalism in the 20th century .

  3. 而作为实验主义者的透纳迎接了这个挑战。

    And Turner , ever the experimentalist , took the challenge .

  4. 胡适、杜威与实验主义:哥伦比亚大学时期

    Hu Shi , John Dewey and Experimentalism : the Columbia University periods

  5. 于是,新实验主义便应运而生。

    Thus , the New Experimentalism has come into being .

  6. 第二,由实验主义的社会政治哲学所导致的务实的精神;

    Second , the pragmatic attitude resulted from the socio-political philosophy of Experimentalism ;

  7. 之后,杜威着手重建哲学并取名叫实验主义。

    After that , Dewey begins to reconstruct philosophy and calls it experimentalism .

  8. 成熟期的小说带有明显的实验主义特征,突出了小说创作的形式技巧。

    Foregrounding form and techniques , his novels during his mature years are experimental .

  9. 实验主义认为,千变万变。

    Experimentalism believes that things are constantly changing .

  10. 第六,实验主义的方法。

    Sixth , it is method of experimentalism .

  11. 实验主义科学方法的引导。

    Guidance to scientific method of pragmatism .

  12. 某些实验主义者不定何时突然识破了这自然界最令人困惑的过程的基本规律。

    Some experimentalists may suddenly see an underlying order in nature 's most puzzling process .

  13. 而后一大批新实验主义者扩展了这一研究领域。

    And then large quantities of new experiment doctrine persons have expanded this research field .

  14. 实验主义话语实现了对现实主义创作观念的提升,洛奇也在这一实践中丰富、发展了校园小说这一文学体裁。

    With this practice , Lodge updates both realistic fiction and campus novel as a genre .

  15. 教育的基本理念是永恒、唯心主义,现实主义、实验主义和存在主义。

    The basic philosophies of education are perennialism , idealism , realism , experimentalism and existentialism .

  16. 胡适与实验主义&兼论其对中国文化的贡献关于弹性流体动力润滑理论的实验证明,已涌现出大量文献。

    On Hu-Shi and Experimentalism Considerable literature has grown up relating to experimental confirmation of elastohydrodynamic theory .

  17. 他在小说发展处于十字路口的尴尬之时,展示了小说家的犹豫不决以及最后的抉择,其在现实主义与实验主义之间的垦拓为小说的未来增添了无限活力。

    His efforts between the realism and the experimentalism have increased energy for the development of the novels .

  18. 实验主义与邹平、定县所代表的乡村建设运动的理论和实践有很多联系。

    The pragmatism has many affiliations with the movement of country-construction which is represented by Zouping and Dingxian .

  19. 因此,胡适的实验主义思想是他融合中国传统思想与西方思想的结果。

    Thus , the pragmatism is the result of synthesis of traditional Chinese thoughts and the western thoughts .

  20. 作为一个实验主义诗人和现代派诗人的代表性人物,卡明斯是一位语言大师。

    As one of a representation of experimental and modernist poets , E. E. Cummings is a master of language .

  21. 当实验主义在欧洲兴起时,英国作家要么回归传统,要么站在十字路口左右徘徊。

    When experimentalism became popular in Europe , the British writers either returned to tradition or hesitated at the crossroads .

  22. 新史学和二三十年代的实验主义史学各有侧重地发展了实证主义史学的两个宗旨。

    The new history and the pragmatism history in 1920s and 1930s separately developed the two purpose of the western positivism history .

  23. 伊恩·哈金作为新实验主义的代表人物,区分了理论实在论与实体实在论,并主张实验实在论。

    Ian Hacking as a representative of the new experimentalism , he distinguished theory realism and entity realism , and put forward experimental realism .

  24. 对胡适是否以及在多大程度上了解和掌握了杜威的实验主义,学界迄今仍存争议。

    Up to now , there is still dispute in the academia whether or to what extent Hu Shi understands and masters Dewey 's experimentalism .

  25. 《金色笔记》标志着多丽丝·莱辛由现实主义向实验主义的转变。

    She has been generally categorized as a realist writer till the publication of The Golden Notebook , which marks her transformation from realism to experimentalism .

  26. 众所周知,胡适自称是一个严格的实验主义者,因此他在自己的思想和实践中总是力图贯彻着他的实验主义原则。

    As we know , Hu Shih describes himself to be s strict Pragmatism , thus the Pragmatism principle was always practiced in his thoughts and practices .

  27. 杜威力图在现代社会中大力推进这种实验主义的精神,这既深化了当代社会的现代性进程的演进,同时也会带来一些不可回避的难题。

    He tries to develop this spirit of experimentalism in contemporary society , which not only deepens the evolution of modernity , but also brings some inevitable problems .

  28. 新实验主义进路首次挑战了传统的“观察负载理论”的观点,使得科学实验重新进入科学哲学的视野。

    The approach of the new experimentalism challenges the view that all observation statements are theory-loaded , and makes the scientific experiment attract the attention of philosophers of science .

  29. 尽管实验主义者采用各种方法测试这种器件的有效性,但是直至目前还很难得出一个清晰的结论。

    The experimentalists make measurements to test the efficiency of the devices , but it is hard to get a clear picture of what is going on at present .

  30. 然而长期以来,我们对胡适的实验主义方法及其与中国新文化生成的关系的研究一直是个薄弱环节。

    However , for a long time studies on Hu Shi 's concept of experimentalism and on it 's relations with the creation of new Chinese culture have been neglected .