
  • 网络Real Asset
  1. 此外,为进一步提升市场对其币值的信心,SDR的发行也可从人为计算币值向有以实际资产支持的方式转变,可以考虑吸收各国现有的储备货币以作为其发行准备。

    The allocation of the SDR can be shifted from a purely calculation-based system to one backed by real assets , such as a reserve pool , to further boost market confidence in its value .

  2. 股票被视为风险资产,但如果存在通胀威胁,这些实际资产大概就属于比较安全的资产了。

    Equities are considered risk-on , but if inflation is the danger , these real assets probably belong in the safer camp .

  3. 为什么品牌企业的无形价值会高于其实际资产,为什么企业文化模式能够创造众多的社会消费群体认知?

    Why does successful cultural model of enterprise could create large people 's identification ?

  4. 南方避险增值基金实现的收益,超过预测的收益范围,保险机制运行成功。在对基金的实际资产配置进行贡献分析发现,其积极的资产配置策略提高了收益。

    Southern Principal Protected Fund is successful , whose gains exceed its estimated amount , which derives from its positive asset allocation strategy .

  5. 政府希望国家能够增加更多的长期企业实际资产,而不是增加外汇储备和短期金融资产。

    Instead of accumulating foreign exchange reserves and short-term financial assets , the government wants the nation to accumulate more long-term corporate real assets .

  6. 保险公司的实际资产减去实际负债的差额不得低于保险监督管理机构规定的数额;

    The difference of the actual assets subtracting actual liabilities shall not be less than the amount stipulated by the insurance supervision and administration department .

  7. 幸运的是,股本与实际资产之比最低的银行都在相对有偿付能力的国家,比如荷兰、法国和德国。

    Fortunately , banks with the smallest amount of equity relative to actual assets are located in relatively solvent countries , such as the Netherlands , France and Germany .

  8. 更多资金可能流入了房地产或股市等实际资产,相关金额是去年水平的3倍。

    More likely are flows into real assets like property or the stock market , where volumes are running at as much as three times last year 's levels .

  9. 在迪拜金融危机爆发之后,海湾地区的债权人可能会钟情于那些依靠如石油,天然气这类“实际资产”的国家。

    In the wake of the Dubai debacle , lenders to the Gulf may favour those states that can fall back on " real assets ", such as gas and oil .

  10. 这不难理解,因为国内的房产是一种非生产性的实际资产。就西班牙来说(其他地区也一样),认为实际房价最终将回落至上世纪90年代中后期水平的观点是合理的。

    This makes sense , since domestic property is an unproductive real asset . In Spain , as elsewhere , it would be reasonable to assume real prices will eventually fall to where they were in the mid-to-late 1990s .

  11. 运用企业合理资产负债率的数学模型,计算1998年和1999年我国工业企业按行业划分的合理资产负债率数据,并与当年企业实际资产负债率数据进行对比分析。

    Mathematical models of industrial enterprises are employed here to work out the industrial assets-liability ratio in terms of trade between the year 1998 and 1999 in China . And a comparison and analysis is made with the actual assets liability ratio of the same year .

  12. 其研究结论为:(1)货币供给量M1是唯一的外生变量,其增长不是价格水平变动的直接因,而是通过全社会实际固定资产投资间接地成为价格水平变动的因;

    Money supply M1 is the sole endogenous variant . Its growth does not directly lead to the movement of price level , but indirectly influences it through total social real fixed investment .

  13. 由于预期外部环境将更为艰难,实际固定资产投资的增速也在放缓,这在一定程度上是对信贷成本上升的反映。

    Growth in real fixed-asset investment is slowing in anticipation of the bleaker external environment , partly reflecting the higher cost of credit .

  14. 随着实际运行资产的不断增加,导致运行维护成本无法精细预测和管控。

    With the continuous increase in the actual operation of assets , It will lead to that operation and maintenance costs loss of prediction and control .

  15. 本课程通过大量实际的资产评估案例讲解和计算,以及学生的课后练习和考试来使学生掌握资产评估的基本技能。

    The reference book contains a large number of case studies and calculation , and the after-class exercises and examination will be taken to test the students'levels of mastery .

  16. 泡沫理论实际是资产定价理论的应用,高出资产基础价值部分的超高价格便是泡沫。

    The froth theory is actually the application of property price theory , the higher superelevation price part than the property foundation value is the froth , and the pricing is always the core research area in finance .

  17. 美国和北韩高级外交人员据说这个月初已经在新加坡达成一项谅解。根据这个谅解,平壤将申报它的实际核资产,包括30公斤炸弹级钸元素,而平壤只是默认参与过核扩散。

    Senior U.S. and North Korean diplomats were said to have reached an understanding in Singapore earlier this month under which Pyongyang would declare its physical nuclear assets , including 30 kilograms of bomb-grade plutonium , but only tacitly admit involvement in proliferation .

  18. 预算与实际比较的资产负债表

    Comparative budget and actual balance sheet

  19. 当你开创了自己的事业,你需要学会快速抉择并以实际行动保持资产的完整性。

    When you start your own business you need to make quick decisions and act on your feet to keep your assets intact .

  20. 能够收回或者继续使用以及没有证据证明实际损失的资产,不得核销。

    In light of the assets that may be recovered , may be put into continuous use , or the actual loss thereof may not be proved , they may not be written off .

  21. 由于政府具有实际的集体资产管理权和经济社会管理的政治权两种权力,具有了集体资产所有者和社会管理者双重身份,市场经济要求政资分离政企分离。

    Since the government has the right to manage the actual collective assets of the political rights and economic and social management of the two powers , with double identity of the collective assets owner and social manager .

  22. 实证结果显示,我国采掘类上市公司使用衍生产品进行对冲的动机为税收动机和规模效应,因为只有实际税率,资产负债率以及公司规模通过了显著性检验。

    The empirical results show that the motivation of mining company using derivatives for hedging is the tax motivation and the scale . Because only the effective tax rate , asset-liability ratio and the size of the company are through a significant test .

  23. 本文结合宝信租赁的投资特点和企业实际现状,引出资产证券化融资方式(Asset-backedSecurities,ABS)。

    This paper combining with the investment characteristics of Baoxin and the actual situation of enterprise leads to the Asset securitization financing ( Asset-anyway : spreads over gse-backed loans Securities , ABS ) .

  24. 结合我国国有企业改革的实际,对国有资产保值增值问题进行了探讨。

    Combined with state owned enterprises ' reform the problems of maintain value and increment of state-owned property is discussed .

  25. 一些公司不了解其投资战略的实际容纳能力,资产越多只会对投资和交易方式造成束缚。

    Some firms have no appreciation of the capacity that their strategy has , and more assets will only hamper the way they invest and trade .

  26. 另一方面,中国的投资热潮意味着,发达经济体需要的投资更少,导致实际利率下降、资产价格上升。

    Meanwhile , China 's investment boom meant that less investment was needed in the advanced economies , calling real interest rates to fall and asset prices to rise .

  27. 管道完整性管理技术是当前国际流行的资产管理模式。根据我国在管道完整性评估方面的研究现状及国际发展趋势,开发了一套具有实际应用价值的资产完整性管理系统。

    According to the study status quo and international development trend in pipeline integrity assessment , the authors develop an Asset Integrity Management System ( AIM ) for long distance pipeline .

  28. 典当监管制度主要从准入监管、变更退出、经营范围、当票监管、实际操作监管、资产监管几个方面进行说明。

    Pawn regulatory system is introduced from the administration of exit , the access control , change , business scope , the pawn ticket regulatory and practical aspects of the regulation .

  29. 如何借鉴国外先进经验并结合我国实际,切实推进资产证券化在我国的发展,是当今政府部门、各金融机构以及学术界等各界人士关注并为之努力的课题。

    How to learn from foreign advanced experience and combine with the reality of our country , and to promote ABS in our country is the subject of the government financial institutions and academics .

  30. 同时,为了降低风险,获得稳定的收益,个人账户基金投资要根据我国实际情况选择好资产类型并实行优化配置。

    Meanwhile , in order to reduce the risks and obtain steady returns , we should choose better asset types and do rational disposition for individual account fund according to our country 's real condition .