
  • 网络ANKARA;Turkey Ankara;ank
  1. 安卡拉整个肆意扩展的城区容纳了260多万人口。

    The whole urban sprawl of Ankara contains over 2.6m people .

  2. 土耳其的库尔德人已经被安卡拉政府压制了几十年。

    Turkish Kurds have been repressed for decades by the Ankara government .

  3. 土耳其首都安卡拉

    the Turkish capital , Ankara .

  4. 以上是BBC新闻的马克·洛文从安卡拉带来的报道。

    The BBC 's Mark Lowen reporting from Ankara .

  5. 近期的一项民调显示,他的正义与发展党(AKparty)在全国范围内的支持率为46%,但它还需努力保住安卡拉和伊斯坦布尔等城市的选票。

    One recent poll gave his AK party 46 per cent support nationwide – but it is fighting hard to retain the cities of Ankara and Istanbul .

  6. 修饰的痘苗病毒安卡拉株(MVA)基因组中高频的同源重组(英文)

    High Frequency of Homologous Recombination in the Genome of Modified Vaccinia Virus Ankara Strain ( MVA )

  7. 对于欧共体驻土耳其安卡拉的代表NerminKahraman来讲,与粮农组织的合作是成功的关键。

    For Nermin Kahraman of the EC Delegation to Turkey in Ankara , collaboration with FAO was key to the victory .

  8. 我最大的城市是伊斯坦布尔,但我的首都是安卡拉。

    My largest city is Istanbul , but my capital is Ankara .

  9. 1923年的今天,安卡拉取代君士坦丁堡成为土耳其的首都。

    Ankara replaces Constantinople as the capital of Turkey .

  10. 所以安卡拉的民众会说,我们真的想要这样吗?

    So the people in Ankara said do we really want to do this ?

  11. 欧盟正在向安卡拉施加压力,要求他们进行政治和经济改革。

    The European Union is pressing Ankara to push through political and economic reforms .

  12. 安卡拉核研究训练中心

    Ankara Nuclear Research and Training Centre

  13. 美国的立场——任何引渡都必须经过司法覆核——激怒了安卡拉方面。

    The US stance - any extradition must go through judicial review - has angered Ankara .

  14. 阿克拉、安卡拉、孟买和加尔各答就属于这一类城市(表1)。

    Accra , Ankara , Bombay and Calcutta fall into such a category ( Table I ) .

  15. 上周五的地震发生在距首都安卡拉以东约550公里的埃拉齐格省。

    The quake on Friday shook Elazig province , about 550 km east of the capital Ankara .

  16. 但是叙利亚反对派越来越指望安卡拉承担更积极的角色对抗大马士革。

    But the Syrian opposition is increasingly looking to Ankara to take a more active role against Damascus .

  17. 周一晚间卡尔洛夫在安卡拉举行的艺术展发表讲话时被枪杀。

    Karlov was shot dead on Monday evening while delivering a speech at an art exhibition in Ankara .

  18. 不过土耳其外交消息人士说,安卡拉决心不卷入这场冲突。

    But a Turkish diplomatic source said that Ankara is determined not to be drawn into the conflict .

  19. 同时,警方再次向10000名聚集在安卡拉的民众发射催泪瓦斯。

    Police meanwhile have again fired tear gas into a crowd of at least 10000 gathered in Ankara .

  20. 于是我请接线员给我接通了亚达那、科扎恩、布尔沙、安卡拉、开塞里和伊士麦。

    I asked the operator to get me adana , kozan , bursa , ankara , Kayseri and izmir .

  21. 但示威者和警察部队之间的战斗已经扩散到像首都安卡拉这样的其他城市。

    but the fighting between protesters and police forces has spread to other cities like the capital , Ankara .

  22. 它是北约成员国之一,首都是安卡拉,最大城市是伊斯坦布尔。

    it 's a member of NATO , it 's capital is Ankara , it 's biggest city is Istanbul .

  23. 安卡拉指责库尔德工人党把邻近的伊拉克北部做为基地,向土耳其军队发动袭击。

    Ankara accuses the PKK of using neighboring Northern Iraq as a base to launch strikes against its forces in Turkey .

  24. 他还指出,必须有一个什么样安卡拉安卡拉说,什么不客观和现实的评估。

    He also pointed out that there must be an objective and realistic assessment of what Ankara says and what Ankara does .

  25. 在布什讲这番话不久之前,美国国防部部长盖茨在安卡拉亲自向土耳其领导人传达了同样的信息。

    Mr. Bush spoke shortly after U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates delivered the same message personally to Turkish leaders in Ankara .

  26. 他说,这是安卡拉的最后立场,除非停止暴力,否则土耳其将断绝所有对话。

    He said this was Ankara 's final word and that unless the violence ceased , Turkey would break off all dialogue .

  27. 在凡省和安卡拉的国际小组成员今天与当地专家共同开展工作,计划有关研究。

    Members of the international teams , in Van province and ankara , are today working with local experts to plan relevant studies .

  28. 她试图让安卡拉确信“美国人民并不认为现在的土耳其政府是奥斯曼帝国”。

    She tried to reassure Ankara that " the American people don 't feel that the current Turkish government is the Ottoman empire " .

  29. 土耳其多次要求美国遣返葛兰,但是这是安卡拉方面首次采取正式行动。

    Turkey has repeatedly called on the US to return Mr Gulen but this is the first time Ankara has made any formal moves .

  30. 在土耳其首都安卡拉一处繁华的商业中心,发生了一起爆炸事件,造成至少6人死亡,几十人受伤。

    A bomb explodes in one of the busiest commercial centers in Turkey 's capital Ankara , killing at least six and wounding dozens more .