
  • 网络Security verification;safety verification;Authentication;Lsass.exe
  1. NET框架中分层的安全验证机制及其使用。

    NET frame authentication mechanism and its usages of the layering .

  2. J2EE中基于容器管理的Web客户端安全验证

    J2EE Security Authentication of Web Client - Side Based on Container Management

  3. WEBService消息安全验证机制

    Security Mechanism of Web Service Message

  4. 最后利用该系统的扩充Web服务器实现了Web上的安全验证。

    Finally , the security verification is implemented on Web by using extended Web server of the system .

  5. 然而,当第一次安装时,RationalAssetManager使用基于文件的用户安全验证。

    However , when it is first installed , Rational Asset Manager uses file-based security for user authentication .

  6. 基于petri网的密码协议安全验证方法

    Method Of Verifying Safety On The Base Of Petri Net Cipher Agreement

  7. SqlServer2000安全验证过程是其安全机制的一个重要组成部分。

    Authentication is a key part in the context of SQL Server 2000 security management .

  8. 该请求也许需要通过LDAP服务器进行安全验证。

    The request may need to be authenticated against an LDAP server .

  9. J2EE中基于容器的Web客户端安全验证采用了安全编程和HTTP、表单和客户端证书管理。

    He safe programming mode and HTTP , form and certificate management were adopted in security authentication of Web Client-side based on container in J2EE .

  10. 这些Web应用技术实现方式也大多不尽相同,甚至可能采用了不同的开发语言,并且这些系统有着各自的安全验证机制。

    Technology of these Web application used have most of different ways , and may even adopt a different development language , and the security of these systems have their own authentication mechanisms .

  11. 本文介绍的样例插件(未签名的、签名的和过期的)适用于其他需要安全验证的基于Eclipse的产品。

    The sample plug-ins ( unsigned , signed , and expired ) introduced by this article could be moved to another Eclipsed-based product that requires security verification .

  12. 为提高Java移动代码动态安全验证的准确性和实用性,通过分析Java字节码中异常处理的方式与流程,提出了追踪、记录异常处理中信息流的方法。

    In order to improve the precision and practicability of dynamic verification for Java mobile code , the exception handling procedure is analyzed and an approach is presented to trace and record the information flow caused by the exception handling in Java bytecode .

  13. 安全验证超时值必须介于1和50000分钟之间

    Security validation time-out must be between 1 and 50000 minutes

  14. 这些调用对日志记录、缓存设置和安全验证等操作很有用。

    These invocations are useful for actions like logging , caching , or security validation .

  15. 人脸识别在安全验证系统、档案管理、人机交互等方面有着巨大应用前景。

    Face recognition has been potentially used in security authentication system , records management and human-computer interaction .

  16. 有了类型安全验证的代码,如果想要访问内存,只能通过对象引用和关联的特性像字段和属性达到。

    Code that is verifiably type-safe accesses memory only through object references and associated features such as fields and properties .

  17. 不仅从管理软件上需要进行安全验证,从硬件上也要进行接口的禁止使用等措施。

    Not only security validation is needed in management software , but also the measure of forbidding port is needed in hardware .

  18. 尽管类型安全验证对于运行托管代码不是强制的,但类型安全在程序集隔离和安全性强制中起着至关重要的作用。

    Although verification of type safety is not mandatory to run managed code , type safety plays a crucial role in assembly isolation and security enforcement .

  19. 互联网技术的高速发展,带给人们极大便利性的同时也带来了安全验证等各方面的难题。

    The rapid development of the Internet technology brings great convenience to us . But at the same time it also brings security certification and other problems .

  20. 随着社会的发展,人们对安全验证方面的需要也日益迫切,人脸识别作为一种基于生物特征的识别技术成为了模式识别领域内的研究热点。

    With the development of the society , there are increasing demands in security verification . As a technology based on biological characteristics face recognition is already become a researchful upsurge in the field of pattern recognition .

  21. 对信息怎么才能进行安全验证,确保用户利益的合法性,如何对此问题进行处理是系统需要解决的问题之一。

    2nd , how can carry on the safety certification to the information , guaranteed that the user benefit the validity , how to carry on processing this question is one of questions the system needs to solve .

  22. 与其它生物识别技术相比,说话人识别具有更为简便,经济及可扩展性良好等众多优势,可广泛应用于电话银行,数据库访问,计算机远程登录,安全验证,控制等领域。

    Because of its advantages on convenience , economy and extensibility , this technique can be applied to a number of areas , such as telephone banking , database access services , remote computer login , security verification and control .

  23. 软件方面利用模块化的程序设计思路为网络控制节点设计了众多常用的控制功能如:人机交互平台、数据存储及安全验证、数据通信等。

    In the aspect of the software design , some commonly used control modules , such as : human-machine interaction platform , data storage and safety certification module , data communication module , are implemented using module oriented programming method .

  24. 说话人识别系统是指通过说话人的语音来自动识别说话人身份的系统,本系统可以广泛应用于安全验证、控制等各方面,特别是基于电信网络的身份识别。

    Speaker recognition is the process of automatically recognizing who is speaking on the basis of individual information include in speech signals . It can be widely applied to safety verification , control and so on . Especially , identity Recognition based on telecommunication network .

  25. EMV解决方案允许在本地安全地验证事务。

    The EMV solution allowed transactions to be verified locally and securely .

  26. 基于UML和模型检测的安全模型验证方法

    A Verification Method of Security Model Based on UML and Model Checking

  27. 使用安全凭证验证到这个API。

    You authenticate to the API using security credentials .

  28. 例如,在基于web的应用程序中,用户通常获得对internet信息服务的匿名访问,因此不提供安全身份验证凭据。

    In a web-based application , for example , users typically get anonymous access to Internet information services and therefore do not provide security credentials .

  29. 身份验证就是使用一种安全机制验证所提供的用户ID和密码的过程。

    Authentication is the process of validating a supplied user ID and password using a security mechanism .

  30. 给出了一个称为实例化空间(InstantiationSpace)的安全协议验证逻辑的语义模型。

    The authors present a new model of security protocol logics , which is called Instantiation Space .