
  • 网络conference;Academic conference;Seminar;colloquium
  1. 她组织关于摄影学历史的学术会议。

    She organises academic conferences about history of photography .

  2. 参加学术会议,仅仅往角落里一站,是肯定不行的。

    Just going to conferences and standing in the corner isn 't enough .

  3. 但是根据一个由国家科学院去年召开的学术会议的测算我们历史上高服刑率和我们的低犯罪率的关系并不十分牢靠犯罪率的高低和我们送多少年轻人进监狱并无关系

    But according to a committee of academics convened27 by the National Academy of Sciences last year , the relationship between our historically high incarceration rates and our low crime rate is pretty shaky . It turns out that the crime rate goes up and down irrespective of how many young people we send to prison .

  4. 使用Java实现学术会议论文管理系统

    Implementation of Papers Management System of Academic Conference with Java

  5. 按照全国第4届脑血管病学术会议修订的诊断标准,根据临床表现和头颅CT检查确诊。

    F 2006 A.D. , according the diagnostic criteria emendatory in 4th cerebrovascular disease academic conference and on the basis of clinical manifest head CT .

  6. 诊断符合第四届脑血管病学术会议修订的诊断标准,并均经头颅CT和/或MRI检查证实。

    They were all diagnosed according to the standards revised at The 4th Conference of Cerebrovascular Disease , and were all checked by CT and / or MRI .

  7. ICTP(InternationalConferenceonTechnologyofPlasticity)是目前国际塑性工程界水平最高、范围最广、规模最大的学术会议。

    International Conference on Technology of Plasticity ( ICTP ) is the highest in academic standard and biggest in scale on the technology of plasticity in the world .

  8. 轨道机车车辆运用强度检验的现代化方法&关于德国铁路股份公司(DBAG)2005年3月10日柏林学术会议的报告

    The Modern Method of Inspection on Operation Strength of Railway Locomotives and Rolling Stock & DB AG Report in Berlin Academic Symposium on March 10,2005

  9. AnnGreen去芝加哥参加学术会议了,所以我得为她顶班,除了教我自己的课,还得去上她的大学一年级英文课。

    Ann Green is off at an academic conference in Chicago so I 'm holding down the fort for her and teaching her freshman English classes on top of my own .

  10. 自从1996年IEEE在第7届国际谐波学术会议上倡议将小波理论应用到电力系统以来,小波检测方法在谐波测量领域得到长足的发展。

    Since IEEE proposed applying WT to harmonic analysis in the 7th international harmonic conference in 1996 , WT based methods gained rapid development in harmonic detection .

  11. Kane的父亲来自Towson的JimKane本月协办了一个由研究贪食症等遗传疾患专家参与的学术会议。

    Kane 's father , Jim Kane of Towson , this month helped organize a conference for researchers who work with genetic disorders that are characterized by hyperphagia .

  12. APCH是亚太地区最高级别的高血压学术会议,首次在中国举行。

    APCH is asia-pacific highest-level hypertension conference , held for the first time in China .

  13. 介绍IAEA学术会议,重点为废气的处理,水的净化和污泥处理,塑料及固体废物的再利用和处理,有利于环境保护的高分子材料的制备等。

    This paper presents the highlights of IAEA International Symposium on Radiation Technology for Conservation of the Environment , especially in purification of exhaust gases , purification and decontamination of water , reuse and treatment of plastics and solid wastes and preparation of environmental friendly materials .

  14. 亚太地区高血压学术会议为亚太地区最高水平的高血压相关疾病的研讨会,由APSH的成员申请后承办。

    The asia-pacific region hypertension conference for the asia-pacific region to the highest level of hypertension related diseases by members of the conference , APSH after application to undertake .

  15. 介绍了第10届铸造、焊接及先进凝固过程模拟(MCWASP)国际学术会议论文。

    In this paper , the proceedings of the 10 ~ ( th ) International Conference on Modeling of Casting , Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes ( MCWASP ) is introduced .

  16. 美国《经济伦理杂志》主办的2005年经济伦理高峰会议,在纽约Helmsley会议中心召开,这次会议是首次将经济伦理和企业社会责任学术会议聚焦于新闻媒体。

    American Business Ethics Magazine hosted 2005 Annual Business Ethics summit at the Helmsley Conference Center New York city . The event was the first CSR / ethics conference focused exclusively on the media .

  17. 第七届国际岩石爆破破碎学术会议概述

    Outlines on the Seventh International Symposium on rock fragmentation by blasting

  18. 第5届全国探矿工程学术会议在广西召开

    The 5th national exploration engineering meeting 1988 was held in Guangxi

  19. 焦炉大修改造学术会议在重庆召开

    Symposium on overhaul and reformation of coke ovens held in Chongqing

  20. 第四届冶金过程动力学和反应工程学学术会议

    The Fourth Symposium on kinetics and reaction engineering of metallurgical process

  21. 第六届亚洲儿童文学学术会议综述

    Comments on the 6th Academic Meeting about Asian Children 's Literature

  22. 第四届东北草原学术会议在长春召开

    The 4th Congress of northeast grassland was held in Changchun City

  23. 第五届全国塑性加工理论及新技术开发学术会议

    The 5th Symposium on plastic deformation theory and new technology development

  24. 该学会的夏季学术会议就是异常封闭的活动。

    The academy 's summer conference was a desperately introverted affair .

  25. 第二届全国青年选矿学术会议述评

    Review of the second national youths ' academic conference of mineral processing

  26. 第8届雨水收集利用国际学术会议概况

    Survey of the 8th International Conference on Rainwater Catchment System

  27. 电磁法方法和仪器学术会议

    Symposium on electromagnetic methods and instruments , 1987 , Hunan

  28. 中国天文学会学术会议(序号30):太阳射电天文学术讨论会(1985年4月,南京)

    CAS Symposium No.30 : Solar Radioastronomy ( Nanjing , April 1985 )

  29. 临床药理与基础药理相结合,积极开展儿科药理学&第八届国际临床药理和治疗学学术会议有感

    Integrate clinical pharmacology and basic pharmacology and develop pediatric pharmacology

  30. 第三届全国青年体育科学学术会议论文综述

    Themes analysis : dissertations in the third national youth athletics scientific seminar