
  • 网络Guangzhou Architecture
  1. 广州市建筑企业近几年发展情况浅析

    Analysis on the Development of Guangzhou Construction Enterprises in Recent Years

  2. 广州地区建筑桩基设计参数分析与选取

    Analysis and selection of building pile design parameter in Guangzhou

  3. 二号方案:广州园林建筑规划设计院

    Proposal No.2 Guangzhou Landscape Architecture Design & Planning Institute

  4. 谈广州历史建筑周边环境的改造

    Rebuild of the Environment Around Ancient Buildings in Guangzhou

  5. 促进广州智能建筑健康发展的思考与建议

    Thoughts and Proposals on Promoting the Healthy Development of Intelligent Architecture in Guangzhou

  6. 广州传统建筑与西方文化

    The Traditional Architecture in Guangzhou and The Western Culture

  7. 广州地区建筑节能设计外墙及外窗技术要求

    Technical Measures of External Wall and Window for Building Energy Conservation Design in Guangzhou

  8. 记忆的延伸、隐约的联想&广州骑楼建筑保护与发展

    Protection and Development of Colonnade in Guangzhou

  9. 构建经贸平台打造展会品牌&第七届广州国际建筑装饰博览会掠影

    Constructing the Platform for Economic and Trade , Creating A Name Brand of Exhibition & Surveying the 7 ~ th Guangzhou International Architectural Decoration Exposition

  10. 广州市建筑业联合会的最高权力机构是会员代表大会。另外,还设有各专业协会、各委员会。由秘书处负责日常工作。

    The Association set up some other specialized committees and it has a permanent office-secretariat , which is responsible for the routine work of the Association .

  11. 广州市政建筑业企业面对这一困境,如何采取有效的竞争策略,保持企业的可持续发展,已成为亟待解决的重大课题。

    Face with this dilemma , how to choose effective competitive strategy and maintain the sustainable development of enterprises become a major issue yet to be resolved .

  12. 广州市民用建筑工程室内环境污染物水平

    Civil Building Engineering in Guangzhou : Concentration of Indoor Environment Pollutants

  13. 广州陈氏书院建筑装饰工艺中的辟邪物

    Talisman of Building Decoration in Chen 's Study in Guangzhou

  14. 广州大学城建筑设计通则的意义和作用

    Meaning and Function of the Architectural Design Principles about Guangzhou University Town

  15. 广州市部分建筑材料产地天然放射性水平研究

    Natural radioactivity level of some building materials in Guangzhou

  16. 广州市民用建筑科研设计院

    Civil Architecture Science Research and Design Institute of Guangzhou

  17. 快速多变、全网多点进攻是广州第四建筑公司队的得分要素;

    Fast changeful , net attack completely is the Guangzhou building company of 4th score law .

  18. 广州珠江外资建筑设计院建院25周年作品回顾

    The Work Retrospect for the 25th Anniversary of Guangzhou Pearl River Foreign Investment Architectural Designing Institute

  19. 研究结果对广州地区居住建筑外窗节能设计有一定的参考价值。

    The study have certain reference value for energy conservation design for external window of residential building in GuangZhou .

  20. 我国零售业竞争取胜的法宝&核心竞争力分析广州陈氏书院建筑装饰工艺中的辟邪物

    The Talisman of Chain Retailing & Analysis of the Core of Competence Talisman of Building Decoration in Chen 's Study in Guangzhou

  21. 各位你们好,我系广州福亿建筑材料有限公司的,我们公司系专业生产和销售中高档新型环保节能、隔音。

    The company specializes in the business of new green aluminum and wooden doors and windows which are into environmental protection and energy saving .

  22. 结论广州市外来建筑工人脑膜炎奈瑟菌带菌率较高,今后应将外来流动人口纳入监测的范围。

    Conclusion The Neisseria meningitis carrying rate of builders from outside Guangzhou is high and outside migrant population should be listed within the scope of future monitoring .

  23. 本文主要介绍钻孔扩底灌注桩施工工艺及其在广州某高层建筑基础中的应用情况。

    The paper mainly introduces the constructing process for the grouting pile in drilled hole and expanded bottom and its application in the foundation of a high-story building in Guangzhou .

  24. 广州园林酒家建筑的保护、传承与发展,不能仅停留在技艺保护与建筑形式的简单复制,更要参悟它的文化精神与理念,使之与当代城市建设更好融合。

    The inheritance , protection and development about Canton Garden-Restaurant can not just stay in the simple level , but should also understand the spirit of local architecture culture well so that to make our modern urban construction more sensible and rational .

  25. 广州市单体建筑室外微气候热环境研究

    Study on Outdoor Micro-climate Thermal Environment for Single Building in Guangzhou

  26. 广州地区某办公建筑节能改造方案分析

    Analysis of Energy Saving Reform Program of an Office Building in Guangzhou

  27. 广州地铁出入口建筑设计

    Building Design of Guangzhou Metro Station Exit and Entrance

  28. 广州国际会展中心建筑设计方案国际邀请赛综述

    Summary of Architectural Design Competition by International Invitation for Guangzhou International Conference and Exhibition Center

  29. 广州亚运城居住建筑节能65%设计方案分析

    Study on Design Scheme of Energy-saving 65 % for Residential Buildings in Guangzhou Asian Game City

  30. 结果显示:广州市大中型建筑企业的平均规模逐年下降,生产效率不断提高。

    The results show that the average scale of these enterprises is dropping year after year while the productive efficiency increasing constantly .