
ɡuǎnɡ bō xì tǒnɡ
  • broadcasting system;public address system
  1. 讲话经广播系统传送出去。

    The speech was piped over a public address system .

  2. 有人调大了公共广播系统的音量。

    Someone cranked up the volume of the public address system

  3. 从有线广播系统中传出一个瓮声瓮气的声音。

    A voice came booming over the PA

  4. 他们说他们要借广播系统寻找他。

    They said they would page him over the public address system .

  5. 科学家认为,公共广播系统、扩音器、自动门等利用超声波控制的设备日益增多,可能会导致“超声病”的流行。

    Scientists say that a boom in public announcement systems , loudspeakers and automatic doors may be spawning1 an epidemic2 of ultrasonic3 sickness .

  6. 基于IP网的楼宇数字广播系统模型的设计

    Design of the Model of DAB in Smart Building

  7. 一种数字音频广播系统的正交频分复用调制符号生成器的FPGA设计

    FPGA Design of OFDM Modulation Symbol Generator Based on DAB System

  8. 用FPGA实现数字视频广播系统中的RS编码器

    The Implementation of RS Encoder in DVB System by FPGA

  9. 基于OFDM的移动多媒体广播系统同步技术研究

    Research on Synchronization in Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting System Based on OFDM

  10. 一种具有较好用户体验的P2P因特网视频广播系统

    A peer-to-peer internet video broadcast system with good user-experience

  11. 提出搭载现存的卫星TV广播系统进行高精度授时的方案,改进和提高我国的授时服务。

    A programme for establishing the time dissemination system by use of the existing satellite-TV broadcasting system is presented in this paper .

  12. 基于OFDM技术的数字AM广播系统时间同步算法研究

    A Study of the Timing Recovery Method for OFDM on the Digital AM Broadcasting System

  13. 全数字带内同频道FM广播系统的系统级仿真建模

    System Level Simulation Modeling of All Digital In-band On-channel FM Radio System

  14. 基于OFDM的数字广播系统模型研究及子载波数目确定

    Research about the OFDM-based digital broadcasting system model and decision about the number of the total subcarriers

  15. 基于CATV的数字多媒体广播系统

    Digital multimedia broadcasting system based on CATV

  16. 一种基于PKI的DRM广播系统设计

    A DRM broadcasting system design based on PKI

  17. 一种基于MPEG-4的数据广播系统

    A Data Broadcast System Based on MPEG-4

  18. 针对传统有线电视网络,我们设计了一套基于DVBC协议的数据单向广播系统。

    For the CATV network , we designed a kind of one way data broadcast system based on DVB C protocol .

  19. 提出了一种用于HFC网的高速数据广播系统,该系统的数据传输采用了IP和DVB-C技术。

    This paper suggests a high speed data broadcasting system for HFC based on IP and DVB-C.

  20. 我们针对缺乏回传通道的传统有线电视网络,设计了一个基于HFC的数据广播系统。

    We designed a kind of data broadcast system based on HFC network without return paths .

  21. 考虑到LED灯泡的普遍性,而且照明基础设施是既有的,光保真将比现有的无线广播系统更加节能,更加环保。

    Li-fi promises to be cheaper and more energy-efficient than existing wireless radio systems given the ubiquity of LED bulbs and the fact that lighting infrastructure is already in place .

  22. COFDM数字电视广播系统中使用CSI的维特比译码器

    Viterbi decoder using CSI in COFDM digital TV broadcasting system

  23. 一种简单PTS旋转因子优选方法降低OFDM数字广播系统的PAPR

    A Simple Selecting Method of PTS Phase Factor for the Reduction of PAPR in OFDM Digital Broadcasting System

  24. 基于PC的卫星数字电视广播系统的MPEG-II解码

    PC - based MPEG - II decoder for digital video broadcast - satellite systems

  25. MOT在DRM广播系统中的应用

    Application of MOT in DRM Broadcasting System

  26. 公共广播系统(PublicAddressSystem,简称PAS)是智能大厦、机场、车站、综合大楼等公共场所所必备的设备,其应用范围极为广泛。

    Public Address System ( abbreviated as PAS ) is a necessary equipment for public places such as intelligent building , airport , railway station and integrated building and has a wide range of applications .

  27. FMIBOC(带内同频)数字音频广播系统

    FM IBOC ( In Band On Channel ) Digital Radio Broadcasting System

  28. 基于数据传送带协议的DVB-C数据广播系统设计与实现

    Design and realization of DVB-C data broadcasting system based on data carousel protocol

  29. 研究COFDM数字TV广播系统中使用CSI的维特比译码器的一种实现方法。

    An implementation method of the Viterbi decoder using CSI in COFDM digital TV broadcasting system is also investigated in this paper .

  30. 为了减少失败请求的不必要的等待时间并提供客户端一定的QoS(服务质量)保证,我们在实时数据广播系统中引入广播接入控制。

    To reduce unnecessary waiting time of the failed requests and to provide some QoS guarantee to the clients , admission control is introduced to real-time data broadcast systems .