
  • 网络academic evaluation;achievement assessment
  1. 学业评价是课程评价的重头戏。

    Academic evaluation is the most important part in curriculum evaluation .

  2. 评价理念是人们对学业评价的总体看法。

    The concept of evaluation is the overall view of academic evaluation .

  3. 通过问卷调查,获得了moodle环境下学业评价数据,验证了这种模式的可操作性和有效性。

    The schoolwork assessment data , obtained under the moodle platform by questionnaire survey , prove the operability and validity of this mode .

  4. 数学教学论课程学业评价改革研究与探索

    Reform and Investigation of Academic Assessment for Mathematical Teaching Theory Course

  5. 高中物理学业评价有哪些评价工具和方法?

    Which tools and methods are effective to evaluate physics academic assessment ?

  6. 普通高中学生学业评价体系的重构

    Reconstructing the System of Student Assessment in Senior Secondary Schools

  7. 《正常人体学》发展性学生学业评价方法的探讨

    Discussion of the methods of developmental valuation of normal somatology for student

  8. 略论学业评价模式

    A Brief Discussion on Evaluation Modes of Student 's Achievement

  9. 国外历史学科学业评价的研究与发展

    The Research and Development of History Subject Evaluation Abroad

  10. 大规模学业评价的导向作用尤为突出。

    The guiding effect of achievement assessment in large scale is particularly prominent .

  11. 大学生学业评价中存在的问题及对策

    Problems and Countermeasures of Schoolwork Evaluation of College Students

  12. 作业展示性评价:学生学业评价的一个重要组成部分

    Homework Exhibition Evaluation : an Important Part of Evaluation of Students ' Academic Achievements

  13. 改革高职大学语文学业评价,促进高职学生语文素养提升

    Reforming the Academic Evaluation System to Promote the Improvement of Students ' Chinese Quality

  14. 中职学生数学学业评价指标体系的构建

    The Construction of Standards of Evaluative System about Math Study in Secondary Vocational Schools

  15. 学业评价模式初探

    A Preliminary Study of the Academic Assessment Model

  16. 摘要学业评价的改革是整个高师课改系统中十分重要的环节。

    The reform of academic assessment is very important in the system of college curriculum reform .

  17. 学业评价与课程标准的一致性:韦伯模式本土化探究

    The Coherence between Achievement Evaluation and Curriculum Standards : A Localization Study of Webb 's Model

  18. 课程产物是指课程目标、内容选择、内容组织、学业评价等要素的实质性内涵;

    The former refers to curriculum objects , content selection , content organization , performance assessment , etc.

  19. 新课程数学学业评价体系的构建与实施

    A Reflection upon the Establishment and Implementation of the Evaluation System of Mathematical Study of the New Curriculum

  20. 通过文献检索、访谈等方法对大规模学业评价的历史进行考察。

    By means of literature search and interview , the author investigated the history of large-scale academic assessment .

  21. 美术学业评价是对学生美术学习进展、变化及结果的评价。

    Art education evaluation is the students ' art learning progress , change and the result of evaluation .

  22. 本论文研究是一项理科教师学业评价观的实证研究。

    This paper is a positive research on science teachers ' conceptions of assessment on students ' academic performance .

  23. 新课程化学学科学生学业评价初探&从几则案例谈起

    A Preliminary Study of Evaluation of Students ' Performance in Chemistry of New Curriculum & Talking from Several Cases

  24. 学者和中学历史教师们对中学历史学科学业评价的研究,已经取得了一定的进展。但还存在着很大的不足。

    Though the scholars and the high-school history teachers have gained certain achievements , it is far from enough .

  25. 学业评价,又称学习评价,是对学生的学习水平、学业成绩的评定。

    Academic evaluation , also known as learning assessment , is the level of student learning , academic performance evaluation .

  26. 通过分析基于设计的研究和大数据与数据挖掘这两种分别对大规模学业评价发展具有潜在价值的理论与技术。

    By analyzing design-based research , big data and data mining that have potential values for the development of large-scale assessment .

  27. 同时,该项研究成果对其他学科从事学业评价研究、实施学业评价也具有借鉴意义。

    At the further significance , the achievement of research is beneficial for other disciplines about research and evaluation of academic .

  28. 一年的实际运行表明,该系统基本上能够满足目前高校外语考试管理工作和学业评价的需要。

    It is reported that the system can meet the basic demands of the management work for foreign language tests during the years'application .

  29. 中小学学业评价奖励制度的去激励机制剖析主观业绩评价、高管激励与制度效果&基于我国企业高管评价的多案例研究

    Passive Mechanism of the Learning Achievement Evaluation System in the Middle and Primary School ; Subjective Performance Measurement , Incentive and Institutional Effects

  30. 在这&背景下,学业评价与课程标准的一致性问题引起了全球范围内广泛的关注。

    Under this background , the issue of the alignment between curriculum standard and achievement assessment has caused wide attention throughout the world .