
zì cí
  • word
  1. 把光标移到你想插入字词的地方。

    Position the cursor where you want to insert a word .

  2. 当保罗谈到爱的时候,他用了一个很美妙的字词。

    When Paul speaks about love he uses a wonderful word .

  3. 将要写句子的时候,她搞乱了字词的次序。

    She jumbles the words when she is supposed to write a sentence .

  4. 使用专用DIALOG窗口字词。

    Using private DIALOG window words .

  5. 最后一部分中的技术提供了用于将ID更改为更有意义的字词的方法。

    The technique in the last section provides a way to change the ID into more meaningful words .

  6. 使用“信息检索”功能,您可以利用双语词典翻译单个字词或短语,或者使用基于web的机器翻译服务来翻译整个文档。

    Using the research feature , you can translate single words or short phrases by using bilingual dictionaries or translate your entire document by using web-based machine translation services .

  7. 为解释语言中大量存在的语义不透明现象,研究者在字词认知研究中引入了语义透明度(semantictransparency)概念。上述IIC模型就是根据透明度的研究提出来的。

    Semantic transparency is introduced in the field of lexical recognition to explain the phenomenon of semantic opaqueness .

  8. 中文双字词Stroop现象实验研究

    An Experimental Study of Stroop Phenomenon in Two-Character Chinese Color Words

  9. 该测验包括数字鉴别、心算、汉字旋转、数字工作记忆、双字词再认、三位数再认、无意义图形再认7项分测验,其软件程序用C语言编写。

    The test consisted of 7 subtests : digit discrimination , mental arithmetic , Chinese character rotation , digit working memory , recognition of dual words , recognition of tri-digits and recognition of meaningless figure , and its software was programed by using C language .

  10. 基于双字哈希的PAT树词典机制不仅吸取了双字哈希处理双字词的高效性,同时也将多字词切分的时间效率提高。

    The dictionary mechanism based on double-character-hash-indexing of Patricia tree not only absorbs the high efficiency of double-character-hash-indexing , but also improves the efficiency of segmentation of more than two words .

  11. 我把它从我的iPhone签名中删掉了,因为我不喜欢多余的字词占据我的邮件,许多情况下,我也不想让收件人知道我没在办公桌前。

    Ive erased it from my iPhone signature because I dont like to freight my emails with extra words , and in many instances I dont want the recipient to know Im not at my desk .

  12. 目的:采用汉语双字词对再认过程中额区新旧效应与熟悉感判别有关、顶区新旧效应与回忆有关的ERP熟悉感/回忆假说进行检验。

    Objective : Using Chinese words to examine the claim that the frontal ERP old / new effect is related to familiarity and the parietal old / new effect is related to recollection ( the ERP familiarity / recollection hypothesis ) .

  13. Anagrams(由颠倒字母顺序而构成的字)是这样一些字词,你可以用同样的字母重新组合成别的字词。

    Anagrams are words or phrases that you can rearrange into another word or phrase , using the same letters .

  14. 实验结果表明,随着HMM从单音素建模到三音素建模的转换,测试语句在语句级和字词级的识别率都呈增加的趋势,捆绑三音素后识别率达到稳定状态。

    Experiential results showed that as the HMM changed from mono-phone model to tri-phone mode , the recognition accuracy of statement-level and word-level were both increased , and reached a higher level after Tied-State Tri-phone model was employed .

  15. 在150ms和250ms两种SOA条件下,以彩色图片为启动刺激,以汉语双字词为目标刺激,通过评价分类任务考察情感启动效应。

    The present study used pictures as primes and words as targets to investigate the affective priming effects in the evaluative categorization task under two SOA conditions .

  16. 结论汉语句子结尾字匹配与不匹配的N400与字词认知中的语义密切相关,可作为一个有临床价值的认知电位而用于临床多种伴有语言障碍疾病的评估。

    Conclusions N 400 in Chinese sentence-ending word matching test is close by related to the semantic context of the word recognition , and possesses clinically valuable recognition potential for assessing language disorders .

  17. 参考诺基亚手机开发网站提供的基于S60平台的输入法开发文档,设计了一套所有应用程序的输入法实例与FEP中文词库服务器程序进行交互的方案,利用输入法后台服务器程序实现字词的检索。

    Refering to development documents of input methods provided by Nokia mobile phone development Website , designing a proposal that input method instance of all application interact with the server of Chinese vocabulary , and using the server of input method for searching words .

  18. 因为这款可乐的名字里没包含任何跟大蒜有关的字词,所以你可以用它来跟不知道Takko是日本大蒜之都的朋友开玩笑。

    You just don 't have to eat the gyoza first 。 Since the name of the drink doesn 't mention garlic at all , this could easily be used to play some tricks on unassuming friends who don 't know that Takko is the garlic center of Japan .

  19. 图画与中、英文字词识别加工的比较

    The comparison of recognizing pictures , Chinese characters and English words

  20. 可以使用自定义字典来检查非标准字词。

    You can use a custom dictionary to check non-standard words .

  21. 选择包含排除字词的表或视图。

    Select the table or view that contains the exclusion terms .

  22. 不同的语言体现了不同的思维模式。字词作为语言的最小语义单位,必然打上思维模式的烙印。

    Different thinking patterns find their reflection in different languages correspondingly .

  23. 训诂学与中学语文字词教学

    Chinese Exegetics and the Character and Word Teaching in Junior Chinese

  24. 汉语双字词在大脑两半球的语义启动研究

    Semantic Priming Effect by Two-word Chinese Characters in the Cerebral Hemispheres

  25. 聋人与听力正常人汉语字词加工认知途径的比较(英文)

    Cognitive processing of Chinese characters between hearing-disabled and normal people ;

  26. 汉语连续语音三字词声调提取方法研究

    A pitch detection method for three-syllabic word of Chinese continuous speech tone

  27. 当然罗学习读音规则和字词结构也是必要的。

    It 's also necessary to learn the phonetic rules and word-formation .

  28. 将指针悬停在要翻译的字词上。

    Pause the pointer over the word that you want to translate .

  29. 中文双字词在心理词典中的通达表征

    The Access Representation of Chinese Two-character Words in Mental Lexicon

  30. 一种基于字词联合解码的中文分词方法

    Approach to Chinese Word Segmentation Based on Character-Word Joint Decoding