
  1. 接着,又称赞了一通婴儿底母亲:说是呆读书实在无用,聪明是天生的。

    Then he began to praise the young woman , saying that she was born clever and that it was quite useless to be a bookworm like himself .

  2. 秀才底大妻呢,表面也爱他,似爱她自己亲生的儿子一样,但在婴儿底大眼睛里,却看她似陌生人,也用奇怪的不倦的视法。

    As to the scholar 's wife , although outwardly she showed as much affection for Qiu Bao as if he were her own baby , he would stare at her with the same indefatigable curiosity as he did at strangers .

  3. “小不点高跟鞋”是生产婴儿软底鞋的公司,该公司称其产品是“时髦”的“天后款”。

    Pee Wee Pumps , which makes soft shoes for infants , describes its products as " cool " and " diva defining . "

  4. 阿尔克墨涅害怕赫拉会妒心大发,便把新生婴儿抛弃在底比斯墙外的田野里。

    Alcmene , fearing Hera 's jealousy , exposed her newly-born child in a field outside the walls of Thebes .