
pó luó mén jiào
  • Brahmanism
  1. 佛教与婆罗门教中的否定形态的思维方式

    The Negative Type Mode of Thinking in Buddhism and Brahmanism

  2. 印度的婆罗门教、佛教与中国的儒家、道家

    Indian Brahmanism and Buddhism Versus China 's Confucianism and Taoism

  3. 佛教和婆罗门教是各种宗教中思辨性较强的派别。

    Buddhism and Brahmanism are the religions which have more philosophical thoughts .

  4. 他很喜欢研究象婆罗门教这样古老的宗教。

    He loves to research old religions such as Brahmanism .

  5. 婆罗门教与大乘佛教经过了长期融和的过程。

    Brahmanism and Mahayana have passed a long process of mixture and interfusion .

  6. 婆罗门教的复兴是出现在孔雀王朝没落的时期。

    A Brahmanic revival appears to have occurred with the fall of the Mauryas .

  7. 如果允许我用历史的例证,那就有亚历山德里亚文化。或希腊主义文化,或印度(婆罗门教)文化。

    or , if historical exemplifications are permitted , there is either an Alexandrian or a Hellenic or a Buddhistic culture .

  8. 爱默生汲取了东方文化传统中儒家的性善论、天人合一与印度婆罗门教的梵我一如观念。

    Emerson learned the goodness of the Confucian tradition and the view of Brahman as one in Indian in the Oriental culture .

  9. 密教是印度大乘佛教发展到最后一个阶段出现的流派,由印度大乘佛教一部分派别吸收婆罗门教及其他民间宗教的一些内容而形成的大乘教派。

    Esoteric Buddhism in the school that Indian Mahayana Buddhism develops into the last period of stage and presents . It has absorbed Brahmanism and other folk religious contents .

  10. 本文论述了古婆罗门教与道德律的缺失和沙门思潮中的虚无主义,并对佛教教义作了伦理学分析。

    This paper consists of three parts : 1.the ancient Brahmanism and the absence of the law of causality in morality ; 2.the nihilism in Brahmans schools ; 3.an ethical analysis of some Buddhist doctrines .

  11. 其二,受印度次大陆独特的社会文化因素的影响,其中包括种姓制、婆罗门教、民族传统文化和地理环境等因素,使吠陀时代体育呈现出独特的印度特征。

    Second , affected by the special social cultural factors of india , which included the initial brahmanism , caste system , traditional cultural legacy and geographical feature , the Vedic sport show disdinct charecteristics .

  12. 泰国人民对国王的崇拜源自于泰国的原始地神崇拜,而外来婆罗门教与佛教思想的渗透及其最终与本土原始信仰的融合,则进一步巩固了人民对国王的崇拜。

    Thailand 's worship of the King roots in the primitive belief of the local god of land , Which is penetrated and integrated by the imported religions of Brahman and Buddhism , that in furn further strengthen such a worship .