
  • 网络she and him
  1. 他们误禁了《她和他》,因为他们分不清佐伊·丹斯切尔和凯蒂·佩里

    They banned " She and Him " by mistake , because they can 't tell Zooey Deschanel from Katy Perry

  2. 我真的感到非常、非常快乐,他说,但我只是希望她和他&但主要是凯瑟琳,希望她得到必要的保护让她作为孕妇享受伴随而来的隐私。

    I literally am very , very happy for them , he says , but I just only hope that she and him – but mainly Catherine – hopefully that she gets the necessary protection to allow her as a mother-to-be to enjoy the privacy that that comes with .

  3. 她和他擦肩而过。

    She brushed past him .

  4. 他们把剩下的酒全倒出来,她和他碰了一下杯。

    They poured out the rest of the wine and she chinked his mug .

  5. 她和他哥哥订了婚。

    She was betrothed to his brother .

  6. 她和他碰了一下杯。

    She clinked her glass against his

  7. 上周她和他分手了,知道双方的一个消息人士告诉《People》。

    She broke up with him last week , one source who knows both parties tells PEOPLE .

  8. 这是她和他丈夫GradyHall的第一个孩子。

    It 's her first child with husband Grady Hall .

  9. vt.要求,请求他邀请她和他一起去钓鱼。

    request He requested her to go fishing with him .

  10. 据说她和他对上眼了。

    Said she strikes the right chord with him or something .

  11. 她和他说话就象对孩子说话一样。

    She talked to him as if he were a child .

  12. 她和他处在热恋中。

    She was in love with him and he with her .

  13. 你没听到她和他说什么吗

    You didn 't hear anything that she said to him ?

  14. 她和他很亲密:他门是很亲密的朋友。

    She is close with him : They are very close friends .

  15. 母亲对她和他都一样疼爱。

    Mother loves her as dearly as she loves him .

  16. 并不准她和他说话。

    And had forbidden her to have anything to say to him .

  17. 她和他搬到这里来复元的。

    She actually moved in here with him to recover .

  18. 她和他谈了她的种种希望和疑虑。

    She told him of all her hopes and fears .

  19. 她和他把该挂在墙上的又都挂了上去。

    They hung all the things back to the wall .

  20. :.她和他很亲密:他门是很亲密的朋友。.

    She is close with him They are very close friends

  21. 她和他握手说“你好,伙伴”

    She shook hands with him , said ," howdy , partner !"

  22. 她和他顺着荒漠的河岸走着,谈着话。

    They walked along the barren banks of the river , chatting .

  23. 她和他一起进过教堂,是不是?

    She went into the church with him , didn 't she ?

  24. 她和他差不多一般高。

    She was nearly as tall as he was .

  25. 她和他哥哥瑞恩都是特里家的。

    And her and her brother Ryan were tunnys .

  26. 我觉得应该让她和他讲话。

    I think that she should speak to him .

  27. 这就是托伊要她和他会面的地方。

    This was the place where Troy had asked her to meet him .

  28. 她和他很像,也一样很有规律。

    She 's just Iike him , and she 's just as predictable .

  29. 她和他默默地对坐着。

    He and she were sitting face to face .

  30. 她和他爬遍了这个世界的山。

    She climbed all over the world with him .